I always preferred the Stanislam Lem sci-fi interpretations, like in His Master's Voice.

In that book, an alien transmission is so unfamiliar to humans that they spend decades trying to decode it without getting past the very surface.

Like that Graham Greene quote:

“You cannot conceive, nor can I, of the appalling strangeness of the mercy of God.”

If we could understand God, it would be too boring. And boring fiction is not worth reading or getting into.
That's why I liked the movie "Contact" with Jodie Foster. When they got the alien transmission it was primes, then it was a Nazi broadcast they bounced back with instructions to build the giant gyroscope. I found it to be a cerebral movie and I loved those twists. 🤗
Sweet idea to send a radio signal from one end of the galaxy to the other, but it might be impractical? It might be similar to me being in Newfoundland and you being in the UK on both sides of the Atlantic ocean where we hope it's calm and I splash on my side and I hope you see the ripples on your end? Whatever splashes I make personally would be too weak, and if I were to make ripples big enough there are storms, ocean currents, the movement of sea life that would disrupt those ripples. Similarly in outer space between several light years, what if there was a supernova? That would significantly disrupt such a transmission I'd think? :unsure:
Caution for any who loathe Trump. I created this thread largely for my own entertainment and I did not think there would be any interest to view this far into this thread besides myself. I admit I favor Trump so do not get bent out of shape seeing upcoming pro-Trump videos, thanks.

A take on the "Full Metal Alchemist"... :LOL::ROFLMAO:

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Cheesy yes by today's standards but I was always looking for this episode. 🤗 🤗 🤗 🤗 🤗 🤗 🤗 🤗 🤗 🤗

Given DAESH OR ISIS I doubt there will ever be any episodes of ISIS desired anymore.

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