
If you are a closet gay man perhaps the injections of another man's ejaculate in your a$$... as feeling a dick inside there will probably cure your ED by making you hard "naturally". just a guess. Anything else can only be answered by an MD who i am not. But at least i understand that there are many different causes for ED, so there cannot be one "general solution" like an "injection" that is capable of "curing" all cases. If you like to have a real and good answer to your question, consult a doctor of your trust.
If you are a closet gay man perhaps the injections of another man's ejaculate in your a$$... as feeling a dick inside there will probably cure your ED by making you hard "naturally". just a guess. Anything else can only be answered by an MD who i am not. But at least i understand that there are many different causes for ED, so there cannot be one "general solution" like an "injection" that is capable of "curing" all cases. If you like to have a real and good answer to your question, consult a doctor of your trust.
Why such a flippant reply?
Maybe injected Papaverine. No first hand knowledge here.*******-supplements/papaverine-injection-route/proper-use/drg-20065314

I’d try cialis or viagra first.
Are you serious? We're talking about medication that can cause heart attacks, right? :rolleyes: We know nothing about the OP or his situation and suggest things like that? What a bummer!
And go on posting links to page four of a ******* description and not page one where the warnings and legal info are included 🤦‍♂️ where it says (excerpt)...

"Papaverine injection should not be used as a sexual aid by men who do not have erectile dysfunction. If the medicine is not used properly, permanent damage to the penis and loss of the ability to have erections could result.

Papaverine is available only with your doctor's prescription.

Some folks mentioned injections to overcome ED issues. What type of injections are they referring too?
What they are referring to is a penile injection therapy product named TRIMIX.

It's a intravenous injection that you inject right into the shaft muscle of your penis called the Corpus Cavernosa.

I was at a lifestyle party at a major Hotel here in San Diego. One of the hotwives that I played with that night I had a lengthy conversation with her husband and he shared with me that he suffered from ED. He explained to me that he had tried pretty much every product on the market to treat his ED and nothing had worked for him except the Trimix injection. There was a side effect though. He said that his dick wouldn't go down at all! See Trimex is designed to synthetically activate the penis's bichemical reaction which causes the warm ******* to fill up the penis and give you an erection. The problem is depending upon the individual using the product a single size serving or dosage amount of that product could be more than what's necessary for that individual and cause that particular side effect to accrue. So the husband told me that he had to go to the hospital to get another injection just to make his dick go down.

Also a very popular black male porn star uses Trimix on the regular in order to perform at the high level that he does. He had a very serious medical scare. So apparently he had used too much of this product in which I told you it "synthetically performs the biochemical process that draws the warm ******* into your penis" which is supposed to happen naturally when you are aroused. His penis was over inflating with ******* and he had to go to the emergency room to get the ******* drained manually or his penis was going to burst!😫

I saw a picture of this black male porn star on a hospital bed with his penis wrapped in gauze! Guess who it was? (Hint: If you think of the top 5 most popular black male porn stars in the industry for that last 10 years this guy is one of them, but he is not number 1 or number 5. Who is he?🤔