
Sub actualy has a point \Americans are actualy are all immigrants of a sort......Also immigration will out grow the US populus growth 7-1 by 2065

Also not one American is actually an original. You all are a mix of some kind of immigrant.. Or do you think Americans were a native to the America's?

First off you are wrong.....i dont think you an subhub know what the definition of an immigrant is. An immigrant by definition is someone who moves to or takes up residence in a country that is not there native homeland. I was born here as were my can you tell me how i am an immigrant. Had nothing to do with race.

My grandparents on my fathers side are Russian and Polish. Both Born in those countries and IMMIGRATED to this country and became dad was born russian and polish immigrants......he is not an immigrant . He is an you follow??? So you guys can try to twist the definition of an immigrant as much as you want but you are wrong.
here in Liberal Canada, there is a zero tolerance for illegal immigration. Canada's immigration system is based on economic need. unlike the U.S where most immigration is based on family reunification many of which are not screened

RBC tried to replace employees with temporary foreign workers. somebody on the inside blew the whistle and it generated public outrage

As they should. I wish this country took illegal immigration as serious as Canada.
Actually thats not True. The base line on which you draw your conclusion is a biased conclusion. That said it has two sides and both sides claim they are right and that their conclusions are the right ones.... being born of American parents who them selves are either immigrants or ofspring doesn't make one American. It makes you the ofspring of immigrants with American citizenship.

Research done not long ago found that if Trumps policy is followed through then which of you are going to do the menial tasks that many immigrants do as there will be MILLIONS of low paid job open that 'Americans' refuse to do... Now. Blantent abuse of immigration is different than wanting to partake and a willingness to make a better life for themselves, paying taxes ect.... You were all gien a chance many years ago to try to make a new life...Then why shouldn't they as long as they contribute?

being born of American parents who them selves are either immigrants or ofspring doesn't make one American. It makes you the ofspring of immigrants with American citizenship. Huh???? If the Parents have immigrated and are naturalized citizens of the US and they have a baby in the US...that baby is an American....
What the fuck dont you understand.
there is a lot I could say on that silly assed statement....but I will cut you some slack since I am familiar with your IQ level

I have a problem with someone making a silly comment that is untrue and especially based on facts from Fox...that is bad enough.....but when someone else jumps in to defend that silliness...just compounds the stupidity
2 stupid comments...never add up to the facts
but then facts are something that has always eluded you

and yes..I am the resident Libber and say something that is not right and can't cover it with facts...I will jump all over it!
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LOL Then the sound you heard WAS the point going over your head. You allowed them in.. let them settle. Now you're whiniing about them...Hypocrisy much?
Whining about who? I'm agreeing with the law that says illegal immigrants are ILLEGAL. My question to you is why do you want them over here so bad? Obviously you are not with the Democrats strategy displace African Americans and replace them with illegals because you are on an interracial sex forum. Do you really honestly believe people who could give a rats ass about our laws and broke a federal one to come here have your Best interest in mind?
again just more bullshit out of your rational statement nor any facts!
you spouted off at the start with some fox news facts...totally bullshit...and have yet to come up with anything factual...except dinosaurs and liberals....typical fox news educated! it looks like where not going to have that intelligent discussion just an insult exchange. I came here for dirty talk, meetups and to I'm going back to that. it looks like where not going to have that intelligent discussion just an insult exchange
you need to check around....I haven't insulted you yet!....when I insult will know it!
as for the intelligent conversation haven't made any yet except your first statement....and I have made it more than clear you were wrong!
so do what you want...if you came here for dirty talk...well fuck!......came here to meet sorry not interested...and that definitely puts the fuck part out of the ..........
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I'm agreeing with the law that says illegal immigrants are ILLEGAL

we all agree on that

the question should be why do you hate them so bad you are willing to post false statements
this is a country of immigrants and now all of a sudden some want to stop taking them in unless they are?????
they do a lot of good for the country....some are highly educated ...some perform tasks you probably wouldn't do and they all pay taxes on what they buy
the job market is still there...if you are qualified you should get the job.......what makes it bad is the employers looking to take advantage of things and hire the illegals and not pay them anything....cutting American jobs and taxes to the gov....there wouldn't be an illegal immigration problem if those shady employers didn't hire them......with no prospect for a job...they wouldn't come here...but as long as there are shady assholes to hire them they will keep coming.....we have laws to deal with employers that knowingly hire illegals but have you ever heard of an employer arrested for it? I haven't! for the others escaping a country of war and killing.....they still have to apply to get here...and they do not just cross our it all boils down to the ones crossing the borders and the shifty fuckers hiring them!
there is a lot I could say on that silly assed statement....but I will cut you some slack since I am familiar with your IQ level

I have a problem with someone making a silly comment that is untrue and especially based on facts from Fox...that is bad enough.....but when someone else jumps in to defend that silliness...just compounds the stupidity
2 stupid comments...never add up to the facts
but then facts are something that has always eluded you

and yes..I am the resident Libber and say something that is not right and can't cover it with facts...I will jump all over it!

Tell me one thing i have said in this thread that is incorrect.
ever consider who is on their borders?
wonder how many americans are living and working there?
and it goes on in noticed...yet if they had a darker skin...?????

Oh here we now its a racism thing. Your fucking kidding me. You really are a liberal fucktard. Has absolutely nothing to do with anyones skin color and everything thing to do with them being here again i will ask you what you dont understand. Apparently you dont care that illegals are streaming into your country.
is that a fact?
there seems to be some discussion on that! But I'm sure Fox has their own views that you coincide with......but most people agree that those bought here through no fault of their own and were not old enough t know...should be allowed....check your facts on that.....the majorit of the country supports the dreamers!
you preach checking facts and yet know nothing about what in the hell you are talking about!...just preach and defend your fox stupidity!

There are no facts to check.....see if your not a citizen and your living here you are an illegal.....doesnt fucking matter how they got here. And it doesnt fucking matter if your liberal thinking thinks they should be allowed here ...its against the LAW.
the question should be why do you hate them so bad you are willing to post false statements
this is a country of immigrants and now all of a sudden some want to stop taking them in unless they are?????

No we are a country of Legal immigrants....not anybody who just wants to wonder in.
Whining about who? I'm agreeing with the law that says illegal immigrants are ILLEGAL. My question to you is why do you want them over here so bad? Obviously you are not with the Democrats strategy displace African Americans and replace them with illegals because you are on an interracial sex forum. Do you really honestly believe people who could give a rats ass about our laws and broke a federal one to come here have your Best interest in mind?

Dude you are barking up the wrong tree with a lot of these people on here. The fact that it being illegal and that doesnt bother them should tell you everything you need to know. With them they always have there own interpretation of how things should be and the law isnt one of them.
Oh here we now its a racism thing
isn't it...?!?!

You really are a liberal fucktard
go back to listening to your hero...glen beck...he fills you with so much knowledge

so again i will ask you what you dont understand. Apparently you dont care that illegals are streaming into your country.
twisting things alittle...and apparently can't read the read part and shoot off...typical of a retard!
There are no facts to check.....see if your not a citizen and your living here you are an illegal.....doesnt fucking matter how they got here. And it doesnt fucking matter if your liberal thinking thinks they should be allowed here ...its against the LAW.

have you read anything I posted instead of just a part of a sentence and then shooting off your mouth....and you wonder why I make fun of you for being.....slow!
Dude you are barking up the wrong tree with a lot of these people on here what I wrote....jesus.... you can't be that fucking dense!

and just a far 5 people on here and I think BlkGodx and I agree.....I agree with BM from jersy...daphne and I are in that leaves only you....and you can't read a full sentence!
First off you are wrong.....i dont think you an subhub know what the definition of an immigrant is. An immigrant by definition is someone who moves to or takes up residence in a country that is not there native homeland. I was born here as were my can you tell me how i am an immigrant. Had nothing to do with race.

My grandparents on my fathers side are Russian and Polish. Both Born in those countries and IMMIGRATED to this country and became dad was born russian and polish immigrants......he is not an immigrant . He is an you follow??? So you guys can try to twist the definition of an immigrant as much as you want but you are wrong.

LOL Well done for showing your ignorance.... Anyone who starts of with First of all you are wrong then brings 'RACE' into it needs their head examined . You need to rethink your idea of an immigrant...

Paleolithic migration prior to end of the Last Glacial Maximum spread anatomically modern humans throughout Afro-Eurasia and to the Americas. During the Holocene climatic optimum, formerly isolated populations began to move and merge, giving rise to the pre-modern distribution of the world's major language families.In the wake of the population movements of the Mesolithic came the Neolithic revolution, followed by the Indo-European expansion in Eurasia and the Bantu expansion in Africa.

Population movements of the proto-historical or early historical period include the Migration period, followed by (or connected to) the Slavic, Magyar Norse, Turkic and Mongol expansions of the medieval period.The last world regions to be permanently settled were the Pacific Islands and the Arctic, reached during the 1st millennium AD. Since the beginning of the Age of Exploration and the beginning of the Early Modern period and its emerging colonial empires, an accelerated pace of migration on the intercontinental scale became possible.

Meaning that ANYONE who migrates IS AN IMMIGRANT..... Getting citizenship doesn't make you anything other than an IMMIGRANT..... The ONLY people who are NOT are the Native American.... So just stop with you sanctimonious repliees and do the research!
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Whining about who? I'm agreeing with the law that says illegal immigrants are ILLEGAL. My question to you is why do you want them over here so bad? Obviously you are not with the Democrats strategy displace African Americans and replace them with illegals because you are on an interracial sex forum. Do you really honestly believe people who could give a rats ass about our laws and broke a federal one to come here have your Best interest in mind?

Not you as the person whining. I should have made that a bit clearer, what I meant is the Rep party and its members in congress.