Images that will set the mind racing

This photo of a beautiful young bride sitting on the edge of the bed totally nude except for her bridal veil sets my mind racing. Just hours before was supposed to be the happiest moment of her life when she married. What happened to make her so upset?
Her white hubby was not the most handsome nor sexiest man in the world and she was totally out of his league but somehow he convinced her to marry him. He was thrilled when they made love on their wedding night but it was a disappointment for her. When he finished quickly and got out of bed leaving her frustrated, she was shocked when he left her to go ******* in the hotel bar.

Bride on bed crying DNS (2).png
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This photo of a beautiful young bride sitting on the edge of the bed totally nude except for her bridal veil sets my mind racing. Just hours before was supposed to be the happiest moment of her life when she married. What happened to make her so upset?
Her white hubby was not the most handsome nor sexiest man in the world and she was totally out of his league but somehow he convinced her to marry him. He was thrilled when they made love on their wedding night but it was a disapointment for her. When he finished quickly and got out of bed leaving her frustrated, she was shocked shen he left her to go ******* in the hotel bar.
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