If you let men suck your dick, you's gay, not a bull

This what I mean, though. People will call women bi, but for men, it's gay. Page after page of idiotic homophobic nonsense talking about how "Gaaaaaaay" a guy is if he experiments. The comment to which I was replying was, "then dude you are a homo." Someone who's bi is bi, not a "homo."

Heterosexual means sexual attraction to the opposite sex, homosexual means sexual attraction to the same sex, and bisexual means sexual attraction to both sexes. And bisexuality is a spectrum. By this I mean it doesn't mean equal parts gay and straight. Virtually EVERY respected source of sexual research has acknowledged that not all people who've had same-sex experiences have the same level of attraction to both sexes. Kinsey's scale is a good, easy-to-understand example for reference. It expresses the spectrum like this:

0 - Exclusively heterosexual
1 - Predominantly heterosexual, only incidentally homosexual
2 - Predominantly heterosexual, but more than incidentally homosexual
3 - Equally heterosexual and homosexual
4 - Predominantly homosexual, but more than incidentally heterosexual
5 - Predominantly homosexual, only incidentally heterosexual
6 - Exclusively homosexual

So when someone says, "I'm not gay, but a couple times I've had a woman's husband suck me off," guess what? HE'S NOT GAY. He's like a 1 on Kinsey's scale. If it becomes a repeated thing and he finds he enjoys it more than just incidentally, he's perhaps a 2, which is more solidly bisexual but still closer to straight than gay.

The reason I think this is an important distinction to make is that the people who start threads like this always say ******* like, "I don't care what you do behind closed doors, but you're gay." Sometimes they'll follow it up with something like, "not that there's anything wrong with that." But if there's nothing wrong with it, then why make a big deal about it in the first place? Why not acknowledge that different people have different desires and orientations, and leave it at that? People acknowledge that women are "maybe a little bit bi," if they have some attraction or willingness to experiment with both sexes, and they leave them the fuck alone about it. But men? They try something once and they're 100% gay? That's fucking ridiculous. If they try fucking a woman after that, are they 100% straight? Nope. Still gay. "Not that there's anything wrong with that, but I'm gonna label you (incorrectly) for the rest of your life, for being open to a type of experience in certain situations that I would never do. I'll be over here hollering about what you are (which is gay) and aren't (which is straight or bi or bi-curious or whatever), but don't worry, I totally don't care that you're doing it."

And THEN, these same motherfuckers are like, "they're fucking sneaky about it!" Well, I'll grant you, people shouldn't be deceptive. I've acknowledged that in practically every one of my replies here. But, wanna know the best way to make people stop feeling like they need to be sneaky about something like that? REMOVE THE FUCKING STIGMA! Stop trying to plaster permanent labels on people, calling their masculinity into question, refusing to listen when they talk about how they identify, etc. Validate them when they say, "I've always been straight, but recently started having urges to try this particular thing with a particular kind of man." Try saying something like, "cool, I hope you enjoy it. I'm not your guy, but I hope you find him." Or, if it doesn't directly involve you, but you still can't say something validating and kind, consider exercising your right to remain silent. No peanut gallery shouting "GAY" is needed. If dudes weren't blasted with insults for wanting to try something, they'd have no reason to hide their desires.

I'm as open, honest, and straight-forward as I can possibly be about this. I'm not attracted to men, but my wife thinks it's hot watching me service her bulls when they're into it, and I'm turned on by her dominance, obeying her as her submissive, and doing things that are taboo and/or outside my normal comfort zone, when she (or the person she's told me to obey) is in charge. So, I'm about a 1 on Kinsey's scale. I consider myself predominantly straight, with incidental same-sex tendencies. I am not in denial about it. I am not hiding anything. I am not trying to deceive anyone. I have never tried to convince a man who told me or my wife that he was strictly straight to have any kind of sexual contact with me. Most of her bulls lately have only been interested in sexual contact with her, and and we all get along fine. But to hear people on here talk, I'm GAY GAY GAY!

Well, fine. Call me gay. I truly don't give a fuck, because unlike those slapping the label on me, I truly believe there's nothing wrong with people who actually are gay. But don't also whine about how sneaky bi or bi-curious guys are. They wouldn't be, if narrow-minded, homophobic simpletons didn't start a new thread like this one every few days.
Gay as hell.
I can't front, that part IS kinda true 🤣

Which is why I have chosen my words very carefully. I really don't care what people do sexually but there are very real health concerns involved. My commentary has been directed towards that factor.

There are some definite fudge packers on this website and I've seen some of these women go bare sex with those men. That's a serious health risk.

Not for me, I'm just saying 😅

But...i noticed Who does What with Who and we will never meet up.🚫

My main problem is with "straight bait" and wasting my time!

I keep telling these folks you need to be upfront and put bisexual in your postings there's no reason to hide anymore if your man is gay he just needs to come out and say it I don't care if he puts "bisexual" or just gay for black whatever 🙄
but they need to be upfront and stop hiding behind code words
Cuckolding is gay.
Wow. You can’t find couples to play with because there is this massive critical mass of secretly bi bulls getting all the action ?

That is hilarious.

There’s always been a strain of hotwifing - really cuckolding that incorporates bi play. It has also been a very taboo and not talked about subject / strain of this lifestyle. If you are into it you can find it; if you are not and you are approached - all you need to do is firmly and respectfully decline.

Anything else makes you look inexperienced and insecure in your own sexuality.

I mean even Justin Slayer who started off with hotwives including Hot Yoga Wife and her hubby out of FL was in some scenes that definitely were a bit more bent than straight and he’s on Blacked every month fucking a new gorgeous starlet.
If you’ve actually been in this lifestyle more than 5 minutes and watched and listened you’d know that. It is your job as a Bull to be very clear about your interests, experience, ability and limits.

But there are also other sub cultures in this lifestyle - including the more & more prominent stag vixen movement that is more about voyeurism and exhibitionism.

There are now quite a fww oly hotwives who want more of a long term lover and yes there are classic cucks who get off on both the contrast and the humiliation of watching their wives with a more capable and well endowed lover. And I am seeing a lot more black hotwives as well.

It is absolutely hilarious that this is the hill the OP wants to die on vs a) being very clear about their preferences and b) focusing on the things they can control.

The mere fact that you are policing what people do in the bedroom when we are all on a site dedicated to a mixture of hotwifing, cuckolding, raceplay and swinging is a bit ironic.

If you don’t want to do bi *******; just say no but the reason you might not be getting play may be because of your immature attitude not this secret bisexual mafia bogeyman you’ve created in your head.
Nah, it’s because he’s not gay and he’s looking for sex from people who only have gay experiences to offer.
Selectively quoting without the entire context of what I said is misquoting - you either know you're doing it and you're gas lighting or you're unable to grasp the concept - which is it?

I never said I get a headache from reading - I said your posts are a headache. Quotations and ellipses where they don't belong, things bolded for no reason, a myriad of nonsense links and graphics. Your words don't have merit on their own so you need to try and dazzle people with bullshit. I get it, I'm saying it's a messy headache.

My entire comment addressed the fact that this thread has gotten completely sidetracked, how tf am I side tracking an already sidetracked topic 🤦🏻‍♀️

You and Kevin Samuels can both take your asinine opinions, sit on them and spin.
Again SIGN language and again making up your own definitions to fit you !
(Intelligent people know better and I'll prove it !) 🧸
From Your quote: " Selectively quoting without the entire context of what I said is misquoting - you either know you're doing it and you're gas lighting or you're unable to grasp the concept - which is it?"
Anyone with access to google can show you that you made the definition of misquoting to fit your needs (again playing the victim )
This is the definition of misquote :mis·quote /misˈkwōt/ • quote (a person or a piece of written or spoken text) inaccurately.
Let's take it a bit further into what it "actually" means : What does it mean when I misquote someone?
And this by definition (Not your made to fit your needs definition is this )To misquote someone is to incorrectly repeat the words they've said.
There was no "incorrect" in me taking the words you had typed on your own
(I didn't switch words or letters around in what you wrote I just quoted it !)
Now what really ruffles my feathers is "You" are trying to paint a picture that I am so stupid that I don't know what gaslighting is or I can't understand "concepts?" and you tried to do that with this condescending quote from you : " you either know you're doing it and you're gas lighting or you're unable to grasp the concept - which is it?"
That's what you wrote after you selectively changed the definition of misquoting to fit your needs !
You wanna play that game .. "Okay" ... I'm not gonna treat you as a victim for just being a woman , I'm going to treat you as a person who has tried to insult me by being "Emotional" and with that said ...Now you🇨🇦 should never use the word "merit" because when you🇨🇦 have a difference of opinion on a hot topic with any educated member (On this forum male or female ) you arguments lack thereof.
That's why I do not "Thumbs Down (n)" anyone's comment whether I disagree or not because to the "Skilled" it is a sign of weakness🧸
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In situations like that it usually ends up being people green to the scene. I didn’t lose my cool just walked out…I make sure it’s clarified before I start railing the wife and he decides to go reaching for my cock! I tell whoever it is “no funny business with male on male interactions, only hand shakes and conversations.”
You walked into that one by inviting other men into your sexual experiences.
Again SIGN language and again making up your own definitions to fit you !
(Intelligent people know better and I'll prove it !) 🧸
From Your quote: " Selectively quoting without the entire context of what I said is misquoting - you either know you're doing it and you're gas lighting or you're unable to grasp the concept - which is it?"
Anyone with access to google can show you that you made the definition of misquoting to fit your needs (again playing the victim )
This is the definition of misquote :mis·quote /misˈkwōt/ • quote (a person or a piece of written or spoken text) inaccurately.
Let's take it a bit further into what it "actually" means : What does it mean when I misquote someone?
And this by definition (Not your made to fit your needs definition is this )To misquote someone is to incorrectly repeat the words they've said.
There was no "incorrect" in me taking the words you had typed on your own
(I didn't switch words or letters around in what you wrote I just quoted it !)
Now what really ruffles my feathers is "You" are trying to paint a picture that I am so stupid that I don't know what gaslighting is or I can't understand "concepts?" and you tried to do that with this condescending quote from you : " you either know you're doing it and you're gas lighting or you're unable to grasp the concept - which is it?"
That's what you wrote after you selectively changed the definition of misquoting to fit your needs !
You wanna play that game .. "Okay" ... I'm not gonna treat you as a victim for just being a woman , I'm going to treat you as a person who has tried to insult me by being "Emotional" and with that said ...Now you🇨🇦 should never use the word "merit" because when you🇨🇦 have a difference of opinion on a hot topic with any educated member (On this forum male or female ) you arguments lack thereof.
That's why I do not "Thumbs Down (n)" anyone's comment whether I disagree or not because to the "Skilled" it is a sign of weakness🧸
Stop. Wasting. Time. Reasoning. With. Sexual. Predators. And. Liars.
You flipping it around and going on these long-winded diatribes 🙄

This whole conversation isn't about people making public declarations, and it's not about labeling. It's about being upfront about your sexuality and intentions... and stop trying to mislead straight guys like myself and the OP.

The fact that a lot of couples here are so busy trying to EXPLAIN YOURSELF lets me know everything I need to know.

You guys are the main culprits for this nonsense
Yep they are, anytime you see someone trying to defend certain actions so hard it's likely their engaging in said actions and are the ones in denial, why are people so against calling a spade a spade, if you do anything sexual with someone of your gender, you're not "straight" call it labelling if you'd like but that's what it is

We humans have definitions and meanings for everything that's how we differentiate, if you don't like the labels, the point still stands don't expect people to be ok with your same gender sex acts unless you discuss it first
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Because you can’t pigeon hole people when it comes to sex, my hub will stick his dick is almost anything if he thinks it’ll feel good, and I’m pretty much with him on that,,,not everybody comes under the heading of “LGBTQ”,,,there aren’t enough letters to describe my hub, that’s why we go with the word Hedonist,,,we both seek as much pleasure as we can experience,,,which means we’re open to try almost anything once, more if we enjoy it. But I don’t have to try something to know I won’t enjoy it, I have no penchant for Bondism or S&M, or anything concerning food, either fresh or processed (no *******), and I can do without Golden Showers.
That means you and your husband are bisexual then, really simple, would you guys do anything sexual with the same gender? if he'll stick it in anything then which sounds like it includes men, he's a bisexual, if you like doing it with chicks you're bisexual as well

No problem here just saying speak plainly about what you're into with people before you do anything with anyone
Today, I peepsed a couple pages of the Media section to see if any Real People on here posted anything new since I have my favorites whose stuff I check out, and to my surprise, I saw one person whose name I shall keep to myself, letting a husband suck him off. This was the second time I saw something like this in about two weeks.

I saw it one time here and while watching a vid from this guy called Black Panther XXX on pornhub.

On both occasions, I was shocked beyond measure and thought, so is that what a bull is?

I guess I had the definition wrong all along. I thought a bull was a straight male who was a dominant figure in a cuckold couple's sex life. By dominant, somehow being the recipient of a blow job from another man never struck me as being truly alpha male.

I guess that's why so many gay men flock to this website and fake being a woman or a couple. Comments about the definition of a bull welcome.
Bruh I’m glad you know now that’s why I never called myself a “Bull” because it’s all straight up Homo bullshit. This site has turned into some weird gay Cuck wacko type *******. So the nuts are running the damn nut house. Someone should have told Batman to blow up Arkham Asylum seriously.

But yeah bruh Straight Blackmen are a dying breed in Western Culture and we are actually the ones under attack these day’s mostly all that nutty crap is from these “New Generation” liberals who push these crap ass agendas and couples who support this ******* are fucktards to. Most them fools on some bait and switch bullshit.
okay by this logic, lets ask a similar question is a woman a lesbian if she enjoys the company of another woman from time to time, lets say in the context of swinging or a orgy or threesome? If a woman sucks the nipple of another female or licks her is she "gay'?

I think the entire premise of the post is a bit short sighted and presents an interesting example of insecurity by the poster and supporters.

Another angle, if you want to have sex with a woman after another man you are exposed to his sperm either orally or on your penis, are you now gay?

Or what about Anal sex, I mean we all have assholes so if you want to put your cock in anyone ass is that gay? We can slice and dice judgement many ways.
That means you and your husband are bisexual then, really simple, would you guys do anything sexual with the same gender? if he'll stick it in anything then which sounds like it includes men, he's a bisexual, if you like doing it with chicks you're bisexual as well

No problem here just saying speak plainly about what you're into with people before you do anything with anyone
Exactly ain’t no straight people of both genders performing homosexual acts and call that “Straight” Fuck No
okay by this logic, lets ask a similar question is a woman a lesbian if she enjoys the company of another woman from time to time, lets say in the context of swinging or a orgy or threesome? If a woman sucks the nipple of another female or licks her is she "gay'?

I think the entire premise of the post is a bit short sighted and presents an interesting example of insecurity by the poster and supporters.

Another angle, if you want to have sex with a woman after another man you are exposed to his sperm either orally or on your penis, are you now gay?

Or what about Anal sex, I mean we all have assholes so if you want to put your cock in anyone ass is that gay? We can slice and dice judgement many ways
Wow. I was wondering or thinking, if these ultra masculine guys are letting other men suck them off, then chances are that's not all they do. Lol. I guess there goes that ultra manly black male archetype. So called black kings, etc. It's a gay thing on the down low. LMAO.
Yeah all them dudes fags
okay by this logic, lets ask a similar question is a woman a lesbian if she enjoys the company of another woman from time to time, lets say in the context of swinging or a orgy or threesome? If a woman sucks the nipple of another female or licks her is she "gay'?

I think the entire premise of the post is a bit short sighted and presents an interesting example of insecurity by the poster and supporters.

Another angle, if you want to have sex with a woman after another man you are exposed to his sperm either orally or on your penis, are you now gay?

Or what about Anal sex, I mean we all have assholes so if you want to put your cock in anyone ass is that gay? We can slice and dice judgement many ways.
Yep it’s all gay if you have sexual acts with the same sex you are either bi or gay no way around. Doesn’t matter what excuse you make it’s the same *******.
Yep they are, anytime you see someone trying to defend certain actions so hard it's likely their engaging in said actions and are the ones in denial, why are people so against calling a spade a spade, if you do anything sexual with someone of your gender, you're not "straight" call it labelling if you'd like but that's what it is we as humans have definitions and meanings for everything that's how we differentiate everything, if you don't like the labels, the point still stands don't expect people to be ok with your same gender sex acts unless you discuss it first
Respectfully, may I ask you a question? How could I possibly be less deceptive?

My wife loves sex with strong black me, and I love watching and love making sure she gets it, and it's even better when I get to share the experience with her. Her pleasure is my biggest turn on and my top priority. Yes, I've had a dick or two in my mouth. I don't seek out play with men, but I don't rule it out if it's something everyone wants. I don't hide that fact at all, but I also don't make advances on anyone who's strictly straight. My wife enjoys when it's an option, but is just as attentive to boundaries as I am, and never tries to talk men into doing things they don't want to do. I am attracted to women, so please save your dick pics for my wife, should you be lucky enough to receive a request for them from her. My wife is in charge and I don't have traditional sex with women besides her, but she loves sharing me, and I love to worship and serve any woman she tells me to, so we love finding other femdom and cuckold couples with bisexual women. She's down to help other ladies dominate and tease their men, and loves the same in return, but we're not seeking sexual contact between cucks. She's dominant with me full-time, so she's primarily seeking truly dominant men who understand that for us, cuckolding is a three-way experience. There absolutely doesn't have to be any male/male contact, but our preference is men who also enjoy power play and get off on cuckolding just like we do, whether that includes male/male contact or not.

So, how would you all prefer we describe what we're into? What's most accurate and least deceptive?

If I say: "I'm primarily straight, but I'm ok with incidental bi situations. Maybe a 1 on Kinsey's scale of bisexuality, if you're familiar with that," people here are like, "stop using code words and admit what you are. You're explaining all this to hide the fact that you're gay." Which is false.

If I say, "I'm gay," other couples assume I want contact with their male half, which is false, and women who enjoy teaming up with other Dommes think, "he is more interested in men than he'll be with me, why bother?" Which is also false.

If I say, "ok, I don't need any male/male contact, so the best way to find the kind of people we're looking for is to claim I'm straight (which, by the way, almost 100% of the bulls who've told my wife to have me fluff them do)," I am called a deceptive, sexual predator.

So to all of you screaming about how I'm trying to "flip it around" or that I'm in some kind of denial, how do any of you think I should describe myself, in a way that doesn't mislead anyone, isn't too convoluted or "coded," and also helps us find the kind of people we're looking for?
Respectfully, may I ask you a question? How could I possibly be less deceptive?

My wife loves sex with strong black me, and I love watching and love making sure she gets it, and it's even better when I get to share the experience with her. Her pleasure is my biggest turn on and my top priority. Yes, I've had a dick or two in my mouth. I don't seek out play with men, but I don't rule it out if it's something everyone wants. I don't hide that fact at all, but I also don't make advances on anyone who's strictly straight. My wife enjoys when it's an option, but is just as attentive to boundaries as I am, and never tries to talk men into doing things they don't want to do. I am attracted to women, so please save your dick pics for my wife, should you be lucky enough to receive a request for them from her. My wife is in charge and I don't have traditional sex with women besides her, but she loves sharing me, and I love to worship and serve any woman she tells me to, so we love finding other femdom and cuckold couples with bisexual women. She's down to help other ladies dominate and tease their men, and loves the same in return, but we're not seeking sexual contact between cucks. She's dominant with me full-time, so she's primarily seeking truly dominant men who understand that for us, cuckolding is a three-way experience. There absolutely doesn't have to be any male/male contact, but our preference is men who also enjoy power play and get off on cuckolding just like we do, whether that includes male/male contact or not.

So, how would you all prefer we describe what we're into? What's most accurate and least deceptive?

If I say: "I'm primarily straight, but I'm ok with incidental bi situations. Maybe a 1 on Kinsey's scale of bisexuality, if you're familiar with that," people here are like, "stop using code words and admit what you are. You're explaining all this to hide the fact that you're gay." Which is false.

If I say, "I'm gay," other couples assume I want contact with their male half, which is false, and women who enjoy teaming up with other Dommes think, "he is more interested in men than he'll be with me, why bother?" Which is also false.

If I say, "ok, I don't need any male/male contact, so the best way to find the kind of people we're looking for is to claim I'm straight (which, by the way, almost 100% of the bulls who've told my wife to have me fluff them do)," I am called a deceptive, sexual predator.

So to all of you screaming about how I'm trying to "flip it around" or that I'm in some kind of denial, how do any of you think I should describe myself, in a way that doesn't mislead anyone, isn't too convoluted or "coded," and also helps us find the kind of people we're looking for?
I'm not disagreeing with you though, none of my posts have been directed at you nor have I said you're the one doing what I'm referring to

As long as you're not misleading anyone you don't have to feel like I'm calling you out cause I'm not
Today, I peepsed a couple pages of the Media section to see if any Real People on here posted anything new since I have my favorites whose stuff I check out, and to my surprise, I saw one person whose name I shall keep to myself, letting a husband suck him off. This was the second time I saw something like this in about two weeks.

I saw it one time here and while watching a vid from this guy called Black Panther XXX on pornhub.

On both occasions, I was shocked beyond measure and thought, so is that what a bull is?

I guess I had the definition wrong all along. I thought a bull was a straight male who was a dominant figure in a cuckold couple's sex life. By dominant, somehow being the recipient of a blow job from another man never struck me as being truly alpha male.

I guess that's why so many gay men flock to this website and fake being a woman or a couple. Comments about the definition of a bull welcome.
I agree with you're definition, if being on the receiving end from another male than a bull i am not. I have nothing against or will pass no judgment to the ones that participate in the festivities but its not something I'd do. I scrolled through the video's to see what new as well from time to time and saw a bull quote unquote, fucking the cuck. I had the definition wrong myself any of that was my defiof gay or bi. Like I said if they like it I love it. Just didnt match the definition of being dominant or being the alpha male i had in mind or the situations i have been a part of.
I'm not disagreeing with you though, none of my posts have been directed at you nor have I said you're the one doing what I'm referring to

as long as you're not misleading anyone you don't have to feel offended or that I'm calling you out
Fair enough, I can appreciate that. I wasn't offended, but it did seem like you were siding with people who are hollering "it's gay." Or at least, @MagicMikeATX said I was "flipping it around" at the start of his post and ended it with "You guys are the main culprits for this nonsense," and you started your response with "Yep they are."