How to find a woman for a relationship as a cuckold?

or her negative reaction lol
Yes but at least he wont waste either of their time.
You need to be open with her. Once you go on a couple of dates and you actually like each other or think you both might want to take it further, be upfront with her. Tell her how you feel about her but also tell her you want this lifestyle.
I suggest you also tell her all the advantages and finally admit that the lifestyle is not for everybody etc
You have nothing to lose and lots to gain
Been where you are and have wasted a decade. Cuckold dating sites - there arent any. Not legit ones anyway.
Swinging sites - no good either. Women are on there wanting a good fuck in general and not interested in getting to know you. Its all a bit of a fast route to a fuck. Tried this route to death with no avail.
Regular dating sites - some success after mentioning the cuckold relationship dynamic in early convos. Be prepared for many many chats with countless ladies who are fascinated then disappear when a more studly man begins dating them. But this one is worth a try as the cuckold word is far more known now than it was a decade or so ago.
Best advice i can offer is to be quite open about this. You may get a surprise one day and a girl come along who is very interested. Keep an open mind re the type of lady you get with. Age, build, looks and background etc. Also keep an eye out for single mums with mixed *******. Compliments galore and you never know 😎 best of luck
Я надеюсь, что вы найдете такую девушку для создания семьи! Полностью тебя поддерживаю!👍
It is tricky, and I sympathise with the OP. I can't really even suggest an answer, other than play it by ear and take every opportunity to show who you really are.

One interesting thing happened to me a few years back where in a drunken state I confided in my cuckold status with my first wife to a male supposed friend. On a later occasion we had some political arguments, so he then started telling other people about me to denigrate me. A hot woman heard this and sought me out to ask me to tell her about it. This hot woman had a black boyfriend already and was fully riding the black dick/anti-racism train, so not exactly sure what the interest was. But it became quid pro quo, where I would tell her stuff, and she replied in kind. It didn't go anywhere on account of a 30 year age gap, but it was lovely. She was a model!

I guess the point of this anecdote is that there are broad-minded and interesting women out there, if only you can get your story out! I was lucky in that I had a nasty prick trying to hurt me by outing me, and it worked to my favour.
I have been trying for years to find a woman who will have regular sex with black men. Twice I have almost succeeded. My first wife was a ******* and had sex with several black men, but of course only for money, and I could never persuade her to let me watch her having casual sex with black men. My second wife had lived with a very well hung black man before meeting me, and I suspect was still having sex with him behind my back even after we were married; but again, I could not get her to cuckold me openly. My third wife promised to have sex with black men, but welched on her promise. Considering how many white girls like black men, and cheat on their partners, I cannot understand why it is so hard to find a woman willing to marry a white man who will let her have sex with as many black men as she wants.
Ich und meine Frau waren in den ersten 13 Jahren unserer Ehe in einer monogamen Beziehung, bevor wir uns dem Cuckold-Lebensstil zuwandten!
Wir waren 1997 verheiratet und haben 13 Jahre später, 2010, den Cuckold-Lebensstil angenommen. Seitdem habe ich gesehen, wie meine schöne Frau Sex mit verschiedenen Männern hatte, und sie genießt es sehr.
Ich denke, dass die meisten Paare seit dem ersten Tag nicht mehr in diesem Lebensstil waren ...
Du Glücklicher.
В течение многих лет я пытался найти женщину, которая будет регулярно заниматься сексом с чернокожими мужчинами. Дважды мне это почти удавалось. Моя первая жена была проституткой и занималась сексом с несколькими чернокожими мужчинами, но, конечно, только за деньги, и я никогда не мог убедить ее позволить мне смотреть, как она занимается случайным сексом с черными мужчинами. Моя вторая жена жила с очень хорошо повешенным черным мужчиной до встречи со мной, и я подозреваю, что продолжала заниматься с ним сексом за моей спиной даже после того, как мы поженились; но опять же, я не мог заставить ее сделать меня изменником открыто. Моя третья жена обещала заняться сексом с чернокожими мужчинами, но сдержала свое обещание. Учитывая, сколько белых девушек любят черных мужчин и изменяют своим партнерам, я не могу понять, почему так трудно найти женщину, готовую выйти замуж за белого мужчину, которая позволила бы ей заниматься сексом с таким количеством черных мужчин, сколько она хочет.
Может, тебе повезет и ты встретишь драгоценную жену! И она займется с ними сексом!🐂
first, you live in societies that enjoy personal freedom, and you will definitely find open-minded girls around you. I search and you will find many and start talking with them about marriage and cuckold until you find the right girl. Secondly, you will find sites for advertisements by females, it has become available even in our conservative Arab countries
Been where you are and have wasted a decade. Cuckold dating sites - there arent any. Not legit ones anyway.
Swinging sites - no good either. Women are on there wanting a good fuck in general and not interested in getting to know you. Its all a bit of a fast route to a fuck. Tried this route to death with no avail.
Regular dating sites - some success after mentioning the cuckold relationship dynamic in early convos. Be prepared for many many chats with countless ladies who are fascinated then disappear when a more studly man begins dating them. But this one is worth a try as the cuckold word is far more known now than it was a decade or so ago.
Best advice i can offer is to be quite open about this. You may get a surprise one day and a girl come along who is very interested. Keep an open mind re the type of lady you get with. Age, build, looks and background etc. Also keep an eye out for single mums with mixed *******. Compliments galore and you never know 😎 best of luck
Excellent advice! Similar to my experience. Im still in search of a woman like that. Only advice I have is to truly respect and cherish a bbc queen for her beauty and sexuality. That can only help.
Hey everyone was just looking to get some advice and input on how it is best to meet a woman who wants to get into a cuckold relationship from the start? I've already posted my advert looking for a Queen: Young, caring cuckold looking for Queen | BlacktoWhite - Amateur Interracial Community - Cuckold Sex Forum but I get the feeling I might be waiting ages for a bite lol

I guess most cuckold couples weren't always cuckold couples and they just naturally progressed into cuckolding, however I am looking to meet a woman from the outset who wants a long term relationship where she can have as many bulls as she wants with pregnancies, dates, holidays and all sorts of other things on the cards!

So what would you guys and girls recommend I do to find a Queen looking for a cuckold? Where should I look? Got anyone you know who's looking for this? Are there events I can go to to find this special girl? Any help would be really appreciated!
You don't look for a woman, you marry one. By definition a cuckold is a man whose wife, not girlfriend, has sex with other men.
Hey everyone was just looking to get some advice and input on how it is best to meet a woman who wants to get into a cuckold relationship from the start? I've already posted my advert looking for a Queen: Young, caring cuckold looking for Queen | BlacktoWhite - Amateur Interracial Community - Cuckold Sex Forum but I get the feeling I might be waiting ages for a bite lol

I guess most cuckold couples weren't always cuckold couples and they just naturally progressed into cuckolding, however I am looking to meet a woman from the outset who wants a long term relationship where she can have as many bulls as she wants with pregnancies, dates, holidays and all sorts of other things on the cards!

So what would you guys and girls recommend I do to find a Queen looking for a cuckold? Where should I look? Got anyone you know who's looking for this? Are there events I can go to to find this special girl? Any help would be really appreciated!
Just look for a aggressive girl who dominates you most will start playing around in you.
I've said this before I think, but it is even truer now than when I first said it.

No 1. Go on a date with a girl!!

There, done.

Remember, that girl probably has a few things going on already when she starts dating you. Your only task is to somehow encourage her to keep them going, and not drop guys because of the new guy she met (you). You will then be a cuck - not literally, because you are not married - but it is close to what you are after.