How My Boss Used My Virginity For A Business Transaction

Rich raven curls…flawless ivory skin…pale olive green eyes fringed with lashes that seemed impossibly yet wonderfully long…she was the image of feminine perfection as she lay before him with her arms pulled high above her head; matching red silk scarves kept her delicate wrist bound to the mahogany headboard and her long, shapely legs were spread wide and tied to the bottom post with the same soft material…she was sweet and innocent and vulnerable. She was his. Completely. Bought and paid for. Twenty thousand dollars in exchange for her virginity; it was an odd business transaction to say the least, but Evan Carter didn’t care…couldn’t care…he was a man who always got what he wanted and never had he wanted anything as much as he wanted, maybe even needed, the chance to show Miss Kagen Maria Connors just how susceptible she was to the longings of the flesh.

“Are you uncomfortable in any manner?” His silver eyes locked on hers as he asked and she shook her head…the white scarf in her mouth made it impossible for her to speak…he did not intend to keep the gag there for long; when the moment was right, he would remove it so her delight, pleasure induced cries could wash over him. “Good. Very good. I don’t you to feel any physical discomfort. Understand? I want you to enjoy this.” He intended for her to enjoy it, but the doubt that flashed in her eyes told him she didn’t believe she would; she had not agreed to this peculiar arrangement to experience pleasure…release…she had agreed to give her body and her virginity to him in exchange for money she intended to use to pay off her older brothers most current legal debt…her body was all she had left to offer, she had told him in a flat, listless voice when she had appeared in his office early day before; she had sold all she owned. Her car. What jewels her mom had left to her. Her old computer. Telling him as much had been a kick to her pride…but desperation often compelled one to do things they would not do under normal circumstances and with Bart again in trouble…grand theft auto this time…the judge was willing to let him skip jail time if he paid a fine and went to see a therapist, and given the reality that chronically unemployed Bart had no money, it fell on her frail shoulders to save his hide. Again. She was use to it. At twenty five, she had been called on to salvage Bart’s crashing world more times that even she could recall…more times than Evan could recall, and unknown to Kagen, he had been watching her and her brother for a long time; he had been watching Kagen…wanting Kagen…aching for her…hurting for her when he saw again and again how her brother used her love for him to swindle her and very coldly manipulate her into paying his way in life. Bail him out. Coddle him. He had the ability to use her loyalty to her long dead mom as a means to control her; all Bart had to do was get teary eyed…mention poor Rita…remind Kagen that Rita had asked her to hold their family together; when Rita had died after a three year long battle with cancer, Kagen was the one who had stepped up to bat while her brother ran wild and her ******* drank day and night…he was more ******* than sober, lost in his love affair with the bottle, unable to work as a result…Fred couldn’t help Bart or her…Kagen had not been able to look at him as she explained it all before getting to the cause behind her visit to him; she had seemed young and uneasy and vulnerable and Evan had told himself that if he were a true gentlemen, he would just give her the money. Hands down. Call it a gift. But…the moment she shyly and softly confessed that she was a virgin…that she was willing to give her virginity to him…the offer had been impossible to refuse after nearly seven years of watching her with a mixture of need and fascination.

More than once, he had told himself it was insane; he was thirty four to her twenty five and she had never looked at him as anything more than one of her bosses; she worked as a receptionist in the law firm that he and his two best friends had founded in their mutual hometown shortly after they each had graduated from college…she was quite…serious…always conservative in dress and manner. She called him Mr. Carter. Without fail. Even when he asked her to call him Evan…she just shook her head…she called Mark and Greg by their fist name…but with him, Kagen had always maintained a distance and Evan had often suspected that she did so because she sensed his attraction to her; odds were, all she had to do was look in his eyes and see it…see that he wanted her…dreamed about her…but he never acted on it, aside from casting her the occasional flirtatious smile just to see her blush…but the fact that she had come to him with her offer had made it clear she knew she starred in many of his more basic, carnal fantasies
She had knocked softly on his door and even when he called out permission to enter, she had hesitated before stepping into his office, her eyes down cast as she closed the door and moved to stand in front of his desk…she had whore her usual attire; an ankle length navy blue skirt and a demure white blouse buttoned to the neck…long sleeves…hair pulled back into a tight bun and held captive at the base of her neck…no make up had enhanced her delicate features. She didn’t need it. Her beauty was pure and natural. Soft. He wanted to simply look at her…she took his breath when she lifted those olive green eyes to his silver ones and he smiled gently, asking her what she wanted…and then the story and her offer all came out. In a rush. She was anxious. Perfect. He wanted to scream at how unfair it was, for her to be put into a position where she would make such an offer…he wanted to kick Bart’s ass…he wanted to drop to his knees and thank God for the gift that had fallen into his lap as he sighed and stood and Kagen went still as he moved to stand before her, leaning against his desk as he studied her for a long moment.
“Why me?” Who cared why…but he did…he needed to know and Kagen sensed it as she chewed nervously at her full bottom lip. “Come on. Why? You hardly look at me if we pass in the hall and you won’t even call me by my first name, but you are here, willing to sell your virginity to me…” His cock swelled in his pants as he said it…he could have very easily ripped the blouse from her…hiked up her skirt…in his mind he could see her bent so invitingly over his desk as he sank into her warm, wet pussy…he pushed the longing aside, fearing he would explode in his pants if he indulged too much in heated daydreams.
“You…” She paused to clear her throat. “You look at me…”
“That I do, Kagen.” His voice went to a whisper. “Do you know why?”
“You want…you want to have sex with me…” Her ivory skin flushed bright, deep red as she shifted nervously from one foot to the next, her beautiful eyes again drawn to the floor as Evan pressed his lips together in an effort not to smile.
“I do want to have sex with you.”
“I thought…”
“Do you know why?” Gently, he slipped his index finger under her chin and slowly, he lifted her gaze back to his as her breath caught in her chest and he stared at her full pink lips…those lips would be heavenly wrapped around his cock…there were hidden pleasure to be found in Miss Kagen Maria Connors, but more than anything, Evan wanted to show her what pleasures she could savor at his hands.
“No. Not really. I mean, I have seen you with women. They are all beautiful.”
“And you do not see yourself as beautiful?”
“I am not like the women you usually…they are all elegant…”
But he shook his head. “They are fake. Cool. You are real and warm and you are a woman, Kagen. Soft and sweet and…” He cupped her cheek as his eyes reached into hers, and Evan could see walls falling slowly away from her soul. “I want you. All of you. I feel myself grow hard just looking at you, babe, and I…you had better damn well believe that I want to have sex with you. Badly. But I won’t treat you like a whore.”
“You mean you won’t pay me…”
“I can give you the money…”
“In exchange for sex.” Kagen cut him off firmly, taking a sudden step back so Evan had to drop his hand. “That is the deal; you get sex, in any way you want for the money that I need to help Bart and if…well, if you…” She turned her face away.
“Is there someone else you have in mind to offer this deal to?” He did not like that in the least…if she did…he held his breath until she shook her head.
“No, I don’t know anyone else I could offer this deal to.”
“Good. Because I accept it.”
Her eyes flew back to his. “Really?” She looked relieved…terrified…Evan smiled at her bemused expressoion as he nodded and pushed away from the desk.
“Really. Let’s do it. Tomorrow night, we begin.”
“Is that okay?”
“It’s fine. Do you want to go to a hotel?”
“No. My place. My bed. I want you in my bed.” On his floor…on the sofa in his living room…spread out on his kitchen table…in his shower…in the gazebo concealed in the little garden his townhouse offered; he wanted her everywhere in everyway and he wanted it more than once…but he didn’t dare say as much to her as he watched her eyes. “Can I make the assumption that you are not on birth control.” Being a virgin, she didn’t need it…he had to pinch himself…a virgin…his Kagen…he would be her first and if he had anything to say about it, he would be her only.
