How do you deal with the neighbours?

Why dont you simply say, my wife has plenty of childhood friends, they will get the message and they will never ever bother you.
I heard a couple once inside a night-club criticizing me for enjoying seeing my wife dance with two black men, the husband was talking to his wife, so negatively, like I am an idiot and everything else you can imagine. Let me tell you, his wife the first chance she got she was flashing her private area to me and she was telling me that she is very jealous of my wife. Then I found an opportunity to speak to both of them and merely tell them, I do enjoy my wife getting all the attention she deserves, anytime she chooses to. Since my comment they never bothered to bad mouth me again
We would deal with this by bringing him out and introducing him as her adopted brother to family and friends.
With neighbors we would tell them he is staying with us for awhile if hes going to be a frequent visitor at our home. That way they see my wife walking down the street or hanging out with her "brother" who stays with us sometimes.

However, we both like her being public with her black lovers and mainly keep to ourselves. She did like being fucked in the backyard sometimes at night and would frequently want him to fuck her in the window but its tinted so one could really see. We just wanted her to have the freedom to be affectionate with him and him the same freedom with her and not have drama.. so we would all go out or they would go out together on dates and hold hands and flirt but nothing too obvious and no one ever suspected anything except her mom and sister one time who wondered why this black guy is always over at our house but doesnt have any clothes or anything in the guest room and just kinda acts like he lives there and not like a guest would act. We told them he was just a good friend of mine and we both liked hanging out with him and that kinda did it but they always thought she was having an affair with him behind my back because she had a history of infidelity with previous relationships. they never suspected she was cuckolding me and i was encouraging them.

So no, neighbors havent ever been an issue.. family has been explaining away unannounced visits and then him and her disappearing for awhile and him leaving. explaining that away was stressful.. Having my parents come visit and her upstairs with a black lover getting fucked in our bedroom and me having to turn on music so no one would hear her moaning. Then them coming down and it being all awkward as to where had she been and what were they doing, again so my parents wouldnt suspect she was having an affair on me explaining they were in the office doing work while she was really bent over a chair in our bedroom getting pounded by his big cock doggie style because he came over unannounced and she cant say no to him and insists he come to our house and park out front so neighbors get used to seeing him and his car at our home and her walking him out to his car and letting him fondle her while she grabs his crotch in the car and tells him good bye.

So with family and friends, if a lover showed up at our home even if they were there and we were in the middle of something she would never say no to them. Once she was having a bunch of girl friends over for a seminar and interrupted her speech briefly to suck a lovers cock off and let him cum all over her face and chest. She lightly wiped off her face leaving his cum on her chest and putting her shirt back on and went back to the seminar and kissed girlfriends on the cheek as they left and hugged them all the while wiith the odor of her lovers cum very noticable up close and you could see a gleam where she smudged it on her checks.

Now being out in public, she got off with her being out with her black lovers and being a married white lady wearing her ring.
They would go to parks and hike or go nature walking near greenway and rivers and make out and have sex in the woods.

She wanted people to see her making out and being intimate with a black man. It made her feel naughty and free and at times she was too handsy with a younger black bull she introduced to me, the a neighbors wife did see him grab her breasts while coming back from a walk and her leading him into the house by his hand but whatever.
If you are comfortable just be honest about it. Know not everyone is comfortable that but it is a lot easier than making an excuse and trying to “keep it going” over time
It is hard but impossible to hide more when a bull stay overnight and fuck.your brain out and you scream like never before
A better question would be: why are so many embarrassed to be found out about the lifestyle they CHOOSE to lead? Isn't it their business and no one else's?
How to deal with neighbors, easy, tell them flat out to mind their own business.
For us it's pretty simple. We have company over quite often. And white people are allowed to have black friends, right? And though we are not trying to expose our private lives to neighbors, it's really none of their business so who cares?