How do I shrink my penis? (secretly)

Good day.
This worked for me but will also leave your penis less firm when hard and may even keep you from getting hard.
I learned to masturbate, and ejaculate while not stroking and enlarging my dicklett.
It involved lying on my stomach with an object under and slightly behind my balls. For me then meant a wadded up towel on a carpeted floor. I prefer firm surface. This puts pressure on my prostate (with no anal insertion). You can view your favorite porn and for me movement is as much up & down as back and forth. Roll around on it a bit and find what feels good.

You’ll find your penis will ‘plump up’ a bit but the downward pressure of your body keeps it from getting real hard. The upward pressure behind your balls stimulates ejaculation.

Also, you might also try folding the penis back under (pointing toward your toes) and put the wadded up towel in front of your balls and rock back and forth against it.

Cut back on your masturbation schedule (start with 1/2 and keep reducing) to make it easier to ejaculate. When you get good at it you can enjoy edging. Grind to the edge of orgasm (several times a day if you like) and stop. Delay orgasm an extra day.

I got so good at this that I can spoon my wife’s plump rump at night and with the same motions (and a good mental fantasy) will ejeaculate.

This MAY lead to circulation issues which keep your penis from getting firm enough to fuck. But you’ll also enjoy a small penis.

Worked for me.
Thank so much for your reply. I really appreciate it. I am not very good at visualizing things. So you're saying to basically hump the floor? For some reason I can't seem to visualize where the wadded up towel goes. Also, do you mind me asking how much size you have lost on your penis? How long did it take? I'd be ok with my penis not getting fully hard. I just want it to be able to barely go into my wife when she wants it. Thanks again.
When I am lying on the floor, face down, I straddle the wadded towel so that it is pressed up against the area between my balls and butthole (hence pressuring prostate for pleasure). If i fold my dick back under me, the wadded towel is forward of all ‘equipment’ and presses pubic bone (at the bottom of your trunk just above base of penis if you were standing up and looking downward.)

Hope this helps. Good luck.
Thank you 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
Do Tucking regularly like trans women do, I tried it for 2 months. Now I barely get erections.

watch porn while tucked, so it tries to get erect but fails, eventually erections will be weak. Not getting full erection for a long time will probably cause shrinkage.

just keep your penis chocked between your legs whenever you are aroused to prevent erection. you will eventually never get erection & it will shrink.

Talking from experience...
i find myself wearing wifes tight panties in bed, My cock pushed back in panties not allowing it to pop up. My cock just kind of pulses in the panties. This can be done inside or outside of bed sheets. With the bed sheets over me it allows more rub, friction on my panty covered penis as I slowly rock to get my on my way. It helps me edge and spill pre cum in the panties and after a period of time, maybe an hour (if im really into it) I can blow my load in the panties hands free with it in a semi small state. Amazing feeling and keeps penis from getting fully erect
This is a video example.
But obviously just do rocking motion in blanket if need bit more purchase on cockView attachment YouCut_20210204_153536342.mp4
Do Tucking regularly like trans women do, I tried it for 2 months. Now I barely get erections.

watch porn while tucked, so it tries to get erect but fails, eventually erections will be weak. Not getting full erection for a long time will probably cause shrinkage.

just keep your penis chocked between your legs whenever you are aroused to prevent erection. you will eventually never get erection & it will shrink.

Talking from experience...
Do Tucking regularly like trans women do, I tried it for 2 months. Now I barely get erections.

watch porn while tucked, so it tries to get erect but fails, eventually erections will be weak. Not getting full erection for a long time will probably cause shrinkage.

just keep your penis chocked between your legs whenever you are aroused to prevent erection. you will eventually never get erection & it will shrink.

Talking from experience...
Thank yiu
Do Tucking regularly like trans women do, I tried it for 2 months. Now I barely get erections.

watch porn while tucked, so it tries to get erect but fails, eventually erections will be weak. Not getting full erection for a long time will probably cause shrinkage.

just keep your penis chocked between your legs whenever you are aroused to prevent erection. you will eventually never get erection & it will shrink.

Talking from experience...

Do Tucking regularly like trans women do, I tried it for 2 months. Now I barely get erections.

watch porn while tucked, so it tries to get erect but fails, eventually erections will be weak. Not getting full erection for a long time will probably cause shrinkage.

just keep your penis chocked between your legs whenever you are aroused to prevent erection. you will eventually never get erection & it will shrink.

Talking from experience...
Thank you. I will look into that for sure. I appreciate it.
i find myself wearing wifes tight panties in bed, My cock pushed back in panties not allowing it to pop up. My cock just kind of pulses in the panties. This can be done inside or outside of bed sheets. With the bed sheets over me it allows more rub, friction on my panty covered penis as I slowly rock to get my on my way. It helps me edge and spill pre cum in the panties and after a period of time, maybe an hour (if im really into it) I can blow my load in the panties hands free with it in a semi small state. Amazing feeling and keeps penis from getting fully erect
Thank you.
Easy, just have it on when she’s not around then take it out of the cage when she’s around you. Hope that helps.
May be easy if you're not livinig in the same household but if you are? Out of my real life experiences i'd say that would be rather odd and not easy to do. And why would you? 🤔