That only works for the body of the post. It doesn't work for the title.

Just tried it myself, Works for me. Also the title of a thread is already in bold ( or as bold as it can).
Huh. When I look at my thread titles they're not bolded.

Ok. The bold titles are at the main thread entrance. If you add to that thread with one of your own then once you have read it then it dis-continues being bold as Louise81UK stated.
Ok. The bold titles are at the main thread entrance. If you add to that thread with one of your own then once you have read it then it dis-continues being bold as Louise81UK stated.
Yes but I'm referring to threads that I make myself.
I was talking about threads that I write. Thanks for trying to help.

I don't think you understand. Having a thread title appear in bold isn't something you choose. It is a way for the forum to notify you of threads you have viewed/read.

If you have written a thread/post then you must have read it, so it won't be in bold on your screen. However that thread title will show in bold to anyone that hasn't viewed/read it.

It will also appear in bold if there are replies/posts within the thread that you have not viewed/read.

Hope this helps x
I don't think you understand. Having a thread title appear in bold isn't something you choose. It is a way for the forum to notify you of threads you have viewed/read.

If you have written a thread/post then you must have read it, so it won't be in bold on your screen. However that thread title will show in bold to anyone that hasn't viewed/read it.

It will also appear in bold if there are replies/posts within the thread that you have not viewed/read.

Hope this helps x
It has helped indeed. Thanks!