

My name is prudence. Funny when you put two words that mean a whole opposite-into the word as a whole. I am striving for the latter. I just have alot-and I mean alot of hormones-I have -needs-that can't be satisfied by my partner-nor ever could. Not fair to try to keep pressing-a square into a round hole is it? Making something fit which doesn't. To everything there is a season-and I just don't want to miss mine. I called him Black Master Caster-but he goes by Black Master J-and I love him. We understand things most people wince at-and accepts me just for me. I can trust him behind my back-as well as in front of me. I am comfortable with him-yet he is firm. And he loves me. We plan on many excursions together I am hoping. Let the "Dirty" girl out of me which has been in me-way too long. I hope many are with me-in enjoying the other side of life-tonight.