Has sex ever sent you to ER? (Emergency Room)😂🤫

There was a famous reality show used to come name SEX SENT ME TO ER. So the question is has sex sent you to emergency room? It's all about post sex visit to hospital due to any reason and what was that reason. please comment below
Any special memory of your?

Not my personal experiences but a few things I have seen in the ER:

  1. A guy that parked his motorcycle right next to ER door, and hobbled in looking very uncomfortable. He had lost a large dildo up his ass and couldn't get it out. It had been there a few days and he had to go down for surgery for removal. On his rounds to check with the patient the next day the surgeon handed him a plastic bag containing the dildo and said "I believe this is yours"
  2. A young couple who had used a light bulb as a dildo. It exploded inside her causing numerous cuts and a heavy loss of *******.
  3. A guy that removed the hose from a vacuum and inserted his dick in the opening. Unfortunately for him there was a metal fan about five inches inside the opening and his dick was probably 5.5 inches before the modification.
Those are three that stand out but I saw and heard of dozens of sexually related injuries in my time in the ER.
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Not my personal experiences but a few things I have seen in the ER:

  1. A guy that parked his motorcycle right next to ER door, and hobbled in looking very uncomfortable. He had lost a large dildo up his ass and couldn't get it out. It had been there a few days and he had to go down for surgery for removal. On his rounds to check with the patient the next day the surgeon handed him a plastic bag containing the dildo and said "I believe this is yours"
  2. A young couple who had used a light bulb as a dildo. It exploded inside her causing numerous cuts and a heavy loss of *******.
  3. A guy that removed the hose from a vacuum and inserted his dick in the opening. Unfortunately for him there was a metal fan about five inches inside the opening and his dick was probably 5.5 inches before the modification.
Those are three that stand out but I saw and heard of dozens of sexually related injuries in my time in the ER.
fuck that's horrible some real dumb *******