Has anyone else had an experience with a couple with a genuinely mentally ill cuckold husband?

I was wondering if anyone else had an experience with a couple with a genuinely mentally ill cuckold husband?

Did it play a role in their lifestyle choice?

Was the mental illness an impediment to getting with the wife, or did it actually help?

Was the cuckold husband's mental illness actually leverage for you in your relationship with his wife and he?

How does everyone feel about the ethical implications of this?
There are no "ethical implications". An "implication" is the prejudice you hold about something.

The title says "Has anyone else had an experience (...)" which implies YOU've had such an experience (and i don't mean it in a prejudgemental manner :rolleyes: ). Just wonder what YOUR experiences are. Would be nice of you to share, especially when you're asking others' experiences in that context. ;) TY

MY experiences are that there are people almost everywhere who are mentally challenged. That does not necessarily mean they are mentally ill. Definitely a sexual proclivity or lifestyle choice has not necessarily anything to do with mental illnesses. There are many, i suppose, in many differnt life situations who can adjust to challenges, others can not. But what's that to do with a particular lifestyle? 🤔
Okay. What the hell.

I responded to an online advert almost three years ago. There was a couple in a small city not far from the city where I stay. They were looking to experiment with a black guy. One thing lead to another, and we ended up meeting for dinner and drinks. Well as it turned out, the wife, Peyton, was open to it for the most part, but the husband, Lee, was all kinds of enthusiastic - a full blown cuckold wannabe.

They were a fairly young couple - Peyton was 34, Lee was 28. She had a good job as a social worker. He worked construction fair regularly at that time. She was pretty and shy. Lee was all excited all the time - almost hyperactive. He had a lot of ideas about what he wanted us to do and try. Peyton stayed quiet, but very alert. The more talk about things there were, the hornier she got. Lee was pretty passive, even submissive in that hyperactive way. Peyton was very submissive in her very bashful way.

Lee was about 5'10" tall, maybe 170lbs. with short hair - a typical white boy redneck really. Peyton was about 5'7" tall, maybe 140 lbs. with a large, beautiful ass and decent tits. She hated wearing a bra, and it showed, but she still had beautiful white girl mama tits from the little boy they had at home. She'd still even ******* if you worked on her for a while. Her ass was large, but not "aft." It was just firm enough to hold together, but soft enough to grab and hold onto.

We hit it off that first night and fucked in a hotel room. I insisted that the wife suck my cock in private while Lee took a walk. I did this so Peyton and I could talk, and I could make sure she was on board. After we had talked for an hour or so, and she had a chance to admire and pleasure my dick, I had her call her husband and tell him he could come back up from the lobby. When he walked in, I made sure I was still dressed, but with my cock out. Peyton was sitting bare-assed in my lap curled up with her head under my chin. I made sure she looked her husband in the eye and told him what she had done, what we had discussed and what she had agreed to do and be - sexual servant for the duration of any relationship. He was very agitated - horny, nervous and upset all combined into one. We proceeded to do some really good fucking that night while Lee watched.

This continued for weeks and months, but things began to evolve. There were some incidents and some dramas. I began to learn more about both Peyton and Lee and their marriage. Lee had been diagnosed a couple of years before with Schizophrenia. It was apparently genetic and ran in his family in various forms. Peyton told me that he had been - pardon the expression, but - insanely jealous when they were dating and first married. She said that most Schizophrenia patients have problems that revolve either around the devil or around sex. As you can guess, Lee's issues revolved around paranoid delusions about sex, his wife cheating on him and how much better they were that he was.

Peyton had gathered over time - although Lee never came out completely and said so - that Lee's way of self treating himself was to take he and his wife into the cuckold lifestyle so that by making it real, it would not be "crazy."

Well, while this idea of Lee's made them get along better, it had a accelerated and debilitating effect on his condition. This was so much the case, that he began to require more and more treatment, ******* and hospitalizations. With in a little more than a year or so, he was spending roughly a third of his time at home and two-thirds in a inpatient treatment facility down the road from their home. The ******* he was on made him impotent, and because of that, he would stop taking them shortly after arriving home from a hospital stay. Inevitably, he would get his little erections back, but his state of mind would have him back on his way to the hospital in short order. While in the hospital, his delusions about the sex I was having with his wife would come out in his behavior and therapy, and Peyton would have to defend her honor against her husband's humiliations with lies to keep things under wraps. She would explain me away as a friend of his from his old employer. This not only required me to visit to make this story credible, but, to be honest, I really enjoyed this aspect - and others.

We would visit him and use the opportunity to remind him to keep his mouth shut for the most part. He would. And, when he wouldn't, Peyton would get panicked and ask if they could up his meds. This would make us feel bad at times, but it had its benefits. It would make us all very horny, but also make sure Lee got orders for further treatment and longer stays. This would allow for more unencumbered fucking at their home while he was an inpatient. It also made him much more pliable and controllable about the threat of going to his doctors.

When it was time for him to be discharged, he would get his orders and call Peyton to come pick him up. Consistent with the arrangement we had, she would call me to make sure it was okay. It was always okay, but we would make him wait all day, and sometimes into the evening - even having to call several times. This would often give Peyton and I time for some more fucking, and Lee a chance to relish what freedom had to offer. Most often I did not go in with Peyton to pick Lee up, but I would often be in the car. Lee would have a lot of questions, and we would have a lot of answers. I would toy with Peyton on the brief ride home and then lead that wife and husband into the house for our own form of homecoming. Of course, fresh off a regular and supervised pharmaceutical regimen, he would be completely unable to do anything with his wife. As the days and weeks went by, he would be very pliable and obedient under the orders of his doctors, his wife and his wife's friend. But, he would gradually begin to slip and not take a dose of medicine here and there. Soon, the delusions and unpredictable behavior would return, and as soon as he began to function again as a male - off to the hospital again for several weeks or more.

While I have enjoyed this immensely, sometimes it bothers me. Like we, or at least I, have gone too far.
Bro... gtfo of that situation. Mental issues or not the husband is waaay too sketchy