Has any white woman wanted to be in a black master's harem?

Very sexy pics.
I think being in a black man's harem is a very exciting idea and great for role-play. It enables the black man to role-play being a dominant master and the white female of being totally submissive. If there's a white cuck involved too, it enables him to be the beta male and see his white wife/gf submit to the black alpha male.
Of course, I'm not talking of a real world harem where women are ****** into the harem, rather one where all participants enter the scenario of their own volition and leave of their own volition.
You're right, I've thought of that!
I understand that it's not to every white woman's taste to be in a black man's harem, but I think a transient harem offers great opportunities for role-play. The emphemeral position of being dominated and submissive may be quite a turn-on for some women.
I can see that for women who like more independence in their sexual life it doesn't offer many rewards.
I think the idea of a transient harem where one big alpha black man has a number of white women is a possibility (all participants are there of their own volition, of course). The idea is quite a primal one as it relates to the polygyny mating pattern so common amongst many mammals. Here, one dominant male gets to mate with and breed many females, while many males go withhout partners.

I think the harem arrangement replicates this mating pattern to an extent and so is very primal and erotic. The eroticism is augmented by the fact that the dominant male is black and the females are white.
I wonder if any white women are turned on by the idea of just being one of a number of white women who share and have sex with an alpha black male? It offers a very different dynamic to having a black gang bang or having your own big black lover, but I wonder if any women are attracted to this scenario and the psychology of the relationship?
In a situation where there are limited big black males would any white women prefer to be in an big black man's harem, rather than pair-bonding with a white male?
The primal eroticism of one big black alpha male having a harem of white females is a sexy thought. I don't know whether anyone else finds the thought of it erotic? I don't know if any white women or black men would actually enjoy this scenario too?
One big black alpha male having a harem of white females is just so primal and erotic. And so contrary to Western social, cultural and historical values and norms.
Even if it's just a fantasy it's a very erotic one.
Would be a fun role-play scenario for a big black male and white cuckold couples.
One big black alpha male having a harem of white females is just so primal and erotic. And so contrary to Western social, cultural and historical values and norms.
Even if it's just a fantasy it's a very erotic one.
Would be a fun role-play scenario for a big black male and white cuckold couples.
There have been, and are, black cult leaders who enjoy essentially this kind of lifestyle. Cult members tend to be submissive and when an alpha black leader and alpha black lieutenants are in charge. control comes easily. In a cult, all of the women essentially constitute a harem. The leader merely calls for whichever woman he wants at a given time.
There have been, and are, black cult leaders who enjoy essentially this kind of lifestyle. Cult members tend to be submissive and when an alpha black leader and alpha black lieutenants are in charge. control comes easily. In a cult, all of the women essentially constitute a harem. The leader merely calls for whichever woman he wants at a given time.
Fuck yes. Sounds good to me.
On one level a lot of females want loyalty from a partner, but I'm sure many white women would be aroused by a big black man who was known to have many white girlfriends.
There have been, and are, black cult leaders who enjoy essentially this kind of lifestyle. Cult members tend to be submissive and when an alpha black leader and alpha black lieutenants are in charge. control comes easily. In a cult, all of the women essentially constitute a harem. The leader merely calls for whichever woman he wants at a given time.

I'd love to know which examples of these harems you're aware of. if you want to be discrete about it feel free to message me.

Not sure if you're implying Black churches are like that, or perhaps some black power organizations, or essentially just referring to pimps in trap houses (like the Rkelly situation basically)

There is a beautiful Black Nationalist temple near me in Brooklyn that, while there arent any white women in there that i see, has some GORGEOUS black girls there. I had the pleasure of speaking to one who was sitting outside one day.

(if thats not what you meant then i apologize if I offend anyone with the implication)
There have been, and are, black cult leaders who enjoy essentially this kind of lifestyle. Cult members tend to be submissive and when an alpha black leader and alpha black lieutenants are in charge. control comes easily. In a cult, all of the women essentially constitute a harem. The leader merely calls for whichever woman he wants at a given time.
I wonder if some white women have seen that a particular cult has had a big black leader and then joined on this basis? Convincing themselves that they are joining for more spiritual reasons, but really craving sex with a dominant black man.