Go Biden

k, i put him on ignore. I suggest everyone else do the same and let him play with his fleshlight alone in peace. If anyone quotes him we can let them know that we have a policy of setting wicpl4bbc to ignore so as not to derail the thread with a trillion worthless boomer memes from daily caller forums
Typically !
i put him on ignore. I suggest everyone else do the same and let him play with his fleshlight alone in peace.
How I feel about "blocking" ...
I don't get on this site as often as I use to ... way too much serious ******* going on all around us. Not only the covid virus, and this dumbass President, but ******* & gun violence is up everywhere. Our gun violence here is up 84% from last year. ******* at home ... I imagine this is exactly what some people want to see happening to the US ... the US coming untwined. No one's fault but OURS, just hope we make it through and learn from it.
Anyways, I need my hour or less on here to get some laughs at the more ignorant people God has ever put on this earth. What I know now is that Joe Biden is our next President for the next FOUR YEARS ... I feel confident that Georgia's gonna give Biden the Senate as well. And, I also feel confident, by the stress & urgency shown by the current President to reverse the 2020 election, that HE KNOWS he's very likely to go to JAIL in the near future, along with a few members of his family. Even the AG - Barr is starting to see the coup failure of Donald Trump and wants off the ride.
So, please continue to express your "ignorance" Trumptards ... I won't go back & forth with you on arguing simply because you possess no factual information to discuss. I doubt you even know the necessities for calling something a FACT, not that it'd mean any more to you if you did ... certainly your lying President Trump doesn't.
And if you desire to avoid the suffering of the covid, take the shortcut approach ... go to your bedroom, hang plastic around the walls & ceiling, and then blow your fucking brains (what you have of it) to the ceiling. Suggest you use a 38 or larger hollow point ... cleans out the nostrils really good.
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How I feel about "blocking" ...
I don't get on this site as often as I use to ... way too much serious ******* going on all around us. Not only the covid virus, and this dumbass President, but ******* & gun violence is up everywhere. Our gun violence here is up 84% from last year. ******* at home ... I imagine this is exactly what some people want to see happening to the US ... the US coming untwined. No one's fault but OURS, just hope we make it through and learn from it.
Anyways, I need my hour or less on here to get some laughs at the more ignorant people God has ever put on this earth. What I know now is that Joe Biden is our next President for the next FOUR YEARS ... I feel confident that Georgia's gonna give Biden the Senate as well. And, I also feel confident, by the stress & urgency shown by the current President to reverse the 2020 election, that HE KNOWS he's very likely to go to JAIL in the near future, along with a few members of his family. Even the AG - Barr is starting to see the coup failure of Donald Trump and wants off the ride.
So, please continue to express your "ignorance" Trumptards ... I won't go back & forth with you on arguing simply because you possess no factual information to discuss. I doubt you even know the necessities for calling something a FACT, not that it'd mean any more to you if you did ... certainly your lying President Trump doesn't.
And if you desire to avoid the suffering of the covid, take the shortcut approach ... go to your bedroom, hang plastic around the walls & ceiling, and then blow your fucking brains (what you have of it) to the ceiling. Suggest you use a 38 or larger hollow point ... cleans out the nostrils really good.
Another politician with practically NO clear platform or experience. Its a wonder she got 3% of the votes.
Too focused on issues that involved segments of voters ... gun lobby loved her, though ... give EVERYONE guns to carry in public. Ohhh yeah!
And she wondered why she wasn't invited to debate along with Trump & Biden ... lol
2% were Trumps..shifted by dominion ;)