Girls getting Blacked!

... Ever. - - - - - - .series genetic clashing going on. he is waging genetic war, on some white guy, on the white guy's own wife, in the white guy's own home. - - - fifty years from now, the American youth will be very different.
HA ! American youth are already "different" "Milleninals " But there is also the 11 million illegal immigrants to consider as well as the other races from other parts of the world now coming to USA .
HA ! American youth are already "different" "Milleninals " But there is also the 11 million illegal immigrants to consider as well as the other races from other parts of the world now coming to USA .
true. very. but given that this b2w i discount the 'others' and leave my rhetoric (and sexlife, lol) to bm/wf.
there is also the 11 million illegal immigrants to consider as well as the other races from other parts of the world now coming to USA .
as a bio-degree science girl. as a wife of a PhD scientist (focusing on genetics). Raised a rural S. Carolina girl -raised whth that racist confederate uber-evangelical baggage. . . .with all that i just find bm/wf more compelling physiologically, anatomically, genetically, culturally, sexually, aesthetically than any other pairings. nothing against: eskimo stud-aboriginie doll -or- slavic bull -mayan angel. its just my personal fascination . thats why i pass over the others when i toss genetics out there. and, this is b2w not arab2pygmie or latin2asian.
as a bio-degree science girl. as a wife of a PhD scientist (focusing on genetics). Raised a rural S. Carolina girl -raised whth that racist confederate uber-evangelical baggage. . . .with all that i just find bm/wf more compelling physiologically, anatomically, genetically, culturally, sexually, aesthetically than any other pairings. nothing against: eskimo stud-aboriginie doll -or- slavic bull -mayan angel. its just my personal fascination . thats why i pass over the others when i toss genetics out there. and, this is b2w not arab2pygmie or latin2asian.
smile seems like lots of women agree with you today .....favorite stud is a black man . And yes , lots of southern girls and women too . perhaps its just another phase of the female sexual reawakening ... smile