Get REAL with your stories and pictures !!


Not to toot my own horn, but we try and produce realistic photos and narratives that are as realistic as possible. Nothing outlandish, nothing over the top. Just what we consider 'normal' in this type of lifestyle.

You can find a number of our contributions in the thread 'Stories with Built in Pics' I think our contributions start on page 33, but not positive.

Let us know what you think!

Donna and Rob

Not to toot my own horn, but we try and produce realistic photos and narratives that are as realistic as possible. Nothing outlandish, nothing over the top. Just what we consider 'normal' in this type of lifestyle.

You can find a number of our contributions in the thread 'Stories with Built in Pics' I think our contributions start on page 33, but not positive.

Let us know what you think!

Donna and Rob
Each and everyone is fantastic,in my view.
May you continue with your outstanding contributions for a very long time.

Thank you.
If you were to search stories on this site there are many but lately there are some that are so far fetched to the point that one can’t even contemplate the scenario being possible or even that someone would read it believing it. Case in point someone wrote a story about a bed and mirror being in a sauna. Anyone who has ever been in a sauna know that’s simply not true. If you’re not telling the truth in your stories, make them BELIEVABLE !!🤦🏾‍♂️

PS: This goes along with posting pics that a simple search shows are not yours as they have been posted a multiple times before you !!
Good erotica is believable. Too much here is beyond the pale
Thank you so very much for your comments!

Rest assured, we don't plan on stopping any time soon - and yes, we do take requests!
Would love one of your beautiful reverse cow girl pictures and view of the thick cock and large balls entering her body, would love to read a story with a line or two about how she instructs him to kiss her lovers balls.

Not to toot my own horn, but we try and produce realistic photos and narratives that are as realistic as possible. Nothing outlandish, nothing over the top. Just what we consider 'normal' in this type of lifestyle.

You can find a number of our contributions in the thread 'Stories with Built in Pics' I think our contributions start on page 33, but not positive.

Let us know what you think!

Donna and Rob
Love your photographs and stories!! ...
.. and of course we know some where in there are examples of
your own expereinces.
Look forward to your pictures/captions!
Would love one of your beautiful reverse cow girl pictures and view of the thick cock and large balls entering her body, would love to read a story with a line or two about how she instructs him to kiss her lovers balls.
We'll see what we can do.

Not to toot my own horn, but we try and produce realistic photos and narratives that are as realistic as possible. Nothing outlandish, nothing over the top. Just what we consider 'normal' in this type of lifestyle.

You can find a number of our contributions in the thread 'Stories with Built in Pics' I think our contributions start on page 33, but not positive.

Let us know what you think!

Donna and Rob
It is super nice you two keep it real. Well, as real as the main theme of this place.
You two never go off into "repeat porn script" here territory.

Not to toot my own horn, but we try and produce realistic photos and narratives that are as realistic as possible. Nothing outlandish, nothing over the top. Just what we consider 'normal' in this type of lifestyle.

You can find a number of our contributions in the thread 'Stories with Built in Pics' I think our contributions start on page 33, but not positive.

Let us know what you think!

Donna and Rob
DB you know how much I love your contributions. Pray please continue.
There is no way that it doesn't exist, so instead of blaming yourself that what people say is not real, I think you are wrong. Be enthusiastic, dream, have fantasies and if in our minds they are possible then they will be in reality.If you don't have the power to dream, how do you think you'll ever be able to manifest
There is no way that it doesn't exist, so instead of blaming yourself that what people say is not real, I think you are wrong. Be enthusiastic, dream, have fantasies and if in our minds they are possible then they will be in reality.If you don't have the power to dream, how do you think you'll ever be able to manifest
Oh, I'll agree that the biggest sex organ any person has is their brain! Imagination is the key to discovery, regardless if it's a world changing invention, or your first Black experience, it all starts with imagination!

However, what folks are concerned about are narratives and stories that are patently improbable at best. Read the narratives of most pictures, as a woman, would you ever say half the things that the woman in the picture is saying? Probably not. They are the product of a male imagination.

What folks in this thread are concerned about are just those things - the outlandish, the stupid, and the impossible scenarios that are depicted in most of these stories. All we're asking is that while you may have a very fertile imagination, keep it realistic when expressing it!
Oh, I'll agree that the biggest sex organ any person has is their brain! Imagination is the key to discovery, regardless if it's a world changing invention, or your first Black experience, it all starts with imagination!

However, what folks are concerned about are narratives and stories that are patently improbable at best. Read the narratives of most pictures, as a woman, would you ever say half the things that the woman in the picture is saying? Probably not. They are the product of a male imagination.

What folks in this thread are concerned about are just those things - the outlandish, the stupid, and the impossible scenarios that are depicted in most of these stories. All we're asking is that while you may have a very fertile imagination, keep it realistic when expressing it!

Kudos to your response !!!👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿 👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿

Not to toot my own horn, but we try and produce realistic photos and narratives that are as realistic as possible. Nothing outlandish, nothing over the top. Just what we consider 'normal' in this type of lifestyle.

You can find a number of our contributions in the thread 'Stories with Built in Pics' I think our contributions start on page 33, but not positive.

Let us know what you think!

Donna and Rob
I have been following you for some time now. I enjoy your stories. Especially the ones that go over four or five photos.
Mi historia real soy de Perú siempre fui muy celoso con mi novia ella me contó que nunca lo había hecho con nadie eso me sorprendió porque a pesar que no tenía experiencia sabía cómo era la penetración como la virgen después indagué en su vida pasada creo que estaba muy mal de la cabeza yo bueno sigo resulta que comprendí que no había sido su primera vez y que había tenido muchos o algunos parejas anteriormente y ya había tenido sexo me puse celoso me dolió en ese tiempo tenía yo 19 20 años mi esposa tenía 18 pasó el tiempo y nunca dejé de ser celoso después descubrí unas infidelidades de mi esposa que me dolieron bastante pero con el tiempo del dolor se volvió algo constante mis pensamientos en saber cómo y con quién lo había hecho no sé si me entenderán pero así fue y hacía o le explicaba ella que una de mis fantasías era verla con otro otro negro mis fantasías siempre eran con negros me imagino por los videos que hay en internet de negros dotados mi esposa es muy blanca y siempre imaginaba y me masturbaba constantemente hasta que una vez me separé de ella por problemas cuando yo tenía 25 y ella tenía 23 yo me fui de su casa y al poco tiempo un primo de allá me comentó que ella estaba saliendo con otro hombre no le creí pero los celos me llamaron de vuelta ya no senti excitacion más bien me dio muchos celos indagué por su Messenger y resulta que estaba coqueteando con un negro feo y gordo y tenía pareja , al principio no lo creí porque físicamente no lo veía bien parecido pero resulta que todo fue verdad , el negro se separó de su mujer y estuvo con mi esposa fueron cuatro meses que estuvieron se terminó y yo regresé con mi esposa , pero siempre me quedó esa duda porque ella siendo tan bonita se metió con un feo pero en el fondo mis pensamientos creían que era porque era dotado a veces en la noche se lo pregunté a ella y nunca decía nada hasta que un día me dijo está seguro que quiere saber me sorprendió todo eso y le dije que sí sentí un poco de nervios en mi interior al mismo tiempo excitación y decidí decirle sí cuéntame estoy listo y me dijo con tan solo tres metidas que me daba me corría a chorros eso para mí fue una cachetada muy fuerte me sorprendió me sentí sorprendido excitado humillado y todo eso , después de un tiempo nos confesamos muchas cosas entre los dos y pudimos ser más Unidos le dije qué le parecía si hacíamos mi fantasía y ella aceptó y pudimos salir con un venezolano muy dotado que no tenía nada de experiencia pero sí le agradó después salimos con negro que la hacía gritar y me excitó bastante pero de ahí lo dejamos porque me dio muchos celos no sé por qué pero se lo afirmé que siempre la primera vez es distinto hablo de mi emoción de verla . bueno actualmente estamos 2 de mayo del 2024 yo le hablé a su ex enamorado que era un negro y me hice su amigo no sé cómo pero pasó y le dije a los dos a mi esposa y al que me gustaría verlos y parece que los dos aceptaron y le gustó la idea solamente estamos esperando que haya tiempo para hacerlo me siento un poco nervioso y excitado de solo pensarlo espero que lean mi historia real