from covid-19 to MAGA


Gold Member
It is now undeniable that covid-19 is the first true universal human threat, not discriminating of nationality, ethnicity, age, geography or wealth or to coin an old phrase, equal opportunity. Even confusing origination with infliction/intent did nothing from slowing covid's ravaging the globe.

While sideshows persist, political, evangelical, and scientific leadership, like everyday citizens, increasingly are moving to a more selfless preservation- for the people.

What does this have to do with MAGA?
The concept to Make America Great Again has been fragmented because of omission. America's greatness was not built by the gun, never really was might/strength. Here and around the world, it was and will be "to form a more perfect union". Our history from it's beginning, has always contained subtitles of inclusion, intended or not, of everyone from everywhere on this planet Earth. Crispus Attucks, the first recorded death in the American Revolution was a Black man, and that same revolution could not have succeeded with out French, Italian and Polish assistance. Our War of 1812 again brought the aid of the French as well as the American Indian. There would not have been westward growth without Chinese settlers, and acceptance of Mexican/Hispanic people from Texas to California. During the World Wars our leadership/citizenry went outside of ourselves to defend the freedoms of Europe, resulting in reevaluating our own behavior with our Japanese citizenry as well as reigniting the fires of freedom in our African American citizenry. The Middle East is a work in progress; while I too support Jewish right to existence, I don't see it as either/or and think we must do better for the Palestinians and the Moslem world.

In my opinion, the greatest '*******' America ever utilized was actually the Peace Corps, where we used our blessings and knowledge worldwide solely to share with our global brotherhood what we had learned for the human good, cleaner water, health initiatives, etc.

I really do believe we'll be great again, once we accept and internalize it is solely because we are the children of the entire world, and only by raising our children (inward) and respecting and caring for our parents/grandparents (outward) to form a more perfect union will we succeed.

I look forward to your reactions....please don't include hatred and finger pointing-keep it positive.
It is now undeniable that covid-19 is the first true universal human threat, not discriminating of nationality, ethnicity, age, geography or wealth or to coin an old phrase, equal opportunity. Even confusing origination with infliction/intent did nothing from slowing covid's ravaging the globe.

While sideshows persist, political, evangelical, and scientific leadership, like everyday citizens, increasingly are moving to a more selfless preservation- for the people.

What does this have to do with MAGA?
The concept to Make America Great Again has been fragmented because of omission. America's greatness was not built by the gun, never really was might/strength. Here and around the world, it was and will be "to form a more perfect union". Our history from it's beginning, has always contained subtitles of inclusion, intended or not, of everyone from everywhere on this planet Earth. Crispus Attucks, the first recorded death in the American Revolution was a Black man, and that same revolution could not have succeeded with out French, Italian and Polish assistance. Our War of 1812 again brought the aid of the French as well as the American Indian. There would not have been westward growth without Chinese settlers, and acceptance of Mexican/Hispanic people from Texas to California. During the World Wars our leadership/citizenry went outside of ourselves to defend the freedoms of Europe, resulting in reevaluating our own behavior with our Japanese citizenry as well as reigniting the fires of freedom in our African American citizenry. The Middle East is a work in progress; while I too support Jewish right to existence, I don't see it as either/or and think we must do better for the Palestinians and the Moslem world.

In my opinion, the greatest '*******' America ever utilized was actually the Peace Corps, where we used our blessings and knowledge worldwide solely to share with our global brotherhood what we had learned for the human good, cleaner water, health initiatives, etc.

I really do believe we'll be great again, once we accept and internalize it is solely because we are the children of the entire world, and only by raising our children (inward) and respecting and caring for our parents/grandparents (outward) to form a more perfect union will we succeed.

I look forward to your reactions....please don't include hatred and finger pointing-keep it positive.
I agree. The America that I grew up with was a ******* for good. It was powerful, but always outward looking and fair minded.

This is why, as an Englishman (yes, an outsider) I feel that America should re-engage with the world and take her place BESIDE other nations, rather than seeing them as a threat. Get around the table at the UN and regain your influence. The UN is not a perfect tool, but it is infinitely better than the US throwing her economic and military weight around (this isolates America) . And, with an open handed USA I feel that the UN can be reformed and its crippling veto system put right.

I partly blame Tony Blair for helping Bush Jr sideline the UN. It was bad move.

If the US starts to work more closely and collaboratively with her friends and allies, this is how soft power is exercised. If push comes to shove with regards to China or her closer neighbour, the world is going to need everyone else on the same page and the UN is the only body that can accomplish that. And even if agreement can't be reached with the UN, America and her allies can at least say they tried.

Look out, not in.
Franklin D. Roosevelt-"The only thing we have to fear. is fear itself."
Since the Oklahoma City bombing (done by one of our own during Clinton adm Apr 19, 1995) we've not only been afraid, which is normal, we've allowed our fears to drive our actions.