Finally broke the ice.....

After lurking here for years, I *finally* raised the idea with my wife of her having sex with a hot guy other than me, probably as a threesome, and she said she wasn't interested.

Our sex life has vanished entirely in recent years, partly because we have small *******, partly because I've put on a lot of weigh because of COVID lockdowns, partly because of ongoing life stress.

I basically said "I'm sorry for putting on all this weight so I'm not the hot guy you married, and I feel like it's a least partly my fault that our sex life has dried up. If you like, I'd be up for finding a hot guy so you can remember sex is actually fun." I didn't suggest anything about who our bull might be, just that we might explore it. She thought that was nice of me to offer, but that that wasn't appealing on a lot of different levels. To be honest, I'm not surprised, which may be why I haven't broached the subject before (besides just not having a lot of courage). Still, I think the idea is really appealing so maybe it happens some day. Even if we don't take up this lifestyle, it's good to be more open about what I'm interested in.

I did want to thank all of you for inspiring to speak up!