Fetishizing black people?

I don’t assume everyone has the same mindset with regard to finding sexual partners. I and the guys that have sex with me understand the game and the assignment. My point is that if you’re looking for a relationship then go out and meet someone for that or go onto a dating site. Coming onto a site dedicated to sex between black men and white women and then complaining about the “fetishization of black men” is like going into a pet store and complaining that there are too many dogs. If you don’t want to feel used as a sex object then don’t be one, it’s that simple. Nobody is f-o-r-c-i-n-g you to partake in any sexual acts with women that may want you solely for their sexual gratification. If you don’t like the fact that I let lots of black men use me as a cum dump then that is your right to have that opinion, but you’re wasting your breathe trying to “enlighten” those adults that are willing to have a good time with someone like myself who wants them for their god given gifts and sexual talents first and foremost. But you’re right, those that are looking for something more than just some easy sex are not compatible with me and my situation. Again, one can’t apply the same rules to every game. That being said, my husband and I have become genuine friends with a few of my playmates but it is the exception, not the rule. Just as it would be if you were to go into a bar and try to become friends with everyone in it. It’s not possible. So I don’t see the problem with that. You’re just using that statement to put it into a context that supports your own argument. You say I dehumanize black men. Okay, if that were the case then I wouldn’t even respond to this post and would assume the opinions of black men didn’t matter, because after all in your eyes I don’t see black men as human or as less than right? That characterization is just plain absurd. Just as I don’t speak for all white women I don’t begin to assume you speak for all black men either. You are a unique individual with your own thoughts and conceptions about the world and luckily we live in a free society where everyone can have these differences of thought and opinion.
But sex doesn’t have to be romantic; you just seem to think it does and that is more simp to me than anything. 😂 You can choose to place romantic importance on sex and I’ll keep having sex for fun.
Some of us are here to have a good time. It may do some good to loosen up and spend time enjoying others rather than looking for reasons to vilify those that are just having more fun. 😋
FUCKING THANK YOU. (I follow you on twitter btw, Lailinterracial.), women of all races come to appreciate our sexual prowess & that’s a problem for him? Don’t participate in it then, sex, atleast sex that’s not romantic, is inherently fetishized anyways. It’s not “civilized” in its nature but that doesn’t mean every QoS woman does not have respect for us black men. The fact that these woman believe that the only men strong enough to be granted use to their bodily temples are Black men proves it’s quite the opposite! Hell, some QoS like LadyAnaconda & her group not only love black dick but black MEN in general. They don’t even as such as have a white husband to make him a cuck, they have black boyfriends that are bulls, they have black babies, support the black community etc. it’s a literal lifestyle BOTH parties have to consent to take in.
Problem is some (and I emphasize some) black men have zero standards and will literally fuck anything that men of other races won't touch. And unfortunately, there are plenty of these bed-c0ons on here These whites know that and capitalize on knowing they can come here and offer an unattractive pasty lump and that some black men will jump all over it. To say nothing of someone in this thread who thinks black men are being offered "a reward" with no work involved, so they should be grateful! Saw a photo a while ago of a man "offering" his wife to "a bbc" to blacken her. She had a bloated belly and her breasts were lying on her protruding stomach...and this is "a reward"????? What in the actucal fuck?
Got damn piglets lol 🤣
Problem is some (and I emphasize some) black men have zero standards and will literally fuck anything that men of other races won't touch. And unfortunately, there are plenty of these bed-c0ons on here These whites know that and capitalize on knowing they can come here and offer an unattractive pasty lump and that some black men will jump all over it. To say nothing of someone in this thread who thinks black men are being offered "a reward" with no work involved, so they should be grateful! Saw a photo a while ago of a man "offering" his wife to "a bbc" to blacken her. She had a bloated belly and her breasts were lying on her protruding stomach...and this is "a reward"????? What in the actucal fuck?
These ninjas lame, got these chicks telling you your "worthy" lmfao bro she took 27 dicks last week she ain't no damn prize
Dating site? No one is talking romance. This is about sex and respect. Period.
You stating your partners know the assignment and YOUR game, is all that's needed. There's no issue with that.

Fetishization is used here in a sense that you will fuck them, but beyond that, you really don't have any use, respect or understanding for black men. I can show you other threads where plenty of racist s/hit is said about us by so called QOS when it comes to work, living conditions, families and culture. Again, dozens of topics right here on this site that one would think is beyond that. So, you'll have to excuse some of us if there is a demand for basic respect.

Your choice is that. Your choice, as it is ours to only fuck women who we have some kind of compatibility with or we clique with.
Don't tell me I'm 'wasting my breath' talking to black men about anything. You're not able but correct that many will ignore this to get a piece, and if you're good with it - y'all can have at it.

The first statement is fair and true to the rules you set for yourself.
Don't want to be friends with everyone in a bar, and don't want to fuck every white woman (women regardless of race).

I used your own words to give an example of fetishizing.
Dehumanizing is not always extreme, sometimes it's slight, like when you state most of your black partners are not compatible to you enough to socialize with - I saw that as damn, you can't have a ******* and conversation with them without them being naked? You'd fuck a ignorant thug, and the director of predictive analytics with the same gusto?

I don't assert that I'm speaking for anyone but myself.
We do have the freedom of speech (somewhat), but that also means other have the freedom to criticize that speech.

Who the hell is talking about romance here???
Your afraid that if you actually fuck someone who is respectable and compatible, that there will be Romance?
Nope. The Simps are the ones who fuck women who don't respect them, or got no use for black folks beyond the bedroom (not talking about you here).
You keep doing you.

Vilifying other? More fun? Yeah, OK. If your feeling like a villain from what I wrote, then a self check may be in order.
You should keep having fun, but if you give your opinion on an open forum, you should expect others to do the same. Remember that whole thing you just wrote about living in a free society with differences of thought and opinion?
Yep. We agree to disagree on many points but can agree on others. I’m sure there are women and couples that do treat black men in the way you describe. That’s just not me. Just because I’m cavalier in my interactions with my playmates doesn’t mean I value them any less as people. It’s just that when you’re a promiscuous slut like I am there isn’t enough time for developing friendships with all of the guys. And honestly, most of them have no interest in that either and I won’t judge them for that or take offense to it. I think that there is a thin line between having a sexual relationship with someone that is a close friend and romance, so that is why I make those connections within that context. What it all boils down to is that we’re all just doing whatever makes us happy and if you need to have a deeper connection with someone in order to have sex with them then there’s absolutely nothing wrong with that and outside of this hyper sexual lifestyle that is commendable. I’m happy to be a cum dump slut for the black men that do meet the personal social requirements in order to connect with me (I don’t have sex with random “ignorant thugs” as suggested 😋). There is a process that all of my playmates have to go through in order to have the opportunity to play with me which requires a video verification call where I can get an idea of someone’s personality. If a guy has no personality or can’t form coherent sentences then he’s not a good match. So there is a social compatibility element to my interactions with potential playmates. I’m not just indiscriminately letting random guys get their dicks wet at my expense, though I know there are those women out there. Those women are likely the ones with the latent racist mentality.
I just can’t agree that what I’m doing with my playmates is dehumanizing. I refuse to refer to black men as simply “bbc” and I try not to even use the term bull because some do see that as dehumanizing and I can understand that. I’m also not one of these fap happy beta whitebois that is claiming that all black men have 10”+ cocks nor am I one of these size queens that demands cocks that size. I’m perfectly happy getting seeded by black men with cocks of all sizes (though I do prefer average or above as most women do). I’ve never been one for the “taboo” element of interracial sex. It’s just about black men having softer skin and gorgeous cocks that also look better sliding into my pussy due to the contrast. I also find that black men’s cum tastes better, but that has just been my personal experience and I don’t claim that to be consistently true for everyone. And I’ve actually had to turn some guys down due to them demanding I call them names and to legit dehumanize them for their own pleasure. I’m just not comfortable with that. I won’t shame anyone that wants to do that, just like I won’t kink shame any of the other degrading stuff some people are into. I just know it’s not for me and I try to avoid those people, which I think was my original point in this thread. 😁
This is Eastern European, bro
True. I've worked in several Eastern Euro capitols over the years after college. There is fun to be had, especially in the north like Odessa, St Petersburg, Tallin and Riga. The Balkens are good too, but, careful of the politics. I leave out Poland because it's become much more conservative lately, but the nightlife is still hot. Being in Chicago, hot Polish women are abundant as Irish and Italian descendants so it's not the same.
Yep. We agree to disagree on many points but can agree on others. I’m sure there are women and couples that do treat black men in the way you describe. That’s just not me. Just because I’m cavalier in my interactions with my playmates doesn’t mean I value them any less as people. It’s just that when you’re a promiscuous slut like I am there isn’t enough time for developing friendships with all of the guys. And honestly, most of them have no interest in that either and I won’t judge them for that or take offense to it. I think that there is a thin line between having a sexual relationship with someone that is a close friend and romance, so that is why I make those connections within that context. What it all boils down to is that we’re all just doing whatever makes us happy and if you need to have a deeper connection with someone in order to have sex with them then there’s absolutely nothing wrong with that and outside of this hyper sexual lifestyle that is commendable. I’m happy to be a cum dump slut for the black men that do meet the personal social requirements in order to connect with me (I don’t have sex with random “ignorant thugs” as suggested 😋). There is a process that all of my playmates have to go through in order to have the opportunity to play with me which requires a video verification call where I can get an idea of someone’s personality. If a guy has no personality or can’t form coherent sentences then he’s not a good match. So there is a social compatibility element to my interactions with potential playmates. I’m not just indiscriminately letting random guys get their dicks wet at my expense, though I know there are those women out there. Those women are likely the ones with the latent racist mentality.
I just can’t agree that what I’m doing with my playmates is dehumanizing. I refuse to refer to black men as simply “bbc” and I try not to even use the term bull because some do see that as dehumanizing and I can understand that. I’m also not one of these fap happy beta whitebois that is claiming that all black men have 10”+ cocks nor am I one of these size queens that demands cocks that size. I’m perfectly happy getting seeded by black men with cocks of all sizes (though I do prefer average or above as most women do). I’ve never been one for the “taboo” element of interracial sex. It’s just about black men having softer skin and gorgeous cocks that also look better sliding into my pussy due to the contrast. I also find that black men’s cum tastes better, but that has just been my personal experience and I don’t claim that to be consistently true for everyone. And I’ve actually had to turn some guys down due to them demanding I call them names and to legit dehumanize them for their own pleasure. I’m just not comfortable with that. I won’t shame anyone that wants to do that, just like I won’t kink shame any of the other degrading stuff some people are into. I just know it’s not for me and I try to avoid those people, which I think was my original point in this thread. 😁
Hey, I can stand corrected. I've got no criticism of this. This is a deeper insight than the previous statements.
You do discern between potential playmates and apparently not banging any swinging black dick. And most importantly, they are clear on their end what they are getting into. You do not refer to black men as simply BBC, you got a s/hitload of BBC clothing for your shoots on OF (a friend told me).

You want to see the casual racism we were referring to? Check out a thread asking why black men don't invite couples to their home. The racist ******* from so called QOS was off the chain. I expect it from the white men, I've debated with them in the political forums. One woman in particular who is a very frequent poster of her content really surprised me with her comments. And, continue to do so.

I'm sure you know this but, fucking someone does not equal respecting someone. Slave owners fucked their slaves regularly. Then sold their own children off to a life of *******. They were not patrons of equality in any sense of the word. So yes, black men need to be just as critical in choosing partners are you are with your system of vetting.

Knowing this, I completely understand the point of the individual who said he's over the whole fetishizing of interracial sex. It's becomes exhausting trying to figure out who's legit and who's not. Like some avoid the individuals who demand respect, he/we wants to avoid those who are just looking for a fuck with a black man.
Hey, I can stand corrected. I've got no criticism of this. This is a deeper insight than the previous statements.
You do discern between potential playmates and apparently not banging any swinging black dick. And most importantly, they are clear on their end what they are getting into. You do not refer to black men as simply BBC, you got a s/hitload of BBC clothing for your shoots on OF (a friend told me).

You want to see the casual racism we were referring to? Check out a thread asking why black men don't invite couples to their home. The racist ******* from so called QOS was off the chain. I expect it from the white men, I've debated with them in the political forums. One woman in particular who is a very frequent poster of her content really surprised me with her comments. And, continue to do so.

I'm sure you know this but, fucking someone does not equal respecting someone. Slave owners fucked their slaves regularly. Then sold their own children off to a life of *******. They were not patrons of equality in any sense of the word. So yes, black men need to be just as critical in choosing partners are you are with your system of vetting.

Knowing this, I completely understand the point of the individual who said he's over the whole fetishizing of interracial sex. It's becomes exhausting trying to figure out who's legit and who's not. Like some avoid the individuals who demand respect, he/we wants to avoid those who are just looking for a fuck with a black man.
That 3rd paragraph 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👑
We stumbled across a profile of a black gentleman on another platform and his profile said the following;

"I am no longer interested in participating in anything related to queen of spades, hotwives, cuckolding, bulls, and anything fetishizing Black people, so please keep that in mind before messaging me. If I see anything regarding BBC or associated terms in your profile, I will not respond."

Then we saw other profiles making similar statements.

How do you as a black man feel about this? Please forgive our ignorance, we are just trying to learn how to approach others without offending anyone. We are just trying to have fun and nurture our kinks.
There are black snowflakes too. 😚