Everyday Activities

One time my husband texted me and asked to meet him for lunch. I spent the morning getting fucked and had 3 loads of cum in me when I left to meet him. Showed up and he was with a bunch of the people he works with. I sat next to him at the table and had lots of cum dripping out of me the entire lunch
wow. i bet you were screaming inside your head, wanting to tell him how good you felt after being such a good slut
the amazing thing to me is when people who don't experience the same life as others, they assume that it made up.
Now I can agree there are things that are far fetched and hard to believe, however, if you are not there, how the hell do you know???
I miss my ex being around the house after we entered the lifestyle. She barely wore any clothes around the house after work and on weekends and she had two daughters well into teenagers she encouraged to show their bodies and be comfortable in their own skin and at home around us and let them know it was ok and normal for them to wear tight and skimpy clothes around the house at their age... they had a few friends..girls and guys sometimes they would all get together... we would send the white boys home early but let the younger athletic black boys stay longer and allow them to play in their rooms with the door closed (we had a rule the doors had to be open if boys were around). we would also invite them to come over anytime and let the girls stay home overnight when they got older if we were going out for an overnight get away (to meet a lover and have fun) and also told them they were free to invite some friends, why not calll over the black boys to hang out...kinda planting a long term seed with them.

Their mom wanted to evnetually tell them about our lifestyle and talk with them about it and let them know it was normal and a good thing and she was always there to answer any questions they may have..

Moms and daughters talk.. about everything...

And she told me when they got in college or married if they were curious or turned out like she was, she would be let them try it out openly at home so long as we were both aware and I was ok but she was their mom and if they were grown and mature enough then she would do it with them at home where it was safe and make sure her girls were well taken care of under her close supervision until they were on their own.