A little background here.
I'm a french black man, 36ans, from the caribean west Indies. I'm not what you can objectively call a "Bull", mostly by U.S critera.
i'm little/average sized,( 171cm), light skinned(to my sorrow), dancer/Acrobat build, and if you like fantasy( fellow Game of Throner, hi!! Even althought i'm more into ROBIN HOBB Farseer)
more akin to a "Dark elf" Jester, no so much a Idriss Elba/massive glute/Linebacker powerhouse type of guy.
(In France, UsFootball is margin, tradition and sport institution tend to prefer Rugby...But i disgress...)
Colonialism and slavery are part of my identity, but French relation to his past is well documented, so there isn't a real crispation on this subject, and there is a lot well known figure from the past
who were black, or mixed-heritage( Mulatre,a degoratory term, i'm not sure, english counterpart= Mulatto) who had rizen in proeminence in these era.
this history snippet isn't about my mastery of historic relation between people and race but about perception of race play, and related bdsm-oriented roleplay.
It's seem a little taboo here( i mean, in USA, with all respect) or it's just a perception?
Where i come from, The interracial fetish is pretty common, but the Real queen of Spades lifestyle is ultra niche, behind-the-scene type of community, mostly experimented or very active swinger.
Yet even, with more vanilla encounter, the racial element are present. Do race play have a place in a hard Cuckold/Hotwife relationship?
English isn't my native language, and i have somewhat a hard time to convey my opinion in a good english form (work in progress), so i hope a little kindness about my grammar/Lexical choice.
"Colonialism and slavery are part of my identity" Really?? Slavery ended almost 200 years ago....stop playing the victim role please.
it's just part of my history, and i value my history, so yes, it's part of my identity. stop being insecure, and actually in some country slavery of black people never ended (Lybia, Soudan, Mauritania), so i think you need to stop being so basic. Actually, it's quite funny, you're from poland, and your country know has historically, been a ground for oppression, control and servitude for quite long too, and do you feel like a Victim? If no, stop your gag reflex, and open...Whatever you can, because i feel your mind's quite Blank.
it's just part of my history, and i value my history, so yes, it's part of my identity. stop being insecure, and actually in some country slavery of black people never ended (Lybia, Soudan, Mauritania), so i think you need to stop being so basic. Actually, it's quite funny, you're from poland, and your country know has historically, been a ground for oppression, control and servitude for quite long too, and do you feel like a Victim? If no, stop your gag reflex, and open...Whatever you can, because i feel your mind's quite Blank.
Man.....You need some professional help with your issues.
Valueing your history is fine, claiming it as a part of your identity at least questionable. Or are you one of these persons who think Germans should identify themselves as nazi's? Or more general, should white people indentify as slave traders?
As you seemingly want to make this a black and white thing: There are countries where black immigrants are coming, demanding free housing, free healthcare, free everything, paid by white people.......sounds like white slavery, or not?
I know it's probably to difficult for your little jugdementall mind to grasp, but you know what is even more funny? Living in Poland does not me Polish, so no, I do not feel a victim. Even if I would be Polish I would not feel a victim because I am the master of my own destiny. In general I do not identify with things I have no actual or active part in. You should try it, it's very liberating.
If you want to stay living in the past, be my guest, I prefer to look ahead. Gag reflex?? Maybe a little.......I can't really connect black master race with this inferiority complex.
You are the last person to speak about "being open" with your over aged inferiority complex. I highly doubt you have have either the knowlegde or intelligence to judge anyonce's mind as you clearly show your own mind is already too much to handle for you.
One more thing, read original post again and think hard if you're really that open. I'll help you on your way a bit: I'm a french black man, light skinned(to my sorrow). I would have called you a frenchman, but hey, I am not that open right?
I am sure you don't need my opinion, but I think you're a little (no pun intended) closet racist with issues.
If you think you are master of anything in this world, i repeat...You're a bit naive. It's not à black/white thing, man. It's called History.
I think you have real issue with realitie. If you think, help to the refugee make them slave to them....Yeah, sure dude, sure. If you think you're debt free from history, you're not the first. Hint- Being a slave, isn't about infériority, it's about circonstances, lil'boy. Black master Race? Man, you need to stop watching Marvel Black Panter, and all this Wakanda *******. You know it's not a real country, i hope? But you can go watch National Geographic, they have à lot of good documentary about the Black Pharaoh so you can educate yourself. I love your opinion, i really do, and i crave for more, it's just a shame that you're limited, at first you showed potential.. But i'm generous, let's try again. So slavery ended 200 years ago or not?
Claiming Black Slavery as my heritage, Hell yeah. It's about suffering, resilience, survival, abuse, revenge. For "a master of my own destiny", its a shame you can't relate.
A little background here.
I'm a french black man, 36ans, from the caribean west Indies. I'm not what you can objectively call a "Bull", mostly by U.S critera.
i'm little/average sized,( 171cm), light skinned(to my sorrow), dancer/Acrobat build, and if you like fantasy( fellow Game of Throner, hi!! Even althought i'm more into ROBIN HOBB Farseer)
more akin to a "Dark elf" Jester, no so much a Idriss Elba/massive glute/Linebacker powerhouse type of guy.
(In France, UsFootball is margin, tradition and sport institution tend to prefer Rugby...But i disgress...)
Colonialism and slavery are part of my identity, but French relation to his past is well documented, so there isn't a real crispation on this subject, and there is a lot well known figure from the past
who were black, or mixed-heritage( Mulatre,a degoratory term, i'm not sure, english counterpart= Mulatto) who had rizen in proeminence in these era.
this history snippet isn't about my mastery of historic relation between people and race but about perception of race play, and related bdsm-oriented roleplay.
It's seem a little taboo here( i mean, in USA, with all respect) or it's just a perception?
Where i come from, The interracial fetish is pretty common, but the Real queen of Spades lifestyle is ultra niche, behind-the-scene type of community, mostly experimented or very active swinger.
Yet even, with more vanilla encounter, the racial element are present. Do race play have a place in a hard Cuckold/Hotwife relationship?
English isn't my native language, and i have somewhat a hard time to convey my opinion in a good english form (work in progress), so i hope a little kindness about my grammar/Lexical choice.

A little background here.
I'm a french black man, 36ans, from the caribean west Indies. I'm not what you can objectively call a "Bull", mostly by U.S critera.
i'm little/average sized,( 171cm), light skinned(to my sorrow), dancer/Acrobat build, and if you like fantasy( fellow Game of Throner, hi!! Even althought i'm more into ROBIN HOBB Farseer)
more akin to a "Dark elf" Jester, no so much a Idriss Elba/massive glute/Linebacker powerhouse type of guy.
(In France, UsFootball is margin, tradition and sport institution tend to prefer Rugby...But i disgress...)
Colonialism and slavery are part of my identity, but French relation to his past is well documented, so there isn't a real crispation on this subject, and there is a lot well known figure from the past
who were black, or mixed-heritage( Mulatre,a degoratory term, i'm not sure, english counterpart= Mulatto) who had rizen in proeminence in these era.
this history snippet isn't about my mastery of historic relation between people and race but about perception of race play, and related bdsm-oriented roleplay.
It's seem a little taboo here( i mean, in USA, with all respect) or it's just a perception?
Where i come from, The interracial fetish is pretty common, but the Real queen of Spades lifestyle is ultra niche, behind-the-scene type of community, mostly experimented or very active swinger.
Yet even, with more vanilla encounter, the racial element are present. Do race play have a place in a hard Cuckold/Hotwife relationship?
English isn't my native language, and i have somewhat a hard time to convey my opinion in a good english form (work in progress), so i hope a little kindness about my grammar/Lexical choice.
My Wife really loved the taboo of Blackguys using her. She was Racist until I got her to Fuck her African Boss. Then she love being used like a Dirty Slut by Blackmen. She roleplays anything