Do other women have a desire to be bred by a strong black man?

OMG JA, ich habe auch diese Fantasie/diesen Wunsch!! Ich kann Ihnen aus Erfahrung sagen, dass es sexuell NICHTS Intensiveres gibt, als einen schwarzen Liebhaber in sich zu haben und KEINE VerhĂŒtung anzuwenden!! Ich habe in dieser Situation MASSIVE Orgasmen und kann mich daher nicht davon abhalten, sie alles tun zu lassen, was sie wollen. Ich flehe sie an, in mir abzuspritzen, mich hochzureißen, mir ihr Baby zu geben, so weiter und so weiter!! Ist noch nicht passiert, ich habe Probleme, schwanger zu werden, aber wenn die Sterne fĂŒr mich stimmen, werde ich das erleben, bevor wir zu alt sind, um Freude daran zu haben, ein weiteres Kind großzuziehen. J (die Frau)
Ich habe auch die TrĂ€ume,seit ich vor 10 Monaten meine ersten BBC hatte. Nein sie haben mich nicht geschwĂ€ngert obwohl ich ungeschĂŒtzt war. Es war auch fĂŒr mich so intensiv ich hatte die schönsten Orgasmus wellen meines lebens.
I've always had a fascination with the concept of being bred by a strong black man and nurturing his baby. Up until my husband passed away recently he was always against the idea. However now that I'm on my own again and still very fertile the excitement of this interest remains strong, especially when I'm looking at this site or come across artwork like John Perkins' comic strips and candid photographs portraying women experiencing the joy of pregnancy with beautiful black men.

Is there anyone here who shares this enduring curiosity? I find the idea to be quite intriguing. Love to hear if other women share this desire or if there are men who enjoy breeding white women to spread their dominance and beauty?
Only if they're willing to pony up the bucks💾💾💾
As a mom, no. I honestly don’t understand or buy into these impregnation fantasies and generally write them off as jerk off fantasies. My ******* Knows a few things, he knows he was wanted before he was conceived, he knows who his ******* is, and he knows he is loved. I don’t think most of these breeding fetish things take anything into consideration past fucking. Sorry if that makes me the wet blanket.
Agree! I always though being "black bred" was just an erotic fantasy. In videos when the hot wife says, "Yeah, breed my white married pussy!" I always thought it was just words spoken in the heat of the moment and not literally meant as getting pregnant. Guess I've learnt something new!
My girlfriend has brought it up but it's a big step. She would be the mom obviously and the bull the *******, and I'd be kind of a second mom? She even mentioning raising his baby together.
Most sane women prefer to raise a baby with a partner that is present and contributes to the family. If that happens to be a black man fine but having warped sexual fantasies that involve a baby's life are SICK.
I've always had a fascination with the concept of being bred by a strong black man and nurturing his baby. Up until my husband passed away recently he was always against the idea. However now that I'm on my own again and still very fertile the excitement of this interest remains strong, especially when I'm looking at this site or come across artwork like John Perkins' comic strips and candid photographs portraying women experiencing the joy of pregnancy with beautiful black men.

Is there anyone here who shares this enduring curiosity? I find the idea to be quite intriguing. Love to hear if other women share this desire or if there are men who enjoy breeding white women to spread their dominance and beauty?
Mmm I would like to be a cuckold for such a girl!!
When I have children (I'm still very young) I would definitely want them to be from a black man. It's a topic that I have never talked about with my cuck, because we haven't even talked about children in general, and I know that he wouldn't like the idea, but there is time, I have convinced him of things that he previously did not accept even as a joke, I will be patient.
WOW, I wish I was your cuckold!!