Do black women resent, or even hate white women...

okay let me answer this for you since you are seeking a reply, "black" women are the most accepting women i have known, remember black women raised white children in the south for a long time, a very long time. if you want to know the heart of a black women, get the book or movie called the help and maybe that will answer your question. black women and black men are nothing like white parents when it comes to interracial dating. my children are bi-racial and my mom loved my ex wife like a *******. the only thing she said to me was be careful of her people and make sure she is worthy of you, and make sure you dont let her disrespect you or other black people. because what she thinks of other blacks will eventually be turned onto you. does that answer your question or would you like examples.
My point is that white fathers are not a bunch of evil racist bastards. We are all good and bad and I'm a but frustrated by white fathers getting it in the neck from some on here.
Thank you for your reply. Cheers
DL Hugley seems to be taking on the challenge!! I just picked up his new book!

yeah, but i need to see if he will sell out for a pay check, he is speaking out though. Mooney did not do it, you ask him and he will tell you whats on his mind, and not apologize for it. i would have loved to see him take on the "Orange" one with a Ferret on his head.
My point is that white fathers are not a bunch of evil racist bastards. We are all good and bad and I'm a but frustrated by white fathers getting it in the neck from some on here.
Thank you for your reply. Cheers

well there is a simply solution to that, you dont want people making assumptions of you, dont make assumptions of them. problem solved. In the end all "black" people want is to live their lives the way you do and not have to justify these things. We dont want to justify why we are walking down the street, we dont want to justify being in a store and we certainly dont want to have to answer for every criminal act another black person does. Case in point, when a white kid shoots up a school, no one says in the media " well, you know they are like that". I cant tell you how many times i turn on the TV and there is a unarmed black man or baby killed by the cops and black people speak out about it and the reply is "Black on Black" *******. As if there is some equivalency in the two.
well there is a simply solution to that, you dont want people making assumptions of you, dont make assumptions of them. problem solved. In the end all "black" people want is to live their lives the way you do and not have to justify these things. We dont want to justify why we are walking down the street, we dont want to justify being in a store and we certainly dont want to have to answer for every criminal act another black person does. Case in point, when a white kid shoots up a school, no one says in the media " well, you know they are like that". I cant tell you how many times i turn on the TV and there is a unarmed black man or baby killed by the cops and black people speak out about it and the reply is "Black on Black" *******. As if there is some equivalency in the two.
I try not to make assumptions about people, but if I hear people spouting racist bollocks against white people then you're going to see me getting annoyed. Works the same both ways.
I don't really know why you're bringing the other points into the discussion - you don't know how I live, or whether you want to live like me. I abhor police ******* and am shocked when I see it on the news. 'Black' people are likely to be stopped more often by the police in the UK. Difference is we don't have guns over here, so nobody usually gets hurt. It is very rare. In general, relations between Afro Caribbean and white prople are good here.
The main source of hate in the UK I would say is anti-islamic sentiment.
I believe that most black woman do hate or dislike white woman! I believe that they are more Jealous of white woman than anything else, the ones iv been around had no reason to not like me so yea I thinks its Jealously considering black men love throwing there BBCs into white woman more than throwing it to black woman
You should be thanking black women because without them there would be no black men for you or any other white woman to fuck so be humble
Black women resenting and hating us white girls? I haven't been with one. I hope to be with a black woman. And I know. She doesn't resent me or hates me if she is a lesbian like I am.
I think it's far from uncommon for women to slut shame another woman. But in my experience white women are worse at that than black women. I find black woman in general are less tense. Although they get pretty aggressive when you're flirting with their man.