Cuckold symbols


I think we need to come up with some symbols to make it easier to identify each other publicly without being a dead giveaway. Here's what I suggest. Wives who are down with cuckolding should wear a key on a necklace or anklet. The key is a great symbol because many of their husbands spend time in chastity. I also like the idea of the cuckold wearing a small lock on a necklace. That way most people will see it and have no idea what it means, but people in the life will know right away. Turtles would be another good choice. I'm not sure the whole story, but turtles are associated with cuckolding in Chinese culture. If you have any other ideas or suggestions please join the conversation
I think we need to come up with some symbols to make it easier to identify each other publicly without being a dead giveaway. Here's what I suggest. Wives who are down with cuckolding should wear a key on a necklace or anklet. The key is a great symbol because many of their husbands spend time in chastity. I also like the idea of the cuckold wearing a small lock on a necklace. That way most people will see it and have no idea what it means, but people in the life will know right away. Turtles would be another good choice. I'm not sure the whole story, but turtles are associated with cuckolding in Chinese culture. If you have any other ideas or suggestions please join the conversation
Our symbol is when we go to a club and my wife flirts freely with men directly in front of me.
When the guys come over to meet me they get it.
È tutto fatto e bene, ma se qualcuno vede un paio di corna di cervo da qualche parte su di me, penserà che mi piace davvero cacciare
Ho una maglietta con un grande cuculo sulla schiena: l'ho comprata nel negozio di souvenir del Parco Nazionale di Zernez in Svizzera. Ma chiunque potrebbe farlo stampare.
Quello che mi manca è la moglie traditrice e quindi non l'ho mai indossato.
Non ho le corna sulla macchina, ma a casa ho diverse dozzine di trofei, cervi, caprioli, daini, camosci, ecc.
Come simbolo preferirei un simpatico cuculo sui vestiti del cuculo.
Also the opposite. I just presume all those big lifted pickups with antlers in the rear window are cucks. ;)
In my case you would be making a mistake about trucks.
I have three pick up trucks.
Work Truck is an International CV with both dump bed and dual back end. Use it for one of my gig jobs. Delivering Fire Wood in the Fall and Mulch in the spring. For the past six years I have been delivering shredded leaves to market gardens to put in for next year. Also have delivered wood ash in the spring to the same market gardens. Two loads usually for 1500 square feet.

Golf Club and Patio Truck is also and International Pick Up though it dates from the 1950s turquoise with white interior. A real head turner.

My last on is a small AWD Four Seater Toyota that I use for going to the cottage, Fly Fishing, camera Hunting and Scuba Diving with friends of course. The bed is the right size for all our dive gear and it easily pulls our zodiac dive boat. Though at 65 I am loosing dive partners due to age.

For the Record I also own a Brief Case Brown restored Checker Marathon ( New York City Cab) for shopping and taking ladies on their dates.) you would not believe the number of note / business cards left under the wipers asking to buy it. It may not go fast however there is plenty of room in the truck. The back seat easily seats three adults or four ******* with room to spare. It’s a real soccer moms car.

My Daily Driver is a AWD 2020 Ford Edge.
After a couple of months at the high school, I got my tongue pierced
and wore a nose ring on the advice of one of the other teachers.

And she was absolutely right. Quite a few of the guys understood the meaning.
Being quite shy and submissive, it let them know that I was somewhat of a slut
and enjoy being told what to do.

The ball stud on my tongue, when placed under their cockhead had the effect of
making them "nut" or "skeet" much faster than they normally would, which I liked.
The nose (septum) ring made it clear that I would do pretty much anything they asked
me to do.

Most of the guys also approved of the "spade tattoo" on my butt and on my ankle.
They are very small but lets the right people know I'm available for black cock.
After a couple of months at the high school, I got my tongue pierced
and wore a nose ring on the advice of one of the other teachers.

And she was absolutely right. Quite a few of the guys understood the meaning.
Being quite shy and submissive, it let them know that I was somewhat of a slut
and enjoy being told what to do.

The ball stud on my tongue, when placed under their cockhead had the effect of
making them "nut" or "skeet" much faster than they normally would, which I liked.
The nose (septum) ring made it clear that I would do pretty much anything they asked
me to do.

Most of the guys also approved of the "spade tattoo" on my butt and on my ankle.
They are very small but lets the right people know I'm available for black cock.
Christine smart idea of you to put a ball stud on your tongue so the guys could shoot their cum loads more quickly, allowing more time for more guys to fuck your mouth. Did your nose ring advertising you as a nasty slut that would do most anything a man wanted you to do work well?

Did the guys know that your QoS tattoos meant that you were a slut for black cocks?
I really like the idea of some form of tattoo, that is not too obvious. Maybe something like the infinity love symbol

I think we need to come up with some symbols to make it easier to identify each other publicly without being a dead giveaway. Here's what I suggest. Wives who are down with cuckolding should wear a key on a necklace or anklet. The key is a great symbol because many of their husbands spend time in chastity. I also like the idea of the cuckold wearing a small lock on a necklace. That way most people will see it and have no idea what it means, but people in the life will know right away. Turtles would be another good choice. I'm not sure the whole story, but turtles are associated with cuckolding in Chinese culture. If you have any other ideas or suggestions please join the conversation
I like your thinking as a sisicuckold myself I've been wanting some kind of symbol to wear as well to wear like a badge of honor