Covid 19

Sorry guys but I learned a long time ago to take everything I read in the press with a grain of salt and everything I read on the internet with a barrel of salt ! LOL

hmmm. So dispite the fact it is in the lancer and recommended not to be used due its utter failure to control SARs-Covid-2 you are happy that your ******* and her doctors friends are disobeying the FDA so long as you take any media objections or written proof witha pinch of salt???


But I do believe what I see with my own eyes and from my own ******* and two of her doctor friends that I've known for the last 6 years. They have no reason to lie.

Doctors lie all the time. They lie to save face, save patients pain and worry. And thats just two reasons why they lie! Sorry there would be no way I would recommend or put anyone into your daughters hospital because of their failure to comply with the FDA rulings.

Last week, they had only 1 Covid patient who had to go on the ventilator and isolation room for three days. And yes, he was given hydrochloriquine, like all their other patients who have come and gone at the most prestigious hospital in Manhattan.

Last week 382 people were admitted into hosptial. None were given hydrochloriquine and NONE went into ICU and were back home within 5 - 7 days!

It's funny that if Trump said that the ******* was no good, these very same people would be posting articles about how wonderful hydrochloriquine is.

So three doctors and your ******* know better than nearly all the leading experts who say hydrochloriquine, is not a cure. Seriously the doctors and hosptial are now in a serious position for law suites for failing to comply with the FDA. Y

our nonsense comment about trump shows how far you are from reality.

It has nothing to do with trumps comment. But what it does have to do with is medical and expert research and facts showing hydrochloriquine doesn't work.

All one has to do is tell them that Trump likes or dislikes something for them to instantly form their opinions. hahahaha No need to argue with people who are so simple, it's fun to laugh at them though.

It has nothing to do with trumps comment. But what it does have to do with is medical and expert research and facts showing hydrochloriquine doesn't work. And that fact is recognised the world over..Oh except for your daughters magical hospital and its two doctors.

As for laughing. do you think people are not laughing at your claims?

As i have stated There is no way I would go to your daughters hospital. Nor any of my US friends!
Trump shouldn't be giving medical advice, period. He especially shouldn't be pushing ******* that haven't been tested. Come on, you know that's inappropriate.

Also, here's what the "most prestigious hospital in Manhattan" actually says on the *******:

He is a denialist. Not only does his ******* and doctor friends give the ******* out, they ignore the FDA ruling on the matter... Talk about a serious malpractice lawsuit waiting to happen!
CDC backtracks and now emphatically supports reopening schools after criticism from Trump (John Haltiwanger)

It's laughable when people compare a classroom to a convention event. " (use your best whiny voice) "He wants to open schools but doesn't want to hold the GOP because of the virus. Apples and oranges IMO!
Isn't anyone interested in the closing of those labs by The Trump mob. Labs put into operation by Bush in his first term. It was thought then there was a great possibility of just what's happened. I believe they were in five different locations around the globe. One ironically in China very near where it's thought this killer originated. The main person from that lab told our congress how important it was to keep labs open. They had already isolated several very bad bugs and stopped them in that area in the years they were there. We got permission from China for that lab because they knew we had better scientist in that field than they did. I suspect the rush to learn if this killer was man made is a direct result of the proximity of that lab to the point of first infection. I've read the results from six different countries and they all determined it's not man made. Three right in the USA where some tried to spread the rumor it was man made. Trump and his advisors blew off the attempted briefing on the possibility of this happening. I believe because it was coming from the Obama people, even though it was originated by the Bush administration. The big rush to accuse China, first for making it, untrue. Then for not reviling the true numbers involved. That may be true i can think of many reasons for that, stop panic in there country being at the top. One thing it sure had no political motive, they don't vote. Could it be cover your own ass by Trump, at the very least we would have had fast reliable information about the virus before it got into airports and circled the globe. Trumps mob at all levels are trying to suppress the numbers as they accuse China of the same thing. Several Republican governors have issued orders about giving out the cause of death. Of course here it's not for panic, it's purely political. Trump at one point said the reason we have so many cases is because of testing, as if the test were causing the infection. Idiot! The truth is out there around the globe those who isolated and tested most and at the very beginning have had less infected and fewer deaths. We first called it a fake news story, followed by only one person who'd been to china brought it in. Then a plot by democrats, Hillary, Obama, too many others to mention. Then no worse than common flu, that kills over twenty thousand a year. Two months of doing nothing but playing golf, traveling around the globe and throwing lavish dinners at his golf resort for foreign leaders. Over a million and a half deaths so far and for the first time Trump has said it might be a good idea to wear a mask. Other leaders even his hero Putin did so early on. Presidents have always been looked to as examples of what to do and how to react and treat others. We're in for some very bad years if today's youth absorbed what's been seen and heard from so many in places of example. Too many Americans made this a political issue spurred on by Trump he made it political buy his own words. Telling the population lies and making out like it was a plot to get him while doing nothing. It's a equal opportunity killer, it has no party affiliation . If we could get our screwed up leaders to realize that simple truth it might save millions of us.
I say this wear the dam mask. Your not only protecting yourself but every person you contact. This thing spreads like a wildfire, Proof gatherings where one infected gave it to others. A party of seventeen teens to mid twenty's three days six sick, a week eleven sick. A month only two not testing positive. No deaths thank god for that but it does show how easy it spreads if your in a group gathering without a mask. The lucky ones who don't get very sick still become carriers. Who would wish to take possible death into their homes, families, friends or even strangers. Yes it's a pain in the ass at times but consider this, those countries who took it serious in the beginning are going back to work , playing in their parks, drinking in their bars and eating in restaurants. We are dying at over a thousand a day, isn't that a hint our leaders and many of our population just don't get it!
It's a very serious thing but i would like to leave you with a little advice, meant to possibly give some a smile or grin. " Holding your breath waiting for our leaders to get it might not be good for your health". I've lived many years and traditionally it rarely happens. It's simply is not possible to hold your breath that long, but those who doubt feel free do do so, We're free and have the right to choose. . It won't take long to prove who's right.
COVID has gotten so crazy that I am not sure who we're supposed to believe anymore. Media seems to have their own agenda and everyone has a their own theories from aliens to government plots. My own doctor told me COVID has been here long before it became a pandemic but that it was still serious.
I know a lot of you guys think it is terrifyingly like that scary word 'socialism' but you just walk into your doctors here and ask and your tested for nothing.
Only those that don't understand what it actually is and or don't realize half of our system is already there anyway. This comment is sure to elicit a flurry of ignorant comments on the subject, so yes you are right, 99% of Americans are still programmed to be scared of the dreaded S word.
COVID has gotten so crazy that I am not sure who we're supposed to believe anymore. Media seems to have their own agenda and everyone has a their own theories from aliens to government plots. My own doctor told me COVID has been here long before it became a pandemic but that it was still serious.

What did your doctor mean by a long time?

The actual SAR's covid virus has been around for years. Or so the most recent research suggests. Well at least twenty odd years. This version of the virus hasn't been around that long. Maybe a year or two at most. So its best if you research and look around at the various sources of information.

I would stay away from the looney tunes NWO kind of sites which are well known for their 'alien lizard' people running the US gov to Bill gates making the virus for world domination kind of BS.

Best way to research is to look at all the information. And see what can be and is correlated and proven by the leading medical instituions and experts.

What did your doctor mean by a long time?

The actual SAR's covid virus has been around for years. Or so the most recent research suggests. Well at least twenty odd years. This version of the virus hasn't been around that long. Maybe a year or two at most. So its best if you research and look around at the various sources of information.

I would stay away from the looney tunes NWO kind of sites which are well known for their 'alien lizard' people running the US gov to Bill gates making the virus for world domination kind of BS.

Best way to research is to look at all the information. And see what can be and is correlated and proven by the leading medical instituions and experts.

I am not too sure. I assumed he just meant longer than it had been a media hot spot.
Just talked to my doctor friend in New York again, there have been no Chinese Virus patients in her hospital for the last two weeks.

Stop. Just stop with the nonsense posts! Its not just Chinese national who are infecting US citizens. Just stop with your idioticies.
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If you know like I know Covid-19 is the last of your worries , it's just an entrance point & it is here to stay .
The most concerning thing everyone should be worried about is the Three Gorges dam in China , that is your black swan & it ain't looking good for the world.
It is a scary thing. I mean some people seem to get it and be fine and others don't due well at all. It seems like more and more people are getting it too. It just sucks and hopefully something gets figured out soon.
It is a scary thing. I mean some people seem to get it and be fine and others don't due well at all. It seems like more and more people are getting it too. It just sucks and hopefully something gets figured out soon.
Further disturbing is how many people are expected to never be the same, sustaining damage to their cardiovascular systems and other organs. I have not seen statistics regarding this, the way we do see statistics on deaths per capita.
If you know like I know Covid-19 is the last of your worries , it's just an entrance point & it is here to stay .
The most concerning thing everyone should be worried about is the Three Gorges dam in China , that is your black swan & it ain't looking good for the world.
You caused me to look it up. I wonder how much more expensive, but more safe it would have been to construct say, three smaller dams and power plants. In the US, for example, there are three different dams (and hence three artificial recreational lakes) on the Colorado River. While the resultant flooding of spectacular canyons was the result, it does provide clean power (relative to coal) to a large region.
Further disturbing is how many people are expected to never be the same, sustaining damage to their cardiovascular systems and other organs. I have not seen statistics regarding this, the way we do see statistics on deaths per capita.
I've heard it can really cause havoc there giving people hypertension for the foreseeable future as well as permanent physical damage.
You caused me to look it up. I wonder how much more expensive, but more safe it would have been to construct say, three smaller dams and power plants. In the US, for example, there are three different dams (and hence three artificial recreational lakes) on the Colorado River. While the resultant flooding of spectacular canyons was the result, it does provide clean power (relative to coal) to a large region.
Glad you did & now keep digging because when you understand what that river provides to the world & what the CCP actually controls then it is a scary situation , a good majority of damage has already been done where it'll take China at least 10 maybe 20 years to recover just from the pollutants in the water & the food situation will affect all walks of life on the planet , plus the CCP controls a good majority of the ports in the world along with agricultural farmland especially in the United States and abroad so if that dam goes it will affect the world in a way a lot of people are not prepared for and many ain't gonna make it . Just by the numbers .