Christian couple

To us the key word is cheating. Cheating is betrayal and is not Christian behaviour. But lifestyle takes cheating out of the equasion. You do it in the open, with happy smile and open heart. It's like Tantra that teaches to reach heavenly realms through sex. We are both devout Christians and do not worry one little bit
To us the key word is cheating. Cheating is betrayal and is not Christian behaviour. But lifestyle takes cheating out of the equasion. You do it in the open, with happy smile and open heart. It's like Tantra that teaches to reach heavenly realms through sex. We are both devout Christians and do not worry one little bit
And like most Christians, you only pay attention to the parts of the bible you want to accept. Nothing about this lifestyle is acceptable to God in any way.
gif_Yellowball-SmackingForehead.gifDefinition of Adultery doesn't say a thing about consent of the other spouse, but the bible sure mentions adultery many times thoughout the bible, starting with the Ten Commandments.
Adultery is extramarital sex, in which a spouse has intercourse with someone outside the marriage. Historically, this has been regarded primarily as a moral issue, rather than a legal one. Proof of adultery is grounds for divorce, however, and in some regions of the world it may be punishable by law.
So, IF you have concerns about adultery affecting your chances of getting into the Holy Kingdom, you might wish to cease & desist now. At the very least, if you have a concern you might should talk privately with your clergy. Or ignore the objectionable responses and hope that you're in heaven a half hour before the devil finds out you're dead. gif_yellowball-laughing3.gif
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We are big Christian people and have a huge Kink for this type of lifestyle! We would love to hear from other Christians about how they cope and become okay with doing the lifestyle and keeping their relationship with Christ
We are a Christian couple too and have struggled with the same issues. I really had to define adultery in my mind as cheating. The Bible also says looking at a person with lust in your eyes is a sin. I really do rely on how close the experience brings us as a couple, the ability to put her happiness first and see it as my job that no one ever knows about this kink of ours. The evil in sex comes when you use it to hurt others. If cucking hurts your marriage you should stop immediately. Truly become partners. Sex is a gift from the lord and I believe it’s possible that some men without the ability to love deeply wrote portions of the Bible in their own interest. Ask the Jesus for a sign. Ask him if he doesn’t want you to experience this to take it from your heart.
I think male chastity with cuckolding is the ideal lifestyle for a christian marriage. The bible says masturbation and cheating is sin, the chastity cage prevents male masturbation und cuckolding is not cheating. Furthermore it connects the couple more then anything else, the divorce rate will decrease because both are much more happy then without this lifestyle.
We are big Christian people and have a huge Kink for this type of lifestyle! We would love to hear from other Christians about how they cope and become okay with doing the lifestyle and keeping their relationship with Christ

As current divorced clergy the lifestyle is a sin. I have done enough study to know you can't bend or twist the Bible's view on any extra martial sex. I am not going to pull apart bibical passage and exergesis the greek, hebrew or give any prooftext response.

TRUST ME WHEN I SAY THIS.......The lifestyle when both partners know and consent, true is not adultery, but is considered fornication. Orgies is one of the behaviors clearly stated as a sinful act. I don't wrestle with it as a sin.......I know it is. However, this season of life has been one of healing and self-discovery.

Just like many other seasons.......this too shall pass. If you wish to stay authentic to the word of God......stay out of the lifestyle. I know that coming to two years of my own exploration, i see the sight.