Celebrating Obama's Win

Yes, falcon, it may shock you to know that someone other than you is well aware of the origin of the word "gerrymander." By the way, Elbridge Gerry was a founder and member of the Democratic-Republican party. As for the bleats about free markets, let's not overlook the root cause of the recent catastrophic market crash and bank failures: Bush-era lax and non-regulation of the banking and securities industries and the (in my view) criminal manipulation of the market by those who invented junk paper hedges that even they could not explain. Go read Republican David Stockman's evisceration of the distorted vulture capitalism practiced by Mitt Romney while at Bain Capital. It's as damning an indictment of "free" enterprise as any commie-leftist-pinko-liberal could ever have hoped to write, except it was written by Ronald Reagan's budget director.

Whatever party he was affiliated with, do you deny BOTH parties have engaged in gerrymandering? If you do deny it, you are dishonest. If you don't deny it, your earlier point blaming Republicans for it is moot. You lose either way.

Oh my gosh! The EVIL Bain capital! And all the people they put out of work and businesses they closed. Just like all companies that are similar to them. Will you idiot liberals ever give it a rest? 1. Romney lost. 2. How many more jobs and companies survive to this day, because of Bain and companies like them? I can think of one for sure. Ever hear of the Office Supply store Staples? Yeah, that's right. Bain invested in them in the 90's and saved their bacon. They now have over 2,000 stores in 26 countries and employ over 50,000. Yeah. That's really evil.

And finally, please check your facts on blaming bush for the wall street and banking collapse. The collapse was caused by CLINTON era policies pushing loans to people who did not deserve them and should not have qualified. Those bad loans were packaged MASSIVELY with a few good loans and were sold as MBS (Mortgage backed securities). This caused the investment houses to get into trouble.

I found this an interesting read on the troubles the banking industry got into "“The National Homeownership Strategy: Partners in the American Dream (“Strategy”), was compiled in 1995 by Henry Cisneros, President Clinton’s HUD Secretary. This 100-page document represented the viewpoints of HUD, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, leaders of the housing industry, various banks, numerous activist organizations such as ACORN and La Raza, and representatives from several state and local governments.” [136] In 2001, the independent research company, Graham Fisher & Company, stated: “While the underlying initiatives of the [Strategy] were broad in content, the main theme … was the relaxation of credit standards.”[137]".

So I guess, if you do your research, there is plenty of blame to go around for BOTH parties on the mortgage crisis/housing bubble that caused the economic collapse. But, of course, those FACTS don't seem to mean anything to liberals, like yourself, because it doesn't support your misguided policies. Oh. and by the way, the Glass-Steagall act that was passed after the great depression to separate commercial banking and investment banking, was repealed by the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act in 1999, UNDER CLINTON. This allowed the commercial and investment banking sides to join again and package those subprime, failing loans and sell them to investment banks.

Research is such a wonderful thing. Try it.
Can someone please explain to this "brain dead person" what in the name of God the 3rd Amendment has to do with the 2nd?
Except for the fact that one mentions militias and one mentions soldiers (the two are not anywhere near the same thing), they have nothing in common. One is to give people the right to bear arms. The other is to prevent a soldier from forsing you to house him.

Clearly you couldn't follow what I was talking about so no need for me to elaborate.
Clearly you couldn't follow what I was talking about so no need for me to elaborate.

Clearly, by my quote, I was able to follow what you said. You just didn't like the response, because it did not fit into your agenda, and in your typical liberal arrogance are "taking your ball and going home". Have a nice pity party.
Whatever party he was affiliated with, do you deny BOTH parties have engaged in gerrymandering? If you do deny it, you are dishonest. If you don't deny it, your earlier point blaming Republicans for it is moot. You lose either way.

Oh my gosh! The EVIL Bain capital! And all the people they put out of work and businesses they closed. Just like all companies that are similar to them. Will you idiot liberals ever give it a rest? 1. Romney lost. 2. How many more jobs and companies survive to this day, because of Bain and companies like them? I can think of one for sure. Ever hear of the Office Supply store Staples? Yeah, that's right. Bain invested in them in the 90's and saved their bacon. They now have over 2,000 stores in 26 countries and employ over 50,000. Yeah. That's really evil.

And finally, please check your facts on blaming bush for the wall street and banking collapse. The collapse was caused by CLINTON era policies pushing loans to people who did not deserve them and should not have qualified. Those bad loans were packaged MASSIVELY with a few good loans and were sold as MBS (Mortgage backed securities). This caused the investment houses to get into trouble.

I found this an interesting read on the troubles the banking industry got into "“The National Homeownership Strategy: Partners in the American Dream (“Strategy”), was compiled in 1995 by Henry Cisneros, President Clinton’s HUD Secretary. This 100-page document represented the viewpoints of HUD, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, leaders of the housing industry, various banks, numerous activist organizations such as ACORN and La Raza, and representatives from several state and local governments.” [136] In 2001, the independent research company, Graham Fisher & Company, stated: “While the underlying initiatives of the [Strategy] were broad in content, the main theme … was the relaxation of credit standards.”[137]".

So I guess, if you do your research, there is plenty of blame to go around for BOTH parties on the mortgage crisis/housing bubble that caused the economic collapse. But, of course, those FACTS don't seem to mean anything to liberals, like yourself, because it doesn't support your misguided policies. Oh. and by the way, the Glass-Steagall act that was passed after the great depression to separate commercial banking and investment banking, was repealed by the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act in 1999, UNDER CLINTON. This allowed the commercial and investment banking sides to join again and package those subprime, failing loans and sell them to investment banks.

Research is such a wonderful thing. Try it.
If YOU would actually read, you might learn. Have you read Stockman? Bain's track record was not even close to being what Romney and his cronies claim it was. MOST of their activities were failures, though they did hit it big on one or two. And those successes came from buying troubled assets with borrowed money, leveraging the assets to make it look like they were worth far more than they were, and then selling quickly for a huge return while leaving others holding the bag. Most -- not all - of the companies they got involved with ended up completely trashed, stripped, sold and devoid of workers. There's a reason why it's called vulture capitalism. It builds nothing and makes money for a very very few principals. Here's one business assessment:

"So, although Bain’s investment did produce millions in profits for Bain’s investors, and tens of thousands of jobs at Staples, it reduced lots more jobs than that throughout its field, and it also reduced the real wages in the reduced number of jobs that remained at the end of those 22 years.​
And this is without even considering any of Bain’s flops, the businesses that they placed deep into debt and that went bankrupt and lost all employees. Although those investments were generally also very profitable for Bain (from fees), even Romney doesn’t claim that they produced jobs.​
Overall, then: since Staples represented Romney’s best jobs-case, but still was net-negative for the nation, on both employment and wages, Romney at Bain clearly produced net losses for America’s workers, on both jobs and pay. (And, of course, he also clearly produced investment-losses for the “stockholders” in the competing stores: “Mom and Pop.”)​
So: Romney’s claim to have produced 100,000 jobs at Bain is a flat-out lie. Even his Staples investment didn’t produce any jobs, but reduced jobs – and that’s his best case."
Clearly, by my quote, I was able to follow what you said. You just didn't like the response, because it did not fit into your agenda, and in your typical liberal arrogance are "taking your ball and going home". Have a nice pity party.

I'm neither liberal nor conservative. Adding labels to people you don't know just shows your level of ignorance.
I am a cuck wannabe but i will tell you i did not vote for obama on either occasion. It has nothing to do with him being black, i just dont agree with his policies and i also dont want to be ruled by anyone. In the bedroom is one thing, outside of it is another.

I think at the end of the day they wanted the devil they knew rather than the devil they didn't. Which I can commend, despite not being a supporter of Obama or Romney. Only a fool thinks that any President could turn a country around in 4 years, so giving the current one a chance to put up or shut up shows a glimmer of intelligence. Nearly the same amount of people voted for Mitt as they did for Obama. It was by no means a landslide victory, which only illustrates that this country is still very much a country divided.

Actually, Ronald Reagan DID turn the country around in 4 years. Stop spinning the stupid, America-hating liberals agenda for them, bud.
I voted for Obama because he stands for people of all ethnic backgrounds and is in 100% support for women's reproductive rights. Romney is against those rights. We don't need women's progress being set back 50+ years because of the GOP.

Women's reproductive rights? Are you kidding me?! So, you think making a calculated and responsible 'choice' (right) to have sex knowing the full consequences of said action and then getting a SECOND chance should the first one come out not in your favor is a 'right? That's *******, honey. And, it's unconstitutional. All of us get the right to choose for ourselves but we are then held accountable for such actions... if you don't go to college you end up poor forever- your right, your choice. You take ******* that can ill you and die- your right, your choice. Have sex knowing you can get pregnany- your right, your choice. But, no one gets 2 choices to do the same bad thing. Murderers don't get to say, yeah, but I want another chance to not do what I did do- ******* someone. Oh, no, the damage is done and you- all of us- must live with the consequences of our lifestyle choices- good or bad. Grow up and 'learn' to be responsible, mature and a productive citizen of your country! America didn't build itself, hard-working people- men and women- did! And they built it by having a modicum of morals and loving life- all life, not by murdering others for their own pleasures and lifestyles.
On gun control. 26 dead people including 20 small children is horrendous. I hear all kinds of proposals and ideas but there is one question I have not heard being asked. What is an acceptable level of dead children? Personally I think zero is an acceptable level. Then the next question is where are the risks. In the most recent event a young man with no criminal history murdered 26 people including 20 small children. But also remember 9/11 a bunch of terrorist hijacked some airplanes and crashed them into buildings killing thousands, I can easily see terrorist invading a schoool and start throwing out bodies. The Taliban has killed and attempted to ******* school children in Afghanistan. There is no reason a terrorist wouldn't try it here.

So how will banning assault weapons help? According to the FBI's own figures more people died from blunt trauma from things like hammers, bats and other types of clubs than died from assault weapons. How about those big magazines? Go back to the original question how many dead children is acceptable? All limiting magazines sizes does is compel the murderer to reload more often. How about a total ban on all firearms? It would work except for one detail, the bad guys don't obey the law. They found this out in Australia.

Or, what about the 55 MILLION dead Americans who were murdered while simply sleeping in their mom's wombs? Liberals want gun-control yet the liberals are the biggest murderers in American history.

And, our founding fathers wanted "We, the People" to have at least equal, if not superior, firepower as the government. I can see it now- our founders telling their English tyrants (ours are pelosi, obama and reid- no caps for scum!) yeah we'll fight you with bows and arrows while you shoot us down with rifles, bayonnetts and canons. When they wrote the 2nd Amendment they knew "We the People" must have equal firearm protection FROM our gov't. Read the Declaration of Independence (America's Birth Certificate- you can't change your birth certificate not even with laws!!). It states that we can and should overthrow our own gov't- not nation or people- when they violate our wishes- only 30% of Americans wanted freedom from England. Today at least half want freedom from reid, obama and pelosi- the liberals.

Wake up or become slaves- it's your country and your choice!
I agree. I love using my assault rifle for duck hunting. Blows those little suckers to bits! Really, I'm sure a few rednecks up in Montana could save us from a tyrannous government. Most powerful military on earth? psst, us good citizens could punch their lights out.

Personally, I could really get off on owning a bazooka! Wouldn't it be hot if they made one that would fit in my car? No one would mess with me then!

There is a price to be paid for freedom and I say we damned well ought to be willing to pay it. What's a few ******* now and then? We've only had 50 or so mass shootings in the past year. Fuk background checks too. Where does it say anything about background checks in the constitution? We have lots of *******. Besides most of the gun violence happens in the inner cities. Those sub-humans are all moochers. We're better off without them.

I say we should never modify the constitution. All this talk about change is crap. Doesn't it just piss you off that they gave the vote to women? My god, and they freed the slaves? Now they even want to give equal rights to gays. What's the world coming to when a decent Christian can't lynch a black? These feds just ought to butt out of our lives and let us be free. I wonder if I could figure out how to make a little nuke? That would be fun. That's sure not in the constitution. How dare those rabid dog socialists try to limit my freedom.
Like a monkey flinging poo all over the wall, your sarcasm is all over the map.
Why not tell us all how you really feel instead of the overly long caricature of everyone you disagree with Jack Smith?

So, rifles which have shoulder straps, folding stocks, or bayonet clips "Blows those little suckers to bits! " more so than say .. a lever action rifle?

Oh, and if you're good enough to shoot ducks with a rifle you should hit the pro shooting circuit.
I agree. I love using my assault rifle for duck hunting. Blows those little suckers to bits! Really, I'm sure a few rednecks up in Montana could save us from a tyrannous government. Most powerful military on earth? psst, us good citizens could punch their lights out.

Personally, I could really get off on owning a bazooka! Wouldn't it be hot if they made one that would fit in my car? No one would mess with me then!

There is a price to be paid for freedom and I say we damned well ought to be willing to pay it. What's a few ******* now and then? We've only had 50 or so mass shootings in the past year. Fuk background checks too. Where does it say anything about background checks in the constitution? We have lots of *******. Besides most of the gun violence happens in the inner cities. Those sub-humans are all moochers. We're better off without them.

I say we should never modify the constitution. All this talk about change is crap. Doesn't it just piss you off that they gave the vote to women? My god, and they freed the slaves? Now they even want to give equal rights to gays. What's the world coming to when a decent Christian can't lynch a black? These feds just ought to butt out of our lives and let us be free. I wonder if I could figure out how to make a little nuke? That would be fun. That's sure not in the constitution. How dare those rabid dog socialists try to limit my freedom.
Interesting comment on assault rifles. Assault rifles are typically pretty small compared to most hunting rifles. The .223 and the 7.62X39mm are generally the types calibers young shooters and beginners are started out on because of their lower power and light recoil compared to most high powered hunting weapons like the 308, the 30-06, 338 or a real big gun like the 458 Mag. I would assume from you comments you have little knowledge or understanding of firearms. Just for the record according to the FBI's own figures more people were beat to death with hammers, clubs and bats than were killed with assault rifles last year.

The constitution was designed to and intended to changed. The first series of amendment to the United States Constitution are called the Bill of Rights. Then there things like freeing the slaves, prohibition, repealing prohibition, limiting the President to two terms and a bunch of other things
Just for the record according to the FBI's own figures more people were beat to death with hammers, clubs and bats than were killed with assault rifles last year.
That might come as a surprise to the folks in the pentagon. Just sayin ........................
That might come as a surprise to the folks in the pentagon. Just sayin ........................
What the US military does isn't included in the domestic crime figures, which makes a certain amount of sense since other than state National Guard units the US military is prohibited from military operations on US soil (with some exceptions) .
Or, what about the 55 MILLION dead Americans who were murdered while simply sleeping in their mom's wombs? Liberals want gun-control yet the liberals are the biggest murderers in American history.

Please don't insult our intelligence! Get real
Or, what about the 55 MILLION dead Americans who were murdered while simply sleeping in their mom's wombs? Liberals want gun-control yet the liberals are the biggest murderers in American history.

Did you know that over 20 million of those abortions were late term abortions ... in their last month? Yeah, seems science & technology figured out which babies would be Republicans, and which would be Democrats, and then they could just eliminate those Republicans before they were born. At least that's what I heard on Fox News ... :bounce:

When they wrote the 2nd Amendment they knew "We the People" must have equal firearm protection FROM our gov't. Read the Declaration of Independence (America's Birth Certificate- you can't change your birth certificate not even with laws!!). It states that we can and should overthrow our own gov't- not nation or people- when they violate our wishes- only 30% of Americans wanted freedom from England. Today at least half want freedom from reid, obama and pelosi- the liberals.

Gee, your recall of the election returns are different from the ones I saw ... the one I saw had President Obama winning by 126 electorial votes ... 332-206, or 62%. Humm, ok, Fox News again, right?

Oh, you want to ONLY count the popular votes, and not the electorial votes, right? And you don't want to count the black or hispanic votes either ... right? And is this before or after the Republican's attempts to suppress the minority votes in 8 key swing states? Maybe we should go back to the 18th century and make it illegal for blacks AND women to vote. That'd do it, wouldn't it? Nice fair election. :)

Wake up or become slaves- it's your country and your choice!

The country DID wake up ... why don't YOU? :rolleyes:
Did you know that over 20 million of those abortions were late term abortions ... in their last month? Yeah, seems science & technology figured out which babies would be Republicans, and which would be Democrats, and then they could just eliminate those Republicans before they were born. At least that's what I heard on Fox News ... :bounce:

What i want is for people to have the slightest clue who it is they are voting for before pushing the button. Makes me ill knowing people vote for the leader of our country based on the notion that he is black or that he is cool, come on wtf. At least read a little and try and find out what issues he believes in and what his stance is on taxes, the constitution, foreign policy, immigration, etc.

Gee, your recall of the election returns are different from the ones I saw ... the one I saw had President Obama winning by 126 electorial votes ... 332-206, or 62%. Humm, ok, Fox News again, right?

Oh, you want to ONLY count the popular votes, and not the electorial votes, right? And you don't want to count the black or hispanic votes either ... right? And is this before or after the Republican's attempts to suppress the minority votes in 8 key swing states? Maybe we should go back to the 18th century and make it illegal for blacks AND women to vote. That'd do it, wouldn't it? Nice fair election. :)

The country DID wake up ... why don't YOU? :rolleyes:
Did you know that over 20 million of those abortions were late term abortions ... in their last month? Yeah, seems science & technology figured out which babies would be Republicans, and which would be Democrats, and then they could just eliminate those Republicans before they were born. At least that's what I heard on Fox News ... :bounce:

Gee, your recall of the election returns are different from the ones I saw ... the one I saw had President Obama winning by 126 electorial votes ... 332-206, or 62%. Humm, ok, Fox News again, right?

Oh, you want to ONLY count the popular votes, and not the electorial votes, right? And you don't want to count the black or hispanic votes either ... right? And is this before or after the Republican's attempts to suppress the minority votes in 8 key swing states? Maybe we should go back to the 18th century and make it illegal for blacks AND women to vote. That'd do it, wouldn't it? Nice fair election. :)

The country DID wake up ... why don't YOU? :rolleyes:
No we didn't, we are still in a deep sleep.
What i want is for people to have the slightest clue who it is they are voting for before pushing the button. Makes me ill knowing people vote for the leader of our country based on the notion that he is black or that he is cool, come on wtf. At least read a little and try and find out what issues he believes in and what his stance is on taxes, the constitution, foreign policy, immigration, etc

No, what you want is for people to agree with what you think is the solutions to the problems. You think, as most Republicans, that minorities are too stupid, misinformed, and irrelevant to listen to the news, etc and make their own decisions, that's why ReThuglicans simply wish to suppress their votes.

Your issues (and well founded) are more with the skyrocketing nat'l debt, even though 2/3 of it was established under a Republican presidential watch. You can thank your Pres Ronald "walks on water" Reagan for supply side economics that set the base for that skyrocketing nat'l debt and the widening disparities of income btw the "haves & have nots". Every economist I've read says Supply Side Economics is responsible for the crony capitalistic system we have today. Republicans have never had a fair solution, only a biased one for the wealthiest that feed their party. They're pro-death penalty, pro-war, pro-nuclear weapons, pro-gun, pro-tortune, yet profess to be Pro-Life.

This is a party of No Hearts, No Brains, and No Courage ... Republicans remind me of the Wizard of Oz. Openly dishonest with absolutely no morsal of integrity. I thank god every day Mitt Romney failed to BUY the election.
The election is OVER ... get over it. If you haven't noticed, the markets are recovering and moving on ... are Republicans going to try to crash this recovery as well? Again? Go ahead, play your gerrymandering games! The Republicans are about to see another wave of ousts in 2014 ... up next, Mitch McConnell ... he's HISTORY in 2014.
