ByeBye too my...

No more than he deserved
re: black cock or nothing
Thing is you'll probably get "both" eventually. What's scary is getting to your 60's-70's and having no soul mate ... just you, and you alone. I'd suggest everyone take a short tour through a local nursing home and see the huge number of old people who have been discarded to the curb, with no one giving a rat's ass about them. Just sitting in their wheelchairs and nursing beds waiting to die. Imagine 3-5 years of doing that.
what a negative thing to say.
Did it draw a clear, mental picture, because that was what it was suppose to do. It wasn't meant to be "negative", but rather a very possible expectation when yielding to hedonistic, infinitive statements such as "black cock or nothing". This section is called "extreme alternatives", right?
I work in a daily environment of family planning, and I regularly witness the results of poor planning and fractured family structures. People aren't getting married as much, and those that do are not entering into commitment with their significant others. The family structure is being quickly redefined in society. The old fashion Christmases, for example, where families gather, and bond, and help out when another family member falls on hard times or is sick ... its disappearing. Families are spread out, and often consist of a single head of household burdened with debt, and other major, personal issues. That's why so many nursing homes are filling up with old people with no place to go. I'm in nursing homes 8-10 weeks out of the year, and the sight is horrific. So, unless you're rich, if you haven't found and established your soul mate, the probabilities of experiencing this at an earlier age, yourself, is very likely.
Here's a little humor to this:
soulmates-07.jpg ......gif_Hearts-flyingAir2.gif GIF_GrouchoMarx.gif
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Good for you honey! I dumped my white boyfriend for cheating on me. I went black cock only that week with his black work boss. He deserved it for not realizing how good he had it with me. He cried and begged forgiveness for the longest time. I'm a bitch now!
Sounds like you had a Melie Bianco handbag and tried a Stella McCartney Falaballa and was sold. ;-)