Bulls setting ground rules


Real Person
Gold Member
Lately a lot of fantasies have revolved around a Bull establishing immediate control of the situation by outlining his rules prior to meeting us for the first time. These wouldn’t be over the top, as something more demanding is more likely to come later in the relationship and may come at the behest of the wife instead.

In every scenario I am to be locked in chastity while they are together, whether I am there or not. This is to start a week or two ahead of the meeting and last until a day or two afterward. However, they may choose to manipulate the rules a bit by meeting multiple times in a week, therefore confining my 6 inches to periods of continuous lock up.

But the one I just can’t stop thinking about is the bull demanding that not a single drop of his cum is to be wasted, ever. In simple terms, that means everything is to be eventually swallowed by my wife or I. If he cums inside of her, I am to clean it. On her face, one of us will lap it up. If it drips or shoots on the floor or bedsheets, one of us is licking it up, but I think we all know that will be me. If it’s in her hair, I am finding every last string to savor. Even the remainder dripping from his throbbing head is to be savored. If there is a condom used, it will be drained and consumed afterward.

Another rule is announced as we discuss them going to his place after the first few meets take place at a local hotel with me present. The bull boldly proclaims that no cuckolds or condoms are allowed inside his house, meaning I won’t be watching and she will be receiving. If she is at his place he will have her swallow the first load before sending the remaining ones home to me in the form of a creampie, which she will verify that I have cleaned up by texting him while I am performing my duty.
Im curious to hear other scenarios that you all have, whether in fantasy or something that you have actually experienced.
No stories of bulls asserting their will early on? I imagine this dynamic happens in some relationships, even if infrequently. Or is this line of thinking just cuck fantasy?
Cuck couples are nervous as is with meeting a new bull, why make them even more nervous? Besides switching on them is fun and the surprise is a turn on for both. The nice charming Black guy from the parking lot just demanded your wife get on her knees as soon as the door closed. Shock and awe is more dominant anyway, an unpredictable bull is more overwhelming and exciting than an assertive one. No holes are safe.