Build wall with middle finger pointing at mexico

no the wall ..if it does get built should be with the middle finger pointing towards the us.....after all congress told him no on the money and to use it on boarder security....but trump said fuck you to congress and the majority of the country and is going the finger should be pointing at us
RE: Build wall with middle finger pointing at mexico

So, Debarah, are you saying the US taxpayers should now agree to pay for the Trump WALL?
Let's imagine, for a minute, that IF the wall is built as Trump desires, that every wage earner in the US would get $100 a month taken off their paychecks. Would you still agree to that wall THEN? I use this example because what Trump would then determine is that each time he wanted anything, he'd promise someone else would pay for it, then stick the taxpayers with the bill. That fair?
Take the issue of Healthcare ... he campaigned on having a healthcare plan for everyone, that would be lower in cost, and better in coverage. What did he give the taxpayers once elected? Nothing! Yet he still wants to immediately ******* Obamacare with NO replacement really intended. That is, unless taxpayers are expected to be gullible AGAIN and believe him. The Trump intention, however, is to lower taxes on himself & the wealthiest tax payers AGAIN and he needs to remove any and all entitlements that he can to warrant his tax cuts. Agree or disagree?

Oh, and make MINE ........ a Big Mac with Large Fries ... LOL
RE: Build wall with middle finger pointing at mexico

So, Debarah, are you saying the US taxpayers should now agree to pay for the Trump WALL?
Let's imagine, for a minute, that IF the wall is built as Trump desires, that every wage earner in the US would get $100 a month taken off their paychecks. Would you still agree to that wall THEN? I use this example because what Trump would then determine is that each time he wanted anything, he'd promise someone else would pay for it, then stick the taxpayers with the bill. That fair?
Take the issue of Healthcare ... he campaigned on having a healthcare plan for everyone, that would be lower in cost, and better in coverage. What did he give the taxpayers once elected? Nothing! Yet he still wants to immediately ******* Obamacare with NO replacement really intended. That is, unless taxpayers are expected to be gullible AGAIN and believe him. The Trump intention, however, is to lower taxes on himself & the wealthiest tax payers AGAIN and he needs to remove any and all entitlements that he can to warrant his tax cuts. Agree or disagree?

Oh, and make MINE ........ a Big Mac with Large Fries ... LOL
Very rarely do taxpayers agree to pay for anything, that's why we have elections. Since that was part of what he ran on I guess a few taxpayers are okay with it.
Since that was part of what he ran on I guess a few taxpayers are okay with it.
No, that's not what Trump ran on ... he specifically said "I'm going to build a wall and make Mexico pay for it" ... and it was Mexico, long before the election, who said absolutely NOT. Still, that's NOT what Trump said, and even now says Mexico will pay for the wall ... eventually.
So, are you saying that its ok for a politician to intentionally LIE to receive votes? Suppose Trump said WE are going to build a wall and each tax payer will have $10 per week to pay for it. How many voters do you think would agree to that strategy?
It seemed to work for Clinton, Obama, Pelosi Waters, and every other Washington politician.