
Well as long as you aren't gettin' slammed with support payments. I let these white girls get into my britches, but I'll be damned if I will let them get their hands into my bank accounts!

I don't have any babies with any of 'um. One tried to get me, one tried to get me though! White girl tried to say I was the daddy! Another Minnesota white girl. Top-of-the-line FINE blonde & blue, Norwegian roots, grade A, quality white stock for black seed.

I had been going bareback in her, but was always careful to pull out and never nut in her. Was tempting, but controlled myself. She would tell me before we got started to pull out, but in the heat of the moment when I was smashing that cervix she would grab at my black ass trying to pull me deeper into her to catch that black sperm (and she already had a black baby).

Anyway, I got tired of her high maintenance ******* and broke up with her. Then here she comes calling me up months later talking about she had a baby, insinuating it was mine! Then she got quiet so I could hear the baby crying in the background . . . to prove it was true . . . and trying to fuck with my mind!

So I lowered my voice and says . . . I says . . . "You know I never came in you"! I said it kind of in a low, mean growl, and her ass got quiet again. I knew damn well I wasn't that baby's daddy, and one reason I broke up with her, among many, was that she was just too much of a SLUT for black men, and I suspected she was fucking at least one other black guy, and that the baby was probably his. I never "nutted" in her one time. Not once!

Rather than sit back and get played, I decided to go on offense and got a lawyer and demanded paternity testing. If it was mine, OK I am going to deal with the situation. But if not, then get the hell out of my life! Did the testing, and sure enough the results came back that there was ZERO percent chance the baby was mine! I took a vacation to Mexico 😁

So later, I come getting a letter in the mail where she calls me an asshole and she would take a ******* on my grave and blah, blah, blah. Yeah? Well, I STILL AIN'T THAT BABY'S DADDY 👍🏽😛😆 White girl tried to trap me. I took her ass down. Got a lawyer and took her ass downtown.

So, as I say, I'm still free to leave at anytime . . . white chick tried to fuck with me when she KNEW the baby belonged to that other LOSER of a negro she was fuckin', but was gonna try to pin it on me 🤬 I went on offense and took her ass downtown!

But in the process, I lost the white girl I was seeing at the time. The whole thing scared her away. We had been going out for several months when I got "the call". She was probably thinking oh man this guy has got a baby with this other white girl. This could get messy. And so she kinda disappeared on me. Hooked up later just as friends. She had started seeing somebody else, also black. Oh well . . . as long as I wasn't that baby daddy 😉
Well played!
As someone who is been “bred” (not intentionally, but things happen obviously) I’m curious if you want the ******* in the baby’s life or if it’s just a fantasy that sounds fun?
if I was lucky enough to have a hot white wife who got pregnant with a black baby, I would not want the biological ******* in our lives as I would be the ******* for our mixed baby/children
When we moved here a few years ago, our neighbor has 3 black children. She was living with her mom. We got together for coffee often in the morning and I held her youngest baby. As I held him I had the strongest desire to have another baby and I wanted it to be black. I told my hubby about it (he is strong into the IR cuckold desire) and he is encouraging me. The girls even want a black baby brother or sister.

That is very sweet:giggle:
It's all about the needs of the Black Man and the white wife.
Ahhh, noooo. The husband always has veto power. If she gets pregnant, he does not have to support or pay for the baby. The bull has to. And he can tell him that he WILL be made to pay for it. It’s amazing what happens when a bull is told about paternity lawsuits and non dischargeable debts.
I am just happy that she chooses to stay with me because she is clearly out of my league. Look at her, then look at me. I am blessed to have such a beautiful wife. If she chooses to mix her genetic material with a superior man, then I totally understand and support that.
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She definitely needs black help.
