Black Matter
Sheldon didn't care if I was married. He craved my awesome tight older and sweetly enhanced into gorgeous rose petals pussy received by the true Owner's of the Only Lonely Pussy Wussy Club Band- My Black Master Lover's, and me-right now second string the only club band member.Linda-friends call me Linny-the Supreme Black Cock Slut of Salem,Oregon! And very proud of it indeed. I can hear The Who's "I M Free" from their classic Tommy album. They were my favorite band most of my teenage years.The Beatles as well. And a big sucker for Hendrix,Simon and Garfunkel , Herb Albert and the Tijuana Brass..Carlos Santana..
Then-The soul songs of the seventies, inspired and raised me into new hip hopping heights with Biggie and Tupac, Uncle Snoop Dog Himself-(Should be Knighted) I could not get them out of my mind as if they were alive within the very cells of my being...Crying to be heard.
I hear upon a certain mellow evening than heard again another day Children screaming "Mom" in the distance...Over and over...
Many a darkened night.Lonesly madness chimed as echoes through a straight though enebriated feeling as I learned-You want to reach for that fire again Linny-you better know what you are doing. Don't dance with the devil-He is a powerful foe. Stayin love. He can't getcha!
Seeing the heads of ghostly souls-Hundreds of them.
I had done away with my older wants. I still had my fantasies. I ended up just redirecting one I -hope for me it comes out ok.
I love black men and I need my small dicked older white man to move himself and his pretty peckerwood camera on to the left while Sheldon my Black Magic Man filet mignon's my pussy with his ever amazing massive conduit of colossal cum and yum yum on over to permit the ever towering and devouring black king of black cocks!Sheldon's did just that.The truth came out-reached out - deep deep deep down-and saved me.
I know I am now on a path I must follow.
My patient as Job husband Jake-responds with a kiss.
A deeper humbling humility. The truth is sex-is the true expression of love-of which-I suppose never thought I could feel this kind of thing before.So much love I had missed out on before-so much pleasure. Without believing the lie that said-it is all-so very good-can it really all be true? And -it is. It really is. Suffice to say to go back into the bedroom for the rest of the day! Back into the bedroom. We have it on film. He -honestly-fucked me like Kim Kardashian got it at age 16 movie-it is fucking hot- I am serious. If you have never seen it watch it. It is incredible.
And this is true."Hi Linny. You are gorgeous Linny."
My husband positions himself with the camera-
We peel each other's clothes off as I reach up to embrace his already postured neck where there wasn't any fear dwelling here..We licked each others lips as he goes down and latches on with his teeth up the front lip of my Labia Majora-than Labia Minora-and now on to my clit as I squeeled watching myself become totally emersed in what I call Black Matter- and completely submerged in it's power of lust- writhing upon-in and upon it's carousel- tazing me with it's electrifying impulses and ravenous hunger all through me in this labyrith of exstasy soaking under Black Matter's heavy oil of desire. Now I to-have become enslaved as well.
He licks me into a fantasy as I indulge on the naughty and nauthtier.. Pouncing with anticipation as he thrusts through with his sword-deep within my womb-My heart pumps harder in rythym with my breasts as I thrust my pussy into his crotch as he simultaneously with balls and all "RAMS" his Winchester Hot Blackcock with measurements that would knock him into first place with every goddamn contest and I am not shitting you down deep inside my now sloppy and shiny pussy-glistening with my cum as we rock harder! Harder! Harder! He moves Perfection with Perfection in and out and around and around. Stretching my pussy till she spreads like butter along his deep rich-blackened Seaside Rock of Gibralter-yet twice as tricky as kissing the Blarney Stone mixed with passion and filled with desires.I then ******* in his cock with feverish angst and adying thirst. I suck his cock and let him fuck my mouth till can't breathe or he has to receive!
He had developed a very advanced method of using his already Masterful and to be envied black Cock within the walls of my as equally to be envied pussy canal and in sync within the already aching now barren walls of my Uterus.
And he did this very! Very! Well. He would start pounding then subside like the thunder and rain in the Oregon hills from which I came.Then spring like a loaded .45 -plunging my pussy into the next Harvest Moon Dance-piercing my shadowed soul-"In Coming"-when I was not expecting it..
And enjoying it all-without guillt!.The love felt between us made our normally jagged minds stilll. Our thoughts quiet.
What a snare my own confused mind and envious heart became.Not to mention my stubborn pride. This side of life is the only playing field for me.Not to mention fantastic rather in tune intelligent people who don't judge but they will call you on a whim.A whim is anything where wisdom holds its matters.
Don't step out upon the air then expect it to care to hold you or care to know your name.PVH
After several minutes of banging my ass deep around his Holy Mountain of Manhood he dropped in speed with his hips acting almost like he was pulling clear out when out of fucking God know's where all of a sudden he lunged forward as if his cock was now the javelin and I was the soon to be turned forever over to say "See within these tissue walls lies a method where when our spiritual well runs dry- and our mind's become confused..Black Man's Cock reaches deep down into our Spiritual well..Turning the deserts into
fruitful ,lush valleys . Healing our minds-renewing our senses and spirit`s. I am Black King hear me roar!Black Cock reaches deep deep deep down bringing up a gusher like the one in the Desert when Abraham's wife Sarah cast Hagar and Ishmael out into the desert and she said" Don't let me see the boy die"and lifted up her voice-and wept." He opened a well of water-Ishmael was Abraham's first *******.Abraham -******* of many nations-Muhammed lived by his teachings. Ishmael would become a great nation.
Back to deeper fucking and lighter touching blackmasters black panther packing punches cock pounding orgasm's into my pussy not just by power but command to ******* and redness -swelling and sweetness..With an " Oh My Fucking God!" And scream till all I sound like is a little doll making high peeping noises and "Ahh!! AHH! Ahh's!!
We erupted at the same time with his Monster Cock drilling me into a dripping fountain of orgasms and opening me up like the side of his mountain. We felt one. We were one. And as I see it..You really can't separate-nor come between one-now can you? You can't divide it or archive it. it is as strong as time is long. Speaking of long. The Black Man's Cock-spell's one very clearly..Very clearly imprinted in my mind, entwined within my very soul. Thrusting away my own intellect and welcoming me into it's very home. My womb its threshold into the vast unknown.
The Black Matter is real-and as reasonable-as the very universe itself. It's concepts are centered upon Creed and Character bred nobly into the B lack man himself yet civilized amidst a very uncivilized world.Black Man. We can learn to listen-to our black men. Really really listen. They are shouting a message into the very minds of white man that will burn into his brain until time memoriam, blasting trumpets into their very ears ! Proclaiming by judgement vote-"We are now taking over the helm. First your wives, little dicked white men . I don't care if you have a big cock still white dick!You will lose all you have earned-to us someday.And you will have done it to yourselves and only yourselves.The same way you cursed each black man who was hung upon a tree-

Seven times seventy white men shall perish per each black man who died at the hand of the white man and his ways-from the beginning of time till now..allowing Our Black Brother's and Beloved Sister's and Children-to go on feeling there was no hope for them here-nor in heaven.
Our God loves only white men lie(the lineage that houses the beast and puts him in control
control through their own beliefs that hold absolutely no truth but only of what the law causing thier sight to become dimmed -their understanding void of God- to come back under it's hold depriving you of the grace richly shed for you by Christ's ******* on Calvary.Damning their own creed into darkness forever dying in mind-in purpose-in value-in distinction-
-In love.

This is a Christian fiction story written to please both(in the) Body and Soul. Written by
Paige VanHouten1-Almost 51-I have only just begun.November 2017
To My husband-who though is known amazingly anonymous. But if you can think-you can figure it out.I love you.Thanks for standing in for me(little dick and all) and not leaving me behind..Nor your Faith.
Truly you await a Grand Reward-
He wants to give it to you-personally. Prov 3110
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