Black lives matter

Dumbass, do you even know what BLM even is? Not sure why WHITE men feel that their opinions is relevant especially when it pertains to Black people! If you are a White individual, then your opinion is immediately OMITTED because you DON'T have a seat at this table! Stay in your lane and stop stating your BULLSHIT opinions when it pertains to Black people because as ALWAYS you're on the OUTSIDE looking in! Mind your damn business because you weren't asked for your TWO CENTS!
Thank you for that response. This is exactly why I have to step away from this site. It borders on the ridiculous.
Ah, so you're a bigot... that's... werid. That's crazy to me that someone from a marginalized group would be so quick to marginalize other people from an adjacent marginalized group.


Oh no! Not Marxists... what'll we ever do! Someone do a Welfare check on poor Captalism and make sure it's still safe! There's a group that sees how badly capitalism is failing everyone but the 1%ers and doesnt see eye to eye with the status quo!

*checks on capitalism*

Yup, Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, Warren Buffet, et al. Are still almost trillionaires and doing fine. Everyone else has to face bankruptcy if they get sick, start a Go Fund me so they don't die of whatever medical ailment they have, ration insulin or asthma inhalers because it's more expensive in America than anywhere else in the world...

But, you're right... the Marxists are coming to get us... 😐

Can't having anyone thinking they might be entitled to more than the crumbs late stage capitalism allows...

"Every day, we recommit to healing ourselves and each other, and to co-creating alongside comrades, allies, and family a culture where each person feels seen, heard, and supported.

We acknowledge, respect, and celebrate differences and commonalities.

We work vigorously for freedom and justice for Black people and, by extension, all people." -BLM

Good Lord... WHO ARE THESE MONSTERS! A culture where everyone is seen, heard, and supported?!?! Not in this America! Freedom and Justice?!?! *Scoff* How DARE they...

OMG!!! It IS right there in the mission statement!

-LGBT people are people and COUNT!
-It's okay to have a home and raise children with 2 moms, or 2 dads, it's ok to reject Anglo-western ideals about what a family "should be" and what a family is composed of, and it's okay to feel like you're still a "real" family even if parts of your family is missing.
-Communities should be raising children, after all, it takes a village 🤷‍♀️
-It's also okay to reject an economic system that has failed everyone except the 1%ers.
-Its okay to look out for eachother and reject the oh so Anglo-American attitude of "I got mine, so, fuck the rest of you."

Cool, I'm on board with that too. Unchecked Capitalism just turns into Corporate Oligarchy anyway, and what we see all around us is late state capitalism failing everyone except people like Jeff Bezos, massive Corporations, and Corporate interests. 🤷‍♀️ Forgive me if I dont jump at the "red scare" dog whistle because I realize capitalism has been failing all of us since before I was even born.

The Irony here... holy *******. All of your talking points are literally out of the Fox and Friends/Brietbart playbook. None of which have any basis in anything resembling fact.

Really? More than the educational system being rigged to fail children of color? More than systemic oppression that lasted long after slavery ended? More than Red Lining? I'd say you're wrong, and you're also cherry picking.

"We disrupt the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure"

What the Fox and Friends crowd focuses on, when in reality:

"We disrupt the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure requirement by supporting each other as extended families and “villages” that collectively care for one another, especially our children, to the degree that mothers, parents, and children are comfortable."

Nothing about eliminating men or fathers, everything about expanding, seeing eachother as family, and looking out for eachother.

Patently False. Your biggest issue seems to be that you're a bigot who has a problem with the LGBT community.

Per BLM: "We are guided by the fact that all Black lives matter, regardless of actual or perceived sexual identity, gender identity, gender expression, economic status, ability, disability, religious beliefs or disbeliefs, immigration status, or location.

We make space for transgender brothers and sisters to participate and lead."

And follows up with:

"We build a space that affirms Black women and is free from sexism, misogyny, and environments in which men are centered."

So, inclusivity bothers you, because... only specific black lives matter? And in your case, what, LGBT black lives dont? In this country, violence against black trans people is worse than any other racial group by the numbers. So, what vexes me is that you can be so bitter about support of the LGBT community, and so vastly not knowledgeable about the very thing you purposed to debated about. Astounding.

With all that said, I'm not going to allow you to burglarize any more of my time, even in Quarantine, it is valuable.

Hi there. Please state for the group where exactly Marxist/Maoist/Leninist/Bolshevik revolutions have successfully achieved their stated goals of a serene socialist utopia that has totally and completely uplifted, empowered (financially and spiritually) the oppressed proletariat from their bourgeoisie overlords. We'd really like to know. Illuminate us.
ALL Lives matter, saying just black lives matter is just plain outright racist.
there were white Irish slaves in the American south also.
the Japanese took the Koreans as slaves.
Th Romans took the Hebrews as slaves
The list just goes on,
We all belong to one race - the human race and we are all equal in every way.
We all need to accept the past and move on with the wisdom not to make the same mistakes our ancestors did.
its wrong to destroy old statues and symbols that remind us of our mistakes, let them turn into symbols to remind us not to repeat history.
"Brain washed liberal", "beta males", "virtue signaling"? Someone's been watching too much Tucker Carlson... 😂 @2kindred_spirits

And Yes... I'm SURE the white dudes on here offering up their wives are ALL liberals. Especially the ones with #Maga #Kaga on their pages and then pictures of Liberal black dick in their wives. 😂

"But Liz, how do you know they're LIBERAL BIG BLACK COCKS? That's mighty presumptive of you!"

Elementary My Dear Twatson, according to Pew Research Center in 2016, 87% of all black voters were registered as Democrats. So, for the Maga crowd, when you're in the corner watching your wife get plowed, theres a 9 in 10 chance it's a liberal pounding her out, which means after he's done and you "eat the mess", and "blow the bull", statistically speaking, it's a high probability that's a Liberal Knob you're slobbing... 😂😂😂

Conservatives on this site trip me the fuck out. You guys DON'T have the high ground at all. Best just to STFU and keep your head down. 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️
And you weren't just making a blanket statement about a certain group either I guess, seems like judgment goes both ways.
ALL Lives matter,

Saying 👏🏼Black👏🏼 Lives 👏🏼Matter 👏🏼Doesn't 👏🏼Mean👏🏼ONLY 👏🏼 BLACK 👏🏼LIVES 👏🏼MATTER 👏🏼

saying just black lives matter is just plain outright racist.

The fact that you see the statement "Black Lives Matter" as a threat is incredibly telling.

there were white Irish slaves in the American south also.

False. At no point ever in the history of the United States were the Irish Slaves. Quit getting your History from memes, and white supremacist sites.

As a very quick micro history lesson, the Irish were indentured servants. An indentured servant isn't a slave. After what amounts to their contract being up, they were free to buy property, own things, vote, and been seen as human beings.

In fact, Irish indentured servants were often tasked with keeping the African slaves in line.

Laws were also put on the books that specifically barred African Slaves and their descendants from owning property, voting, or even being seen as human.

We all belong to one race - the human race and we are all equal in every way.

Except in this country where whites have placed themselves at the tip top of the totem pole, and have built an entire system meant to stymie the progress of everyone else. 🤷‍♀️

We all need to accept the past and move on with the wisdom not to make the same mistakes our ancestors did.

How do you propose people of color move on when systemic oppression still exists?

its wrong to destroy old statues and symbols that remind us of our mistakes, let them turn into symbols to remind us not to repeat history.

So... all the Third Reich statues and memorabilia should have stayed up in Germany after the Nazis were defeated? Just keep flying the Nazi Flags, Hitler tributes, etc.?

Assessment: Congrats on being a moron, I can see you work VERY hard at it.
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And you weren't just making a blanket statement about a certain group either I guess, seems like judgment goes both ways.
Blanket? No sweety, I was quite specific in what I observe here, which are countless profiles with maga bullshit on them, but then pictures of their wives being handled by black guys, or commentary about them wanting to get "friendly" with black men.

I stand by my comment, yeah, I said it. No apologies.
Hi there. Please state for the group where exactly Marxist/Maoist/Leninist/Bolshevik revolutions have successfully achieved their stated goals of a serene socialist utopia that has totally and completely uplifted, empowered (financially and spiritually) the oppressed proletariat from their bourgeoisie overlords. We'd really like to know. Illuminate us.

Hi there back at you!

First, why would any self-respecting Marxist agree that Stalinist 'socialism in one country' model -- a repudiation of Marx' fundamental insights into class relations -- should be the metric for measuring class social conditions? As for an allegedly prophesied 'utopia,' I've found nary a whisper of it in Marx, Lenin or Trotsky.
Hi there. Please state for the group where exactly Marxist/Maoist/Leninist/Bolshevik revolutions have successfully achieved their stated goals of a serene socialist utopia that has totally and completely uplifted, empowered (financially and spiritually) the oppressed proletariat from their bourgeoisie overlords. We'd really like to know. Illuminate us.

That is a lovely Strawman you're building there, while sidestepping what I said entirely.

Theres the door, GTFOH
Hi there back at you!

First, why would any self-respecting Marxist agree that Stalinist 'socialism in one country' model -- a repudiation of Marx' fundamental insights into class relations -- should be the metric for measuring class social conditions? As for an allegedly prophesied 'utopia,' I've found nary a whisper of it in Marx, Lenin or Trotsky.
Finally, someone who speaks English. 🤷‍♀️
Blanket? No sweety, I was quite specific in what I observe here, which are countless profiles with maga bullshit on them, but then pictures of their wives being handled by black guys, or commentary about them wanting to get "friendly" with black men.

I stand by my comment, yeah, I said it. No apologies.
So someone with a certain political affiliation is a hypocrite for fucking black people, gotcha. Bye hypocrite
If that political affiliation involves supporting an open white supremacist, and celebrating his openly anti-anyone and anything that isn't white policies...


#ByeBitch 👋🏼
And again when someone shows me any actual racist proof other than the wall and hurt feelings I'll take you more seriously, you seem a little angry. And yes I am Republican but I also believe everyone should live their lives how they want. You enjoy your close minded life and get some dick baby doll you seem to be under a lot of stress.
Really starting to get tired of white liberals on here thinking they know whats best for african americans, news flash folks african americans are citizens too... you don't need to "look after" them, and you DO NOT need to make decisions about laws that you THINK the black community want.

No, you don't defeat racism by attacking white people and trying to "stand-up" for the black community, you defeat it by just acting like fucking humans and let them do the same, adding LGBT movements and more onto the black lives matter movement doesn't help black people, it just annoys them and rightfully so because i'd be annoyed too.

Point is, white liberals, you aren't as "anti-racist" as you think you are, you're annoying.
