Black Lives Matter!

An Ahmaud Arbery update is that jury selection has started for the trail of the 3 men accused of *******!

Ahmaud Arbery case: Court hearing to focus on jury selection for trial of 3 men accused of ******* (
Jury Selection or Voire Dire is critical just watch the Defense use all their peremptory challenges to strike all Black panelists.
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Of course it has everything to do with race because if it didn't you dumb heffa, you and other white folks, JUST LIKE YOU, wouldn't make BLM such a big ass issue when it DOES NOT affect your people whatsoever! But, it affects me as well as other Blacks, if he or she is actually honest about Racism towards them by law enforcement! As I see right now coming from you, your warped mind doesn't, for some reason, get the main reasoning behind BLM! I mean a damn teenager could understand completely what BLM means as well as WHY it was created, but for some reason you and others, like you, cannot!

Furthermore, and not sure why I am even explaining this to you because it's like talking to a fucking wall! A total waste of my fucking time! While the crime of Black people is done by other Black people, the same can be said for crime committed by White people! Plus, this continued focus on Black-on-Black crime is just a Racist attempt to divert the REAL issues at hand like what you are doing @Kinkygirl25! In fact, and stats show this though so many sources try to cover this up, 90% of crime done to White people has been done by other White people!

Racists don't want to acknowledge that the system is racist because then they HAVE to face themselves and be held accountable for their hatred, which over 95% of White people fit this entirely as well as on this site!
So you believe that 95% of white people including police are racist??? Wow lol
So you believe that 95% of white people including police are racist??? Wow lol
Damn, you must be dumb or just cannot comprehend! Where in there in my post regarding 95% of White people did I say that police are racist! Obviously, you are avoiding the fact that Racism exists in this country, which proves that you condone all of the shootings and killings made towards Black people from law enforcement! Seriously, why are you even talking about this subject when you have no INSIGHT whatsoever about how it feels? You aren't even Black, but for some reason you STILL prefer to voice your opinion, and a dumb ass opinion, as a matter of fact! What I would suggest for you to do is mind your own business because CLEARLY you have NO CLUE when it pertains to Black issues! You're like a DEER in headlights, LOST as fuck!
Police are about "Power & Control" not Right & Wrong......always remember this is the only profession that successfully won State Court cases allowing them to disqualify candidates who score to high on Police exam.....think about it.......

Court OKs Barring High IQs for Cops - ABC News (
Thanks, @vej54, no wonder so much unrest is going on! The best officers that law enforcement could have, they have the option to bar them! Wow! 😲😲😲
No just dont agree with the fact that police and white people are systemically racist

you just asked why BLM isn't "interested in black on black crime"

as if BLM isn't focused on the systemic issues that cause segregated neighborhoods to exist, and for the black segregated neighborhoods to have more poverty and therefore more crime.

you know where else an ethnic group was concentrated into small areas and denied economic opportunity, and had higher rates of crime? let's see, apartheid south africa? jewish ghettos in nazi germany?

the thing you don't get is that segregated poor black neighborhoods are a direct result of intentional racist policy in the US. You maybe heard of Tulsa getting firebombed when black people managed to make a buck or two, but you think that *******'s somehow all in the past. Nope. It's part of a long history in this country of, yes, systemic racism

No just dont agree with the fact that police and white people are systemically racist
That is a broad general statement to say or believe.
So your thought on Breonna Taylor situation and Tamir Rice?

Let's get specific for each case is special. I love to hear your thoughts.
Sure, both shootings were tragic accidents but completely different. Breona was not specifically targeted and was hit by stray bullets when officers returned fire from the initial gun shots by her BF. Total accident. Tamir was targeted. He had an airsoft gun that did NOT have the orange tip on it and officers believed it to be a real weapon and was killed. Both justifiable shootings but Again both tragic and should not have happened but not cases where the people were killed because they were black.

When i say justifiable in the Breona case i dont mean her death was justifiable just the returning of fire by the police. Its unfortunate she was hit.
That is a broad general statement to say or believe.
So your thought on Breonna Taylor situation and Tamir Rice?

Let's get specific for each case is special. I love to hear your thoughts.
I will say that George floyds death was 100% a bad death and the officer should have went to prison and did.
Sure, both shootings were tragic accidents but completely different. Breona was not specifically targeted and was hit by stray bullets when officers returned fire from the initial gun shots by her BF. Total accident. Tamir was targeted. He had an airsoft gun that did NOT have the orange tip on it and officers believed it to be a real weapon and was killed. Both justifiable shootings
The were not 'justifiable'.
Taylor's boyfriend had a legal firearm.
Kentucky is a 'Stand Your Ground' state.
Taylor's boyfriend did NOT have a record of ******* dealing at all, or a warrant.
The Detective who wrote the evidence for a no-knock warrant was fired a year ago for lying several times under oath in unrelated cases.
No neighbors heard the police identify themselves. Just a loud crash of the battering ram, being in a stand your ground state, and having a legal firearm, the officers being in plain clothes and it being late night, Walker grabbed his LEGAL firearm and shot at the government agents. Once. The 3 officers begin shooting wildly and even shot one of themselves.
Justifiable in your head only.
In March, ALL charges were dropped against Kenneth Walker, finding him within his rights to protect his home, under the Stand Your Ground law.
If he was within his rights, who was wrong? I'll give you 3 attempts and the first 2 don't count.
Tamir Rice was 12 years old, not pointing the toy gun at anyone, not given any order and shot within .5 second of the cop jumping out of the car.
Police have giving WHITE mass murderers the option of surrendering in Colorado, South Carolina and Georgia while they were still holding firearms.
During a protest and riot in Wisconsin, police allowed an openly armed teen who just committed *******, walk right past them, and offered him water.
Police tried to describe the 12 year old baby as about 20. The old scary black male trope. Even though the 911 caller said it was a kid playing with a gun that was probably fake.
Police Officer was found to be a justified in his ******* of Rice.
That police officer Timothy Loehmann, was found to be unfit for duty from a suburban police ******* less than two years previously. Before that, he failed the make the cut in three other police departments.
The Cleveland Police Department was found to be severely undertrained, consistent use of excessive ******* and violations of the Fourth Amendment. Cleveland ranks in the top 3 cities in children murdered by the police.

but Again both tragic and should not have happened but not cases where the people were killed because they were black.
Being black, led to the default of deadly ******* that is not practiced with whites.

When i say justifiable in the Breona case i dont mean her death was justifiable just the returning of fire by the police. Its unfortunate she was hit.
She was hit six times. And, it was not justified.
I will say that George floyds death was 100% a bad death and the officer should have went to prison and did.
What the fuck else can you say?
This is a great example of the bar it takes to convict a police officer of a wrongful death: a complete video tape, multiple witnesses who are NOT black, other police officers testifying against the officer, world ranked experts, doctors, an experienced prosecuting team, and sustained public outrage.
As I said before, what the fuck else can you say?
Hello to anyone that is reading this post. This is just a way for me to vent. I am not going to filter myself, if you are offended then you are either apart of the problem or going along with the problem by being complicit.

First, the Black Lives Matter movement has never said anything about all lives don't matter. The media turned it that way because of their biases which is a whole different topic. Using all lives matter as an argument is creating further divide because if all lives truly matter black people wouldn't be getting killed by cops.

*Not all cops are bad but their fraternity to protect the bad ones is what makes them look bad as a whole. Then on top of that the slaps on the wrist that they get for not being held accountable is ridiculous. THERE are good cops but that fraternity is corrupt to allow them to avoid accountability.

All lives matter, reverse racism is all tactics to take away from the pressing issue at hand that black people continually suffer from system racism and people get away with seeing us as less than human beings. Black people cannot be racist because we don't have power so please don't confuse black peoples prejudice and bigotry to racism. Not saying its right but a black person has dealt with systemic racism, prejudice, and bigotry far more than a white person can understand. There are literal racist in this world that have never had a bad experience with a black person but because they were taught to hate or saw hate on the media then hate is all they know. If everything was equal laws wouldn't need to be passed for jobs to not discriminate against a black persons hair. Affirmative action has turned into a quota for most companies and white women benefit from it the most. Affirmative action was supposed to give an opportunity for qualified POC to get an opportunity.

Second, stop changing the narrative to looting and rioting. Businesses have even came out and said their employees will still get paid and merch can be replaced but yet people still focus on that angle. With all the riots people want to get upset but are quiet about the Tulsa Massacre that happened in the past. Where black people and black businesses was specifically targeted. Agitators are the ones thats turning most of these protests into riots to begin with. Even with video footage people still give the aggressors the benefit of the doubt to try and justify their actions. watch the all these videos of the police interacting with the protestors and you'll see who the real "thugs" are.

Third, racism and injustice for black people is literally everywhere this just isn't a USA thing. Black tourist are treated nice in foreign countries because they have money that they can spend. I've traveled as a tourist and studied abroad both experiences were like night and day. The media warps peoples mind to hate us and those people are weak minded to not think for themselves. if you never had anything happen to you by people of color but you still judge them as a whole your incredibly dumb because you aren't thinking for yourself.

Forth, divide has been around so long that poor white people even believe they are above poor black people when they are the exact same boat. SS is greatly used by poor white people but media makes it look like its only black people.

Fifth, please stop being fool by people and companies. If they weren't on the side of Keapernick when he kneeled during the anthem to protest this same topic then they aren't on our side now. People will fake sympathy or hop on a movement because it's trending instead of actually caring about people and what they are going through. People that genuinely cared showed up as soon as injustice peaked their heads not when things get out of control.

Sixth and final point, stop allowing yourself to be fetishized by white sex workers and white women in general. These people are not on our size they only want a black man because he can offer a big dick. When they aren't fuckin she could care less about him. Before anyone gets upset this is specifically for the small percent of white women that do this. As well as the white women that only want to sleep with a black man because they have racist parents.

All and all there is unfortunately more white people that side with oppression and willfully being ignorant than people that are on the side of sympathy for what us black people go through. This post isn't about generalizing there are good people there are good cops. If you don't go against the narrative of racism you are guilty by being complicit. All lives should truly matter but it won't until black people are done being seen as a threat, Muslims are done being seen as terrorist, and etc.

All I ask is please remove your biases and truly open your heart and understand what is going on. If you willingly look for the truth it is out there for you to see. Some are privileged and have never felt oppression or true fear when being innocent. Because you haven't experienced doesn't mean others haven't or it isn't real.
You’re two thirds correct, but your wrong on not caring for our black bulls, I’m always fair with my bull when he’s with me, accommodation, food, *******, pay expenses, gift - but never ever pay, and It’s normally them who move on afterwards, I don’t blame them, but it’s normally the men who have the pump and dump doctrine, whilst women want long term relationships.
The were not 'justifiable'.
Taylor's boyfriend had a legal firearm.
Kentucky is a 'Stand Your Ground' state.
Taylor's boyfriend did NOT have a record of ******* dealing at all, or a warrant.
The Detective who wrote the evidence for a no-knock warrant was fired a year ago for lying several times under oath in unrelated cases.
No neighbors heard the police identify themselves. Just a loud crash of the battering ram, being in a stand your ground state, and having a legal firearm, the officers being in plain clothes and it being late night, Walker grabbed his LEGAL firearm and shot at the government agents. Once. The 3 officers begin shooting wildly and even shot one of themselves.
Justifiable in your head only.
In March, ALL charges were dropped against Kenneth Walker, finding him within his rights to protect his home, under the Stand Your Ground law.
If he was within his rights, who was wrong? I'll give you 3 attempts and the first 2 don't count.
Tamir Rice was 12 years old, not pointing the toy gun at anyone, not given any order and shot within .5 second of the cop jumping out of the car.
Police have giving WHITE mass murderers the option of surrendering in Colorado, South Carolina and Georgia while they were still holding firearms.
During a protest and riot in Wisconsin, police allowed an openly armed teen who just committed *******, walk right past them, and offered him water.
Police tried to describe the 12 year old baby as about 20. The old scary black male trope. Even though the 911 caller said it was a kid playing with a gun that was probably fake.
Police Officer was found to be a justified in his ******* of Rice.
That police officer Timothy Loehmann, was found to be unfit for duty from a suburban police ******* less than two years previously. Before that, he failed the make the cut in three other police departments.
The Cleveland Police Department was found to be severely undertrained, consistent use of excessive ******* and violations of the Fourth Amendment. Cleveland ranks in the top 3 cities in children murdered by the police.

Being black, led to the default of deadly ******* that is not practiced with whites.

She was hit six times. And, it was not justified.
See what your saying is all debatable and have differing acounts of what happened so i am not even gonna try because you already have your mind made up on the police.

Let me ask you this. This weekend there were over 50 shootings in Chicago. Many black folks were killed by other blacks so where is the outrage on that. Black people ******* more black people then the police ever did. Thats what you should be mad about. Not the police.
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What the fuck else can you say?
This is a great example of the bar it takes to convict a police officer of a wrongful death: a complete video tape, multiple witnesses who are NOT black, other police officers testifying against the officer, world ranked experts, doctors, an experienced prosecuting team, and sustained public outrage.
As I said before, what the fuck else can you say?
Yeah thats called a trial. As much as you guys love to immediately condem the police when shootings happen there are circumstances and you cant convict people on pure emotion. You have to look at the facts of every single case.
What the fuck else can you say?
This is a great example of the bar it takes to convict a police officer of a wrongful death: a complete video tape, multiple witnesses who are NOT black, other police officers testifying against the officer, world ranked experts, doctors, an experienced prosecuting team, and sustained public outrage.
As I said before, what the fuck else can you say?
Also what is your point on this post. The cop was convicted. What that is not good enough for you??

Also curious, do you support defunding the police?
See what your saying is all debatable and have differing acounts of what happened so i am not even gonna try because you already have your mind made up on the police.

Let me ask you this. This weekend there were over 50 shootings in Chicago. Many black folks were killed by other blacks so where is the outrage on that. Black people ******* more black people then the police ever did. Thats what you should be mad about. Not the police.
It may come as a surprise to you, but there is, and always has been outrage in the Black community in regards to gun violence. Mothers against gun violence originated in Black communities. Look deeper into the neighborhoods and you see prayer vigils and night patrols as well as night time youth activities to keep young people positively involved. Closely associated are the funding requests for more jobs programs to address the 50% unemployment rate for young men in order to give them positive returns and less idle time....but these are too frequently dismissed as a part of the 'welfare' system.

For DECADES the Black communities have been at the forefront of the proponents of gun control. This has been a part of our desired resolution of the '******* wars', be it the opiods outbreak, the crack scourge, as well as gang violence. Conservatives and NRA lobbyists have totally misconstrued the wording AND meaning of the 2nd Amendment to not only block these efforts, but to even bar federal funding for any and all studies of the effects of gun violence in America. In addition,