Big black dick problems

I am no where near as endowed as the creator of this thread... Even at my level lots of women have had difficulty handling me initially... And subsequently. That being said there's nothing like a custom molded fit. It does remind me of a story I'd like to share though. I was meeting a girlfriend in a subway station in New York city. As usual she was late. In any case I was wearing a pair of nylon shorts with boxers on...(It was a summertime concert in the park) They fit me very well... Two cops approached me...A Black male and a Latina female... They said they got a complaint that I was engaging in indecent behavior. Lol. All I was doing was standing there waiting for my girlfriend. As they were talking to me...Quite nicely I might add. My girlfriend arrived. She wanted to know what happened. And of course I told her somebody noticed my dick like you always do. Lol. I even said look I have underwear on... And I exposed my waistband. The Black male said yeah he's all right sorry to bother you sir. My girlfriend and the female actually high fived each other and said her boyfriend has the same problem too. Lol. Of course I admonished her for being late...again. And told her I could have just wound up as another statistic. Lol. We went and enjoyed a great concert in the park.
This is how I wake up each morning knowing the struggles of having a big dick.

~ constantly have to tuck it while in public
~ knowing it won't never be fully swallowed
~ too big for anal sex
~ majority of women ghost you due to the size
~ can't have a long-term relationship due to it being painful for daily sex
~ getting stopped at airport due to a large mass between your legs
My guy are you black ? Really ? For real? Getting stopped at the airport ? No long term relationships . Get fuck out of here with that make believe ass ******* ! Sounds like what some of these white guys on here would say ……. You left out the most important part out . If your dick is that big you can’t keep it hard .
This is how I wake up each morning knowing the struggles of having a big dick.

~ constantly have to tuck it while in public
~ knowing it won't never be fully swallowed
~ too big for anal sex
~ majority of women ghost you due to the size
~ can't have a long-term relationship due to it being painful for daily sex
~ getting stopped at airport due to a large mass between your legs
Ain't no way it can be to big for anal sex, will need to make sure we have extra time to start slow but after a little warm up time it becomes very pleasurable
This is how I wake up each morning knowing the struggles of having a big dick.

~ constantly have to tuck it while in public
~ knowing it won't never be fully swallowed
~ too big for anal sex
~ majority of women ghost you due to the size
~ can't have a long-term relationship due to it being painful for daily sex
~ getting stopped at airport due to a large mass between your legs
My wife hasn’t had bbc yet , but I think she would definitely be scared if she saw yours . 😂 . Or my be not.
This is how I wake up each morning knowing the struggles of having a big dick.

~ constantly have to tuck it while in public
~ knowing it won't never be fully swallowed
~ too big for anal sex
~ majority of women ghost you due to the size
~ can't have a long-term relationship due to it being painful for daily sex
~ getting stopped at airport due to a large mass between your legs
Sounds rough man. You are in the 1% of the male population that has to deal with this. Unlucky.
This is how I wake up each morning knowing the struggles of having a big dick.

~ constantly have to tuck it while in public
~ knowing it won't never be fully swallowed
~ too big for anal sex
~ majority of women ghost you due to the size
~ can't have a long-term relationship due to it being painful for daily sex
~ getting stopped at airport due to a large mass between your legs
I, myself, am an unabashed size queen. Have been since I first experienced a really big one inside me. I’m wondering how common or rare that is. Question for the studs: How many women really enjoy having a huge dick in side them? One in twenty??? Less? More?
I've been blessed with a husband and soul mate endowed with 8+" & now he let's me play with bbc's ideally min 9", wanting 3 plus at the same time & want to feel 10",11" & even a 12" bbc's
Where are you bbc's I'm waiting


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This is how I wake up each morning knowing the struggles of having a big dick.

~ constantly have to tuck it while in public
~ knowing it won't never be fully swallowed
~ too big for anal sex
~ majority of women ghost you due to the size
~ can't have a long-term relationship due to it being painful for daily sex
~ getting stopped at airport due to a large mass between your legs
I can help