Best IR video to watch with your wife?

Well we can tell the men from the women here in what they recommend. These vinegette clips of a thousand different images bombarding you of BBC and sucking and fucking and everyhting else- thats mens porn. Just throw 40,000 images at you as fast as you can so it overwhelms you visually. Woman like a plot, woman like some foreplay and a lead up. Something realistic. If you want to watch porn with your wife and turn her off right waay the first time, watch these compiliation vidieos that almost all of the men have recommended. She will hate it. If you want to take your time and give her some sensuality that is more aimed for the woman to enjoy, find a good video. Not one of some young at school who sleeps with the professor but one of a more mature actress (there are many) so its doesnt come off as some kind of teeny bopper porn. She will thank you for it and it will excite her far more. Women and men react to porn differently and view it differently.
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Well we can tell the men from the women her in what they recommend. These vinegette clips of a thousand different images bombarding you of BBC and sucking and fucking and everyhting else- thats mens porn. Just throw 40,000 images at you as fast as you can so it overwhelms you visually. Woman like a plot, woman like some foreplay and a lead up. Something realistic. If you want to watch porn with your wife and turn her off right waay the fiorst time watch these compiliation vidieos that almost all of the men have recommended. She will hate it. If you want to take your time and give her some sensuality that is more aimed for the woman to enjoy find a good video. Not one of some young at school who sleeps with the professor but one of a more mature actress (there are many) so its doesnt come off as some kind of teeny bopper porn. She will thank you for it and it will excite her far more. Women and men react to porn differently and view it differently.
Excellent advice, Annie. We tried typical pornhub interracial porn together and Keiko was not a fan. Then we tried and she had me setup a subscription to it. That stuff is top quality and stimulates both her mind and her body.
My girlfriend and I enjoy this one, it helps to see other young couples cuckolding black. Interracial sex, just hits much harder especially unprotected.
Yes. My wife has a strong resemblence to this girl and this is her favorite. When we watch porn she often picks it. She recently admitted that when I am away she watches this one regularly when getting off.
My girlfriend and I enjoy this one, it helps to see other young couples cuckolding black. Interracial sex, just hits much harder especially unprotected.
she looks a little like the hottie in the AT&T commercials.
From a womans perspective, don't lead with one of those monster cock, girl screaming ones.
Try one that has lots of kissing and caressing in it.
Men love to see women skewered on a giant cock but we like the more tender stuff.
At the start , anyway!
From a guys, that's the right answer! Lol