My hub had a coke habit, but he managed it, other than the fact that it cost him 32k a year,,,he did it intravenously, which is an entirely different world, even from crack, crack is a 100% more intense that tooting it, and booting it is a 100% more intense than that. He did that for seven years, I joined him for the last four, we both just stopped overnight back in ‘89 and never went back.
I have a severe needle phobia which I developed as a young baby so I declined all intravenous substances. I started in '83 and my habit grew as the $$$ rolled in/situations arose. I lived in NYC periodically all during the 80s and 90s so I well remember the crack epidemic. This was one, small, reason why I eventually quit. I've never done anything since but I have to admit I loved that *******.
Watching her go someplace you know you cannot follow is sometimes the hardest part.
Speaking of places you cannot follow or go...

While watching a bull enter my wife for the first time,
as he buried his cock in deep, he looked right at me and said
matter-of-factly, "I'm in past the used part".

It was hard on a young cuckold knowing that you will never
experience or satisfy your wife by penetrating her enough
to get your glan or cockhead up against her cervix.
Speaking of places you cannot follow or go...

While watching a bull enter my wife for the first time,
as he buried his cock in deep, he looked right at me and said
matter-of-factly, "I'm in past the used part".

It was hard on a young cuckold knowing that you will never
experience or satisfy your wife by penetrating her enough
to get your glan or cockhead up against her cervix.
Yes as young man I knew back then it would never be the same again
Yes as young man I knew back then it would never be the same again
It wasn't only that, I came home once and saw what I initially
thought was just my wife getting felt-up or fingered.
But then I noticed the guy hand his whole hand up to
his wrist, inside her.

Christine was just staring blankly, high on something allowing
herself to be "fisted". When the guy noticed me seeing what he was doing,
he just smiled and said, "She ain't never gonna feel that baby dick of
yo's again".
I have a severe needle phobia which I developed as a young baby so I declined all intravenous substances. I started in '83 and my habit grew as the $$$ rolled in/situations arose. I lived in NYC periodically all during the 80s and 90s so I well remember the crack epidemic. This was one, small, reason why I eventually quit. I've never done anything since but I have to admit I loved that *******.
We’re both native New Yorkers, but this happened back in the ‘80’s in Orlando,,,we used to laugh when the news would report a bust of extremely pure coke, as much as 90% pure,,,my hub used to make back road runs from Coral Gables to Orlando on his BSA chopper, with a couple of keys of 100% pure Columbian marching powder, his payment was usually an Oz for every kilo. Once I asked him why he nerves cut it, and he told me he sat in an office facing the guy who gave it to him, behind him were two non English speaking Columbians, both armed with Uzi’s and Mac 10’s,,,as much as we thought Miami Vice was a joke, the way they dealt with people who crossed them wasn’t,,,so he always handed it over untouched! Since an addictive white substance hydrochloride (the type you snort or shoot), is made with kerosene, for years,,,YEARS,,,after we quit, every time your around certain petroleum products you smell coke,,,when you injected it the first thing you noticed was you could taste it in your nasal passages,,,then it hits you. We used to do marathons of 16 hours so we’d get it out of our system and not spend the night “chasing the dragon” as he used to say!
We’re both native New Yorkers, but this happened back in the ‘80’s in Orlando,,,we used to laugh when the news would report a bust of extremely pure coke, as much as 90% pure,,,my hub used to make back road runs from Coral Gables to Orlando on his BSA chopper, with a couple of keys of 100% pure Columbian marching powder, his payment was usually an Oz for every kilo. Once I asked him why he nerves cut it, and he told me he sat in an office facing the guy who gave it to him, behind him were two non English speaking Columbians, both armed with Uzi’s and Mac 10’s,,,as much as we thought Miami Vice was a joke, the way they dealt with people who crossed them wasn’t,,,so he always handed it over untouched! Since an addictive white substance hydrochloride (the type you snort or shoot), is made with kerosene, for years,,,YEARS,,,after we quit, every time your around certain petroleum products you smell coke,,,when you injected it the first thing you noticed was you could taste it in your nasal passages,,,then it hits you. We used to do marathons of 16 hours so we’d get it out of our system and not spend the night “chasing the dragon” as he used to say!
From Christine -
I got introduced to coke as it was rolled into a joint
or blunt (without my knowledge) for "extra kick".
Then after I was told (and enjoyed it) I got into
doing lines. A lot of guys would get me "coked-up" at parties
and we'd fuck all night.
From Christine -
I got introduced to coke as it was rolled into a joint
or blunt (without my knowledge) for "extra kick".
Then after I was told (and enjoyed it) I got into
doing lines. A lot of guys would get me "coked-up" at parties
and we'd fuck all night.
We used to sprinkle just a touch on top of a bowl of weed, after the first lung you could take some of the biggest lungs of you life that you never coughed on, that first lung made the back of you throat numb, so zero coughing. In our experience coke lines or smoking a bit with weed opens thighs all day, once you start injecting it, if you’re a woman the shot itself is just this side of an orgasm, so you don’t care in there’s a room full of people, you rip your clothes right off. If your a man you get hard instantly, except once you start to use it you go soft, as soon as you stop, it gets hard again,,,so for men it’s best to stick with the weed and let the ladies have the coke. My hubs ex wife went out for drinks after work on a Friday, she was a paralegal, she ran into a lawyer who took her to a motel and introduced her to it,,,didn’t come home till 1:00 on Saturday afternoon. Two weeks later they were both living the single life. It bugged the hell out of him that she would through away everything for one night, but when they discussed it he told her it was really weird that they got married on Easter Sunday, and their relationship would be over on Easter Sunday, which was two weeks away,,,she understood at that time that her place of residence was about to be new! It still bugged my hub, he could always take coke or leave it,,,he had to know why. He had a two bedroom townhouse and took in a female room mate who turned out to be familiar with it, they got some coke and she initiated him, in a week he not only had learned how to do it himself, but was buying a 1/4 ounce a week for himself. He was a foreman at seven pavilions at EPCOT, so he was making really good money (more than that lawyer), and $750 an quarter ounce was nothing to him. In our circles in Orlando, there was the an addictive white substance Cowboys (us), and the Metropolitan Bureau of Investigation (the MBI),,,lawyers are a thorn in their side, they hate them, apparently somebody dropped a dime and the MBI had him in their sights, one day they caught him in the middle of shooting up a 15 y/o girl in the restroom of an Eckerts Drugstore,,,he asked the judge if he could enter program where he could help ******* see the danger of ******* (the sleaze all), the judge told him he’s helped enough and sentenced him to 15 years, possible parole in 10,,,my hub still carry’s the news release from the Sentinel Star in his wallet. His ex had a thing for Italian guys (like my hub), she told him that and he said he was Italian,,,asshole, his name was Michael Jahn,,,we all know what that is, it certainly isn’t Italian,,,wonder what “Bubba” from the cell block liked, LOL
We’re both native New Yorkers, but this happened back in the ‘80’s in Orlando,,,we used to laugh when the news would report a bust of extremely pure coke, as much as 90% pure,,,my hub used to make back road runs from Coral Gables to Orlando on his BSA chopper, with a couple of keys of 100% pure Columbian marching powder, his payment was usually an Oz for every kilo. Once I asked him why he nerves cut it, and he told me he sat in an office facing the guy who gave it to him, behind him were two non English speaking Columbians, both armed with Uzi’s and Mac 10’s,,,as much as we thought Miami Vice was a joke, the way they dealt with people who crossed them wasn’t,,,so he always handed it over untouched! Since an addictive white substance hydrochloride (the type you snort or shoot), is made with kerosene, for years,,,YEARS,,,after we quit, every time your around certain petroleum products you smell coke,,,when you injected it the first thing you noticed was you could taste it in your nasal passages,,,then it hits you. We used to do marathons of 16 hours so we’d get it out of our system and not spend the night “chasing the dragon” as he used to say!
I read this and went straight down memory lane. My parents sent me down to work at an uncle's construction company in Miami in the summer of 1980. TN was in a depression and Miami was booming, and it didn't take me long to discover where all the money originated. My uncle always said his Columbian friends were his best clients. Of course EVERYBODY was taking ******* money back then. Life was great until those pricks in DC cracked down, probably because they weren't getting a cut.
(Shell Transport and Trading (known simply as "Shell" now) got it's starting importing kerosine into British India for lighting. That is the only world historical fact I remember, and it was told to me by an Indian diplomat to the UN before a massive weekend of partying and blow.)
I read this and went straight down memory lane. My parents sent me down to work at an uncle's construction company in Miami in the summer of 1980. TN was in a depression and Miami was booming, and it didn't take me long to discover where all the money originated. My uncle always said his Columbian friends were his best clients. Of course EVERYBODY was taking ******* money back then. Life was great until those pricks in DC cracked down, probably because they weren't getting a cut.
(Shell Transport and Trading (known simply as "Shell" now) got it's starting importing kerosine into British India for lighting. That is the only world historical fact I remember, and it was told to me by an Indian diplomat to the UN before a massive weekend of partying and blow.)
You do know they soak the coca leaves in kerosene, it’s part of the process to change it from an addictive white substance, to an addictive white substance hydrochloride (the powder that goes up your nose or in your arm cause it’s water soluble, you have to cook it with baking soda to turn it back to pure coke that we use to call “base” (think Richard Pryor), then it was rock for awhile, finally settling on crack!