BBC brings gun on first date with wifey

We're from VT and NH; two of the most permissive states in the country for carry. I(John) am a member at three local ranges and shoot competively. I sometimes carry and several of my friends do.

A romantic encounter is no place for a gun. Period. Regardless of "rights" it sends an anti social, insecure message during what is supposed to be a fun, consensual encounter.

Find someone else for your wife.
The meeting happened on Ann Arbor MI and town was swamped with happy people that day due to an important football match was going on that day between a Ann Arbor University and another team.

I believe there is place for both sides to argue here but me and wife did not see it normal on a peaceful town like Ann Arbor where police presence is at its hight on a day like this.

I did not post this to talk more about the fact he brought a gun on this date than his little girl attitude which ruined my wife experience in general.
wow this is crazy. I have many friends ,family and coworkers that carry, As long as this guy was not a "thug type" I think someone over reacted IMO. Sorry to hear OP but if his reaction over this was bad then "HE" has a problem a true gentleman would understand your concern. Best of luck to getting the wife into BBC
When I was a manager at a security company, I carried a sidearm with me all the time, even on dates. It was just something I did. I didn't even think about it. Did I ever need to use it? No, thank God, though things got pretty close one time.

If the wife has a problem with guns, YOU GUYS SHOULD SAY SO RIGHT OFF THE BAT. We are not mindreaders.
What in the every living sweet fuck did we just read??? What kind of Liberal anti American jiberish is this *******? This is America ever hear of a little thing called the 2nd Amendment??? My wife nor I go anywhere without a weapon she carries her Sig with her to every meeting. She's met 7 Bulls from here and has been armed everytime. So if we are understanding this correctly because an American male was exercising his constitutional right to bear arms your wife got freaked out and this is a big deal? Further more there is actually people who see this as being a problem???
I was actually thinking the same thing you just posted ;)
I've been in FAR more outrageous situations. This wasn't even a blip on my radar.
Especially if a guy is ex military you can pretty much EXPECT weaponry.
But that's just my two cents from my experience.
Any man who sends his wife out with a stranger UNARMED is an idiot, IMO.
wow this is crazy. I have many friends ,family and coworkers that carry, As long as this guy was not a "thug type" I think someone over reacted IMO. Sorry to hear OP but if his reaction over this was bad then "HE" has a problem a true gentleman would understand your concern. Best of luck to getting the wife into BBC
First of all.... All you white people on here need to stop associating Black men with 'thugs'. That ******* pisses me off, so fuck you on that.
Second.... This is absolutely an outlier situation so nothing to read into. This isn't a Black thing or a thug/gentleman thing... The motherfucker had a sidearm and BOTH SIDES failed to communicate on that.
Carrying a sidearm, That's the most AMERICAN thing a person can do, regardless of race.
Y'all ******* me with this racial bullshit.
I carry a gun when I take the wife to meet someone new, It's a sensible precaution. I have a permit and I carry a good portion of the time. Only difference is I keep it concealed so no one knows. It does sound like he overreacted but I don't know what he was thinking.
This is interesting to me. I know that there are folks out there who carry and those who don't carry a gun. I personally don't carry a gun because I don't have a conceal I don't own a hand gun. I do own a couple of weapons and not only know how to use them but will if needed. But then I do have a military background....thing is even if I didn't have a military background I would still know how to use a firearm....especially in this day and age.

Having said that, a husband who will send his wife out on a first meeting without checking out the area and one who isn't close at hand isn't doing his job. When ever I go to meet a Black man for the first time my husband always goes with me. I insist on it. If the Black man has a problem with that then that is on him. My safety is a priority and I do all that I can to make sure that I am safe. The thing is I always communicate this with all the guys I talk to. I explain in detail that I don't meet without my husband there. Even if I know the guy but haven't talked to him about having sex, I insist on my husband being there. Why? Because I don't keep secrets from my husband and I want the Black man I intend to have a relationship know that, having hubby there reinforces that and keeps me safe.

To the OP, I suggest that you reassure your wife and let her know that there are Black men out there that are super cool and just take your time to meet them. Trust me it is well worth the effort.
I hoped this thread was going to shape into a friendly discussion. Let me repeat they agreed to meet again when departed. What ruined that possibility was his young drama acting during follow up call. She did not end up the date or the act because of his weapon. She got a bit uncomfortable and surprised but that was it after we chatted.
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I hoped this thread was going to shape into a friendly discussion. Let me repeat they agreed to meet again when departed. What ruined that possibility was his young drama acting during follow up call. She did not end up the date or the act because of his weapon. She got a bit uncomfortable and surprised but that was it after we chatted.
What was the content of their chat then?
Thing is, it takes practice to hit what you aim at with a high caliber ******* ... not like shooting a frik'n 22 rifle or shotgun. You get in a mall where lots of people are, and a half dozen or so people start shooting pistols, most the bullets are going to be missing their marks. If concealed weapon laws came with a special marksman qualifications to carry it ... just as a pilot has to record so many hours flight time a year to keep his flying license, or just like a person getting their drivers license for the first time has to prove they can operate the car, it would be a bit of a different story. But most people wouldn't take the effort to become marksmen with a *******, and lots of innocent people (children included) get hurt or killed. Maybe YOU don't care, but I do ... it could be MY FAMILY. And lastly, I don't give a flying frik if the person is the best shooter in the world, he should mention up front that he carries a gun and if the couple have issues with it, then they deal with it up front. Its called "common courtesy".
I've heard the argument plenty of times before that people will be pulling out guns, shooting willy nilly, bystanders will get hit, ect. Problem is that it's just not true. It's just an excuse to ban guns. There are millions of people that carry legally and it hasn't resulted in this made up problem anywhere. Legal carry states have much lower instances of shootings and almost all shootings are committed by criminals that carry illegally. Face it bad guys don't take the time to get a permit because they don't care what laws they break. If you want to see bullets flying go to Chicago or DC where guns are banned.