Are white girls/women meant to be Black Men's property?

When I left my husband and moved in with my black boyfriend Jamal I was totally owned in my mind. I am not sure if it would be called that but he had all the money, he made all the decisions, I didn't have a car, he supplied the house and food, he bought all my clothes and things I needed and as soon as I entered the house I had to take off all my clothes. He would sometimes let me pick out the clothes I was going to wear if we went somewhere. He told me what to do, who to fuck, made all the decisions if we were going out. And guess what I loved every minute of the 29 months I spent with him. Sure part of it was the sex as I can't remember a day that I didn't get at least 1 black cock and some days several but it was more than that. He never treated me bad, he never hit me or screamed at me, he gave me anything I asked for and lots that I didn't. He took me all over the Caribbean and to both coasts. We went to Las Vegas a couple of times. For 29 months I lived like a Queen but when I went back to my husband I was just as happy without all of the things Jamal gave me.

I would love to hear mor.
I mentioned this on another thread but this was probably a better one.
All I can say is that I am, I belonged to a bull and kind of his friend. I took care of their needs regardless what they were. I did whoever, whatever and wherever they told me. It worked for me and sadly it had to end., I've been in a real funk without a master and really miss having one. So I guess for me, I'm meant to belong to black men.
I would have to agree.