Are there any white wives who were the first to raise the topic of having a BBC?

It took me over 5 years of working and cajoling, fantasy talk, buying hot clothes and toys, taking her out to be admired, etc. for my wife to agree to have sex with another man "ONE TIME to get you off my back!" I had never had the guts to bring up BBC but she said if she were going to do my fantasy, it would be with hers--a well hung young black man! WOW. I thought I had hit the lottery! And I guess 7+ years and LOTS of young black men later, I did! I relish every encounter and so does she!
I brought it up in a way. When I was in the Navy, before I met my now white hubby, I had sex with quite a few black guys. I'd even lost my virginity to an older black guy in high school. So when we'd be in bed and having that talk about who we'd been with in the past I told him about some of them. He was fascinated and really turned on hearing about it. He'd ask me if they were hung and made me cum and I'd admit yes and yes. He then asked me if I still thought about it as he knew at the time I was working in a doctor's office with a black doctor who saw lots of black clients. I admit I did and that it was still a bit of a fantasy to fuck black cock. Luckily he didn't have a problem with it and has been my biggest fan and supporter ever since.
this is a perfect success story. Good communication and clear boundary lines.
It’s very dangerous to your relationship if you experiment with this kind of thing without first having very good communications and the clear boundary lines that you mention. After they’re done some things just can’t be undone or erased, and this is one of those things. Our advice is to look well and long before you leap.

And thank you for your kind remarks.

M & J
It’s very dangerous to your relationship if you experiment with this kind of thing without first having very good communications and the clear boundary lines that you mention. After they’re done some things just can’t be undone or erased, and this is one of those things. Our advice is to look well and long before you leap.

And thank you for your kind remarks.
M & J

You are 100% correct. Thats actually why I started to work mainly with newer and inexperienced couples because I had met some couples after their first time was almost disastrous for their relationship and it took me an extra 2 months just to repair the damage and then we could move forward. I would much rather work with a couple that is in good shape with each other, but just need some ground rules and help with limits and expressing themselves and then have some really good fun :)
I think this website makes people believe that husbands bring this up to their wives. Its been my experience that white wives find their way into this by themselves and most don't want their husbands involved. Most want to stay married but need something that the marriage is lacking. I honestly do not understand why a man would want to see his woman with another man, makes no sense to me.
everyones different what does not make sense to one person is all another person can thonk about. Dofferent strokes.....
I hear you, 10 inch. It doesn’t take long to see your take stems from someone accustomed to regular vanilla type sexual relationships, partnering, or marriage situations, and the kind of thinking that comes with that.

These hubbys and wives and bulls here are well beyond that. They have long realized the joy or hotness in this comes with abandoning those rules or mores of regular society as it pertains to their marriages and the men they invite into their wives' life.

Frankly for them, regular vanilla sex is quite run of the mill or even a bore, so yes, there are those hubbys who will allow other men sexual access to their wives and like to see what goes down.

Personally, I don’t consider these men “bitch asses” or cast any judgment about them, their morals, values or that of their wives. In fact that is a sterotype. Many of these men are not wimpy or bi or effeminate. They are for that matter often not, but they have shall we say, developed an acquired taste for the exceedingly great pleasures that comes with this particular kind of voyeurism.

Your thinking is again quite common to the average guy, who may not be into this, so he aims to “understand it.” If you are deeply ingrained in this kind of thought, as most men are, you will never get it. It is not for all guys and couples, after all.

My earlier point was why bother even try to understand anything provided you’re able to come to the understanding which is, different kinds of situations turn different people on. For many guys, they just accept this and just roll with it. Not saying you have to be one of them. Just sayin’. Personlly, if you ask me, hubbys who watch and enjoy this in addition to the participants, have developed an exquisite taste for the pleasures associated with forbidden fruits, sin and vice.
well said
Actually, I did. He came back for a short visit. ?

Porn is the way. Tell him that every week you will each alternately pick out a movie. When you pick yours, make sure it has a scene with a black guy/white girl. When you know the scene is coming, make sure his dick is exposed and play with his balls lightly. Don't stroke him so he is hard, just tease him a bit so he can hide his natural reaction. See what happens to his dick. His dick won't be able lie to you. If he likes it SLOWLY introduce movies with more scenes like you want to enjoy. Watch what he picks. If he is interested, his movie picks will begin to mirror yours. Eventually he will ask you about it. Try to make it his idea.

Just be cautious and take it slow. Decide before hand what you want and what you will do if things don't work the way you hope. He may hate it, and you will have to decide what you will do then. You have to decide just how important exploring your fantasies is to you. Are they more important than your husband? It could be, but just go into it with eyes wide open. If you decide that your fantasies are worth the cost, then just get a divorce and make a clean break. It will be better for both of you in the end. Then go on the hunt for a partner with similar kinky interests.

You are actually choosing divorce at the moment in my opinion. Cheating and going behind his back will eventually end your relationship one way or another. Eventually you will slip up, and even if he might have liked it if slowly introduced, he will most likely hate you for doing it behind his back. It will be ugly. The idea might even turn him on "later", but in the heat of hurt and mistrust, I am guessing there would be a 90% chance of divorce. Best of luck.
Porn is the way. Tell him that every week you will each alternately pick out a movie. When you pick yours, make sure it has a scene with a black guy/white girl. When you know the scene is coming, make sure his dick is exposed and play with his balls lightly. Don't stroke him so he is hard, just tease him a bit so he can hide his natural reaction. See what happens to his dick. His dick won't be able lie to you. If he likes it SLOWLY introduce movies with more scenes like you want to enjoy. Watch what he picks. If he is interested, his movie picks will begin to mirror yours. Eventually he will ask you about it. Try to make it his idea.

Just be cautious and take it slow. Decide before hand what you want and what you will do if things don't work the way you hope. He may hate it, and you will have to decide what you will do then. You have to decide just how important exploring your fantasies is to you. Are they more important than your husband? It could be, but just go into it with eyes wide open. If you decide that your fantasies are worth the cost, then just get a divorce and make a clean break. It will be better for both of you in the end. Then go on the hunt for a partner with similar kinky interests.

You are actually choosing divorce at the moment in my opinion. Cheating and going behind his back will eventually end your relationship one way or another. Eventually you will slip up, and even if he might have liked it if slowly introduced, he will most likely hate you for doing it behind his back. It will be ugly. The idea might even turn him on "later", but in the heat of hurt and mistrust, I am guessing there would be a 90% chance of divorce. Best of luck.

I think that's an excellent observation. However, I would amend it slightly.

Instead of alternating between porn movies, you may want to select some mainstream movies that show interracial sex (not relationships, SEX). This way, you could introduce it to him slowly, less obvious. You may, during these scenes, 'adjust' yourself, maybe run a hand over a breast or between your legs. Just a touch, not masturbate! Just a touch and see if he picks up on it. After two or three movies, he may pick up on the hint and you can move on up to porn.

Baby steps seem to work wonders!
I think that's an excellent observation. However, I would amend it slightly.

Instead of alternating between porn movies, you may want to select some mainstream movies that show interracial sex (not relationships, SEX). This way, you could introduce it to him slowly, less obvious. You may, during these scenes, 'adjust' yourself, maybe run a hand over a breast or between your legs. Just a touch, not masturbate! Just a touch and see if he picks up on it. After two or three movies, he may pick up on the hint and you can move on up to porn.

Baby steps seem to work wonders!

Obviously you are free to try what you like, but porn and getting to watch sex with your wife is different and very exciting/enticing. Mainstream tv is not enticing. Watching a mainstream tv show where a white girl that dates a black guy, etc., or even just has a fling, may elicit a completely different reaction to what you are looking for (or none at all). The offer to pick porn and act it out will be highly erotic for most of us men. This is why many men like to watch their wives with other men. It is live porn with their favorite star. Watching a mainstream drama or whatever would bore me to death. I am turned off already at the thought of it, lol.
Very valid points - not arguing with you at all.

But I was referring to mainstream movies, not TV. You're 100 percent right when it comes to television, too pedestrian. But there are a lot of movies out there (little help with recommendations) where the woman has an affair with a black guy. They may not be AS graphic as porn, but they do show a lot - enough to get the point across that the woman finds it erotic.

But ultimately, it's the woman who started the threads decision. She knows how her husband would react and she should take steps that would have the most impact. May that be porn (as per your suggestion), a more subtle suggestion (as per mine), or even something else entirely! The ball is in her court!

Please, keep us informed! Lots of folks are interested!

Porn is the way. Tell him that every week you will each alternately pick out a movie. When you pick yours, make sure it has a scene with a black guy/white girl. When you know the scene is coming, make sure his dick is exposed and play with his balls lightly. Don't stroke him so he is hard, just tease him a bit so he can hide his natural reaction. See what happens to his dick. His dick won't be able lie to you. If he likes it SLOWLY introduce movies with more scenes like you want to enjoy. Watch what he picks. If he is interested, his movie picks will begin to mirror yours. Eventually he will ask you about it. Try to make it his idea.

Just be cautious and take it slow. Decide before hand what you want and what you will do if things don't work the way you hope. He may hate it, and you will have to decide what you will do then. You have to decide just how important exploring your fantasies is to you. Are they more important than your husband? It could be, but just go into it with eyes wide open. If you decide that your fantasies are worth the cost, then just get a divorce and make a clean break. It will be better for both of you in the end. Then go on the hunt for a partner with similar kinky interests.

You are actually choosing divorce at the moment in my opinion. Cheating and going behind his back will eventually end your relationship one way or another. Eventually you will slip up, and even if he might have liked it if slowly introduced, he will most likely hate you for doing it behind his back. It will be ugly. The idea might even turn him on "later", but in the heat of hurt and mistrust, I am guessing there would be a 90% chance of divorce. Best of luck.
You may be right about the divorce but I hope not. ?? I try to choose my spots well.
You may be right about the divorce but I hope not. ?? I try to choose my spots well.

With regard to showing your husband TV shows:

I still say don't do it, and for exactly what is mentioned. If you show your husband an "affair", then what he is going to see is a cheating/lying woman. Maybe that is attractive for a woman, but not for most men. I would bet big cash that most men would like to watch their wife fucked if somehow none of the other considerations mattered. The reason that most wont ever let it happen is that they don't want to be lied to, cheated on, used, embarrassed, etc., etc. So I say show him hot "fucking" as in porn & completely devoid of relationship concerns. - I am talking about this entirely from the man's perspective. Viewing fucking gets our neurons firing in all the right ways. The moment our dick is hard, we stop analyzing. Get his focus on the mind-blowing orgasms and away from relationship issues. Viewing cheating, stepping out, relationships forming with lovers, etc., will likely do the opposite unless we are already onboard with the idea.

With regard to cheating and picking "good spots"

These things have a way of catching up to you in one way or another. A credit card receipt, hair on clothes, etc. If you care about the guy, either bring him along, or let him go and move on to someone else that is more compatible. It happens too often that when we are tired of our current relationship, we break it off by finding something/someone new. It is a terrible way to end what was once good. I think the world would be a better place if we could all just be honest and part ways when we know things are working. Anyway, best of luck to you all.