Any wealthy people on here?

Most of the political forums HERE were closed by Administrators for the arguing & name calling.
There's still one thread open but most of the so-called millionaire right-wing have quit posting since the orange man began to fade away.
You've been here since 2018 ... at the height of the political forums ... where were YOU?

You're one of the worst offenders on here when it comes to political trolling. I even think you have some sort of mental illness about it.

This is a sexual fantasy forum, yet you vehemently lie in wait for any comment even remotely pro-Trump or conservative. That's no way to live a life.

Try your best to avoid such things. It's not good for you.
You're one of the worst offenders on here when it comes to political trolling. I even think you have some sort of mental illness about it.

This is a sexual fantasy forum, yet you vehemently lie in wait for any comment even remotely pro-Trump or conservative.
Obviously you haven't been following my postings the past 6-8 months. Ever since the political forums got shut down I've had very little if any arguments with political posters. You can easily review my "reaction scores" to confirm just that. Observe just how much (little) I am contributing to the political forums .... very, very little as my time has become way too valuable to waste on any particular website.
When you reach my age age wealth is good health. We aren’t wealthy but we know how to spend and save our money. What little we have these days……
We're in the top 1% households in the US for wealth/assets. Hubby got into tech leadership before it was cool.

Everyone in tech is wealthy by most peoples' definition though.
Everyone in tech is wealthy? Not even close. You might want to restructure that sentence.
There is wealth among the community. Lifestyle Lounge was much more middle and upper class when it came to swinging sites and people were meeting much more than here.
Wealth is a term on perspective. If you mean money and assets in United States, give us a number. $1 million is absolutely not wealthy here. You're still probably working your ass off, trust me.
A financial worth of $5 million is probably more like it. That's enough for you to enjoy yourself and pass on enough for the ki/ds to create their own avenues of wealth.
Obviously you haven't been following my postings the past 6-8 months. Ever since the political forums got shut down I've had very little if any arguments with political posters. You can easily review my "reaction scores" to confirm just that. Observe just how much (little) I am contributing to the political forums .... very, very little as my time has become way too valuable to waste on any particular website.
Smashing trump supporters should be an Olympic sport.
You all now realised too late what a loser he is . But to answer the threads question- yes
But I pay my employees very very well because I didn’t get to where I am on my own
Smashing trump supporters should be an Olympic sport.
You all now realised too late what a loser he is . But to answer the threads question- yes
But I pay my employees very very well because I didn’t get to where I am on my own
Cudos! Getting wealthy by cheating others of their wages is not great. Getting wealthy while making others better off has its own sweet rewards.