Accidently pregnant

In the end, she is glad that it brought their lifestyle into the open where she does not need to hide it.
That is so significant. Although having a black bull is a strong positive element for a white couple, those who hide the lifestyle (and many do) feel the weight of that concealment. When a black baby brings things into the open, the weight of secrecy is removed.
Been recently talking with a wife here who was suprised at birth that it was her black bull's. In the end, she is glad that it brought their lifestyle into the open where she does not need to hide it. To say anything more would belong to her.
I'm a little confused as to why they were so surprised the baby was mixed. If I ended up pregnant and I was having sex with both my husband and my lover it would be a no brainer to expect the baby could be by either. Even though I am on the pill I was about a week late a while back and my first thought was who's is it? Fortunately I wasn't pregnant but the thought was there at the time. Am I the only woman here who found that post to be a little off???
I'm a little confused as to why they were so surprised the baby was mixed. If I ended up pregnant and I was having sex with both my husband and my lover it would be a no brainer to expect the baby could be by either. Even though I am on the pill I was about a week late a while back and my first thought was who's is it? Fortunately I wasn't pregnant but the thought was there at the time. Am I the only woman here who found that post to be a little off???
My wife got pregnant, and wasn't sure if it was mine or her lovers baby. We were stressed, but decided to go through with the pregnancy. Her baby is mixed.
@austerlitz1524 how old is your baby? What was the impact with friends and family? How are yiu feeling about it. Hope yiu are overcoming any issues.
he's 20 most old now. Our respective families were shocked. We didn't know for sure whose baby it was. we talked about an abortion, but in the end felt that wasn't right and decided to have it. when the baby was born, and was obviously not mine, we told our families that she'd had an affair one night, and I forgave her. We've lose some friends over it, too.