A Woman of Faith

I've fused my faith and spirituality with my sexuality and I feel just fine at Sunday service at my community church praising God and enjoying myself after. I have never -even as a strict Jehovah's Witness- thought of it as a sin lol
I'm no religious expert, but I always thought JWs worship on Saturdays.
As a Christian wife, I do like sex. To some of you reading this, such a proclamation makes me either an annoying freak or a bewildering mystery.
Can you hear the theologians murmuring… “Hmmm… We were busy studying discipleship when we stumbled across something that rarely is found in its natural habitat. A Christian wife. Who likes fucking black men in front of her husband. Fascinating.”
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I firmly believe that God created us and he created sex to be joyful and fun. No way would our God make sex sinful.
re: A Woman of Faith

You so-called Christian folks are so funny trying to convince everyone, but particularly yourselves, that fornication is ok in your Christian beliefs. You know damn well it isn't; if you know ANYTHING about the bible, you know both the old & new testiments speak very clearly in several books about "fornication" ... sex outside of marriage.
  • The seventh of the Ten Commandments
  • Hebrews 13:4
  • 1st Corinthians 6:18
  • 1st Thessalonians 4:3; actually this book mentions fornication in several sections
  • John 14:15 which clearly states that if you love god, you will obey his commandment (speaking of fornication)
So, do what you wish, but if you're trying to convince non-believers or other believers that fornication is ok with God, you're full of BS and a hypocrite ... that is if you are true believers in the Christian faith.

ps ... don't worry about fornication being a sin, 'cause come judgement day there will be so many sinners being judged, St Peter is very likely to toss out "fucking" altogether. At least that's MY HOPES!
Actually, the modern protestant usage of the word "fornication" has completely distorted the meaning of the Greek word used in the Bible. "Fornication" or "fornicator" in every single verse referenced above, is derived from the Greek word "pornos" which means "to sell." So what the Bible was really advocating against was people selling sex for money, i.e. "*******." Furthermore, it seems to point specifically to a male ******* which implicates homosexuality, as well. But it is pretty clear that "sex outside of marriage" is not what is being prohibited.

If sex outside of marriage (consensual by the spouses) was against the 7th commandment, why didn't God EVER rebuke Abraham or Jacob or David or Solomon (and the myriad other kings of Israel) for having multiple sex partners besides their wife/wives? Regarding Bathsheba, David was rebuked for breaking the 6th commandment and killing Uriah, and for coveting his wife. And even if you believe that God also punished him for having sex with Bathsheba, remember that the sex was not consented to by Uriah. By contrast, David had dozens of concubines and God never spoke up about that. Similarly, Solomon was rebuked for taking foreign wives, which was a commandment of God (but not one of the Ten), but God never rebuked him for his hundreds of concubines. And as I've posted before, God never rebuked Abraham for giving his wife Sarah away for sex as his custom whenever they came to a new city.
You're welcome to interpret the Bible as it fits your convenience. Trying to explain to me, or to God later that you "misunderstood" won't keep you out of HELL, however. Most people who have something to hide or feel concerned/guilty of something do just that. How many people in prisons today will swear to you they aren't guilty of their crimes ... 90-95% maybe? Your consciousness will speak much louder and betray your declaration of innocence and God will see through all that. So, go ahead, try to make the OP, as well as yourself, feel better.

Exodus 20:14 states the 7th commandment - "thou shalt not commit adultery". The meaning of this law addresses relationships, sexuality, and encompasses both the physical and the emotional sin. Adultery encompasses the many sins of the flesh, driven by uncontrolled passions and lusts. See more <~ Read More

What Does "Commit Adultery" Really Mean?
The verse is straight-forward. It explicitly forbids the sin of having sexual intercourse, wanting to have intercourse, or imagining the act of sex with someone that is not your spouse. Marriage is a sacred ordinance.

This commandment was so significant in God’s sight that to violate it constituted one of the ten great sins. His law addresses relationships, sexuality, and encompasses both physical and emotional sins. Adultery encompasses the many sins of the flesh, driven by uncontrolled passions and lusts. It often stems from other sins including covetousness and a violation of the body, which is God’s temple. When God commanded people not to commit adultery, He was trying to protect their bodies, hearts, and souls. Of course if you don't truly believe in God or his words then you should have no concerns anyway, right? Religion, is primarily based on "belief" ... if you don't believe then "no sweat", right?

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Don't think you are an annoying freak or a bewildered mystery if you are a Christian you know God created us and sex is for pleasure and procreation, if that picture is you and a lover it looks like sweet embrace and lovely lust, you liking to fuck back men in front of your hubby, so with his consent is fascinating to many people indeed Christians and non Chrstians alike, but as a Christian wife loving her husband and having sex with black men with his knowledge , encouragement and in his presence is not wrong it is a pleasure for you your hubby and the lover that has the pleasure of filling your womb with his seed and if a baby is conceived it is a Love baby, my humble opinion
So warmly stated and so true. I’m a Christian and did struggle to reconcile this when my gorgeous g/f, then Fiancé and thereafter wife told me she needed to date others and my cock answered for me. From that very first time watching her with that lover and seeing her glow red, breath raggedly, thrash uncontrollably and scream in joyous orgiastic pleasures I knew God created sex to be enjoyed and we’ve never looked back. From gifting me her virginity aged 16 she’s gone on to enjoy so many wonderful lovers (100+) and it’s God I thank Daily.
You're welcome to interpret the Bible as it fits your convenience. Trying to explain to me, or to God later that you "misunderstood" won't keep you out of HELL, however. Most people who have something to hide or feel concerned/guilty of something do just that. How many people in prisons today will swear to you they aren't guilty of their crimes ... 90-95% maybe? Your consciousness will speak much louder and betray your declaration of innocence and God will see through all that. So, go ahead, try to make the OP, as well as yourself, feel better.

Exodus 20:14 states the 7th commandment - "thou shalt not commit adultery". The meaning of this law addresses relationships, sexuality, and encompasses both the physical and the emotional sin. Adultery encompasses the many sins of the flesh, driven by uncontrolled passions and lusts. See more <~ Read More

What Does "Commit Adultery" Really Mean?
The verse is straight-forward. It explicitly forbids the sin of having sexual intercourse, wanting to have intercourse, or imagining the act of sex with someone that is not your spouse. Marriage is a sacred ordinance.

This commandment was so significant in God’s sight that to violate it constituted one of the ten great sins. His law addresses relationships, sexuality, and encompasses both physical and emotional sins. Adultery encompasses the many sins of the flesh, driven by uncontrolled passions and lusts. It often stems from other sins including covetousness and a violation of the body, which is God’s temple. When God commanded people not to commit adultery, He was trying to protect their bodies, hearts, and souls. Of course if you don't truly believe in God or his words then you should have no concerns anyway, right? Religion, is primarily based on "belief" ... if you don't believe then "no sweat", right?

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It is clear to me that you do not actually study your Bible. Rather, you only repeat what you *think* the Bible says because that is what has been told to you. I would advise you to actually read the Bible and think for yourself. Look up the actual meaning of the words, since they were translated from Hebrew and Greek, and translators often insert their own biases. Ask yourself thoughtful questions like "why did God judge Cain for murdering Abel (upholds 6th commandment) but NEVER judged Abraham, Jacob, David, Solomon, etc. for having sex with multiple women (SEEMS to violate 7th commandment according to some people's concepts)? Why didn't God judge Abraham for giving his wife away whenever he came to a new city? Why didn't God judge or rebuke Lot for offering his daughters for the men at his door in Sodom to have sex with instead of the "visitors" whom he had inside? You don't ask these questions and therefore, you remain ignorant. Furthermore, you are still living under Old Testament law. The 10 commandments are great; they are a picture of who God is, because they are called the Law of the Testimony. They are His testimony. But you are absolutely deceiving yourself if you think you are keeping them. If you say you have no sin, you are a liar. Period. 1 John 1:8. Read Galatians 3:10. All who rely on works of the law are under a curse because "cursed is everyone who does not continue to do EVERYTHING written in the book of the Law." You are leading people into a curse by telling them to keep the law. Rather, the gospel is this: Jesus Christ has fulfilled the law on our behalf and removed the curse of the law from us. Now, as the apostle Paul says in 1 Corinthians "all things are lawful." He goes on to say that not all things are profitable, but that would include all vain things, not just sex. Watching TV. Baseball. Board games. Reading novels. Classical music. All of that stuff is "not profitable." Loving Jesus is profitable. Prayer is profitable. Reading the Bible is profitable. Men with superior cocks fucking married women who have an insatiable desire to be split open by such cocks with their adoring husband's permission is now made "lawful" because of Jesus' sacrifice. Jesus already paid for it if it is wrong. There is no double jeopardy, so since it is pre-paid, it is lawful to do it. So I encourage everyone on here to keep fucking and cucking, and also to love Jesus Christ.
It is clear to me that you do not actually study your Bible. Rather, you only repeat what you *think* the Bible says because that is what has been told to you. I would advise you to actually read the Bible and think for yourself. Look up the actual meaning of the words, since they were translated from Hebrew and Greek, and translators often insert their own biases. Ask yourself thoughtful questions like "why did God judge Cain for murdering Abel (upholds 6th commandment) but NEVER judged Abraham, Jacob, David, Solomon, etc. for having sex with multiple women (SEEMS to violate 7th commandment according to some people's concepts)? Why didn't God judge Abraham for giving his wife away whenever he came to a new city? Why didn't God judge or rebuke Lot for offering his daughters for the men at his door in Sodom to have sex with instead of the "visitors" whom he had inside? You don't ask these questions and therefore, you remain ignorant. Furthermore, you are still living under Old Testament law. The 10 commandments are great; they are a picture of who God is, because they are called the Law of the Testimony. They are His testimony. But you are absolutely deceiving yourself if you think you are keeping them. If you say you have no sin, you are a liar. Period. 1 John 1:8. Read Galatians 3:10. All who rely on works of the law are under a curse because "cursed is everyone who does not continue to do EVERYTHING written in the book of the Law." You are leading people into a curse by telling them to keep the law. Rather, the gospel is this: Jesus Christ has fulfilled the law on our behalf and removed the curse of the law from us. Now, as the apostle Paul says in 1 Corinthians "all things are lawful." He goes on to say that not all things are profitable, but that would include all vain things, not just sex. Watching TV. Baseball. Board games. Reading novels. Classical music. All of that stuff is "not profitable." Loving Jesus is profitable. Prayer is profitable. Reading the Bible is profitable. Men with superior cocks fucking married women who have an insatiable desire to be split open by such cocks with their adoring husband's permission is now made "lawful" because of Jesus' sacrifice. Jesus already paid for it if it is wrong. There is no double jeopardy, so since it is pre-paid, it is lawful to do it. So I encourage everyone on here to keep fucking and cucking, and also to love Jesus Christ.
very well said, thank you...


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