A curious guy looking for... answers, I guess ?

Good afternoon anyone ! (Or morning or evening, depending on where you are over the globe...)

I’ve been lurking here for quite a while now, not knowing what I am really looking for, and I just realized that I did not introduced myself... how rude !
So I’m righting my wrong now, so... hi !

Im a white guy, curious, interested in the IR movement for quite some times now but not living it in any way. In a relationship with a gorgeous woman of 26 who’s not interested in cheating or cuckolding, so I guess it’s not for me, not anytime soon anyway!

However I’m really curious so I guess I’ll just wander around, trying to get information on everything, knowing how all this work and all and trying to have some fun doing it.

Im shy, I won’t talk much but I’ll try to be as much ‘useful’ as I can around here. Anyway, don’t hesitate to talk to me !

See you around
Welcome to the board. You'll find there are plenty of ways to indulge in this fetish. You mention your GF is not interested in cheating or cuckolding. Totally her call. Have you approached the idea of dirty talk, maybe a black dildo, and IR porn vids? Would that be of any interest to her? Contrary to the statements of some obsessed cucks here, not every white woman is obsessed with black cock. It is a minority, that is for sure. Some simply aren't interested. I have a good female friend, she had sex with a black man (or two, not sure), and she didn't particularly care for it....she married a white guy, divorced him, and now is in an extended relationship with a guy from eastern Europe. It's not for everybody.