4 Black Male Archetypes. What are your thoughts on this?

I sped read through it just now. but I've seen papers like this before. I have two concerns about it.
1... I don't discuss black matters in white spaces such as this. 'nuff said.

2... papers like these face the danger of boxing in the black male who's already being categorized enough in this Society.

The same could be said for black women.

I also thought the four characteristics don’t seem to different from other dichotomies. They seem universal in different cultures. I’m not saying it’s justifiable or not. It’s just factual to me like the D&D alignment system or any other general label people have with repetitive behaviors.
If you go around living in a world where you think women have you boxed into certain archetypes then that gonna be your situation. I’m a grown ass man, I’ll watch anime, go play so

I was thinking this isn’t something to be discussed on this site.

Black men get too many stereotypes to be doubling down on them. Be yourself and don’t worry about what someone you’re not dealing with has drawn in their head

In all fairness every human has a method to measure people. It’s just easier to understand others when you compartmentalize complex categories into labels. It helps with communication when they become relevant. However people act very polarized about it. They either emphasize the importance of labels in a pedantic way. Additionally we have this issue of separating ethnic essentialism with racial stereotypes. And then you have the opposite school of that which is humans are blank slates.

I believe as long as you study about your own human nature other propositions will not be life changing other than how we describe each other
If u run a 4.4 40, watch anime all day, got 400 tattoos and go to a corporate job M-F more power to ya.

I believe labels become less important or non-existent with close friends or family 7/10. But seem more relevant with strangers or acquaintances.
I was thinking of verifying once I have more time to start a blog I wanted to share. I have been somewhat busy with work and personal stuff so I never saw the point of doing yet but am not opposed to it if i’m asked.
you been typing the past 2 hours you could have verified by now🙄 takes 5min
Refer to my #1 point.