4 Black Male Archetypes. What are your thoughts on this?

I understand that but I don’t fully understand how the photo is indicated of manipulation in the test results and participants involved.
upbringing watch ATL and focus on New New nad her *******........your profile says your mixed. Mixed with what? Where you located?
take this article and apply it yourself. That is the only youll get an answer

May Gemini playa 😉

Verified on here youll have a better time on the site

I was thinking of verifying once I have more time to start a blog I wanted to share. I have been somewhat busy with work and personal stuff so I never saw the point of doing yet but am not opposed to it if i’m asked.
I was thinking of verifying once I have more time to start a blog I wanted to share. I have been somewhat busy with work and personal stuff so I never saw the point of doing yet but am not opposed to it if i’m asked.
verifying will help you more on this site and blog.........Giving you a heads up
I only read they title but I’m pretty sure this is a skewered report put together to push someone’s one sided perspective and agenda.

How so? I’m not necessarily arguing in favor or against the article. But what makes your presumption most probable evidence or inference?
Well I wasn’t expecting a lot of responses. I was aiming for quality over quantity. People care less about the topics and more about porn and stuff.

This paper explores how physical, behavioral, and sexual constructions of black masculinity may affect heterosexual black women's intraracial partner preferences. A qualitative analysis of data retrieved from thirty black college women at a large research university suggests that attraction and partner selection for these women are likely impacted by idealized images or prototypes of black masculinity. Specifically, respondents identified four categories of black men (the "thug," the "nice guy," the "player," and the "endangered black man" or EBM) that seemed to inform their future partner choices. Moreover, these data suggest that reliance on these stereotypical ideals may result in an ongoing process of bodily negotiation that subsequently hinders more genuine modes of interaction between black men and women.
I sped read through it just now. but I've seen papers like this before. I have two concerns about it.
1... I don't discuss black matters in white spaces such as this. 'nuff said.

2... papers like these face the danger of boxing in the black male who's already being categorized enough in this Society.

The same could be said for black women.
If you go around living in a world where you think women have you boxed into certain archetypes then that gonna be your situation. I’m a grown ass man, I’ll watch anime, go play so
I sped read through it just now. but I've seen papers like this before. I have two concerns about it.
1... I don't discuss black matters in white spaces such as this. 'nuff said.

2... papers like these face the danger of boxing in the black male who's already being categorized enough in this Society.

The same could be said for black women.

I was thinking this isn’t something to be discussed on this site.

Black men get too many stereotypes to be doubling down on them. Be yourself and don’t worry about what someone you’re not dealing with has drawn in their head
I sped read through it just now. but I've seen papers like this before. I have two concerns about it.
1... I don't discuss black matters in white spaces such as this. 'nuff said.

2... papers like these face the danger of boxing in the black male who's already being categorized enough in this Society.

The same could be said for black women.
google the author and youll laugh even more 🤣🤣🤣
I sped read through it just now. but I've seen papers like this before. I have two concerns about it.
1... I don't discuss black matters in white spaces such as this. 'nuff said.

2... papers like these face the danger of boxing in the black male who's already being categorized enough in this Society.

The same could be said for black women.

1. Yeah you really can’t talk about race in general be it online or irl. Everything is too politicalized and it’s hard to compare empathetic experiences. But I was curious to see what responses I would get if constructive ones appeared.

2. I believe any system can be dangerous if the reader is incompetent in understanding human nature or believes this one perspective is infallible. Most people I talk to find psychology as superfluous. Race aside people argue if people develop innate characteristics or if it’s nurtured. I believe it’s both but people develop very polarizing views points for various reasons.

However you can argue that the site itself or rap culture can box black men in because of the archetypes and trends in the community. Out of consensus the site extrapolates the forbidden fruit of interracial sex. Also I believe this is why you get that division of blacks that hate the use of black man and blacks that casually use it.

I believe as long as you know your individual identity and question everything with healthy skepticism you will be put on the right direction.