38(m) and 35(f) couple in Minneapolis intro

We are a white couple from Minneapolis, together for 12 years married for 10 and have 3 children at home. I have talked to her about this fantasy for a few years now and have not had much success in engaging her in a conversation about it or getting any sense of whether she would be open to the idea or not.

This morning she was feeling sad about getting older and I told her you are still absolutely stunning and other guys think so too. She shrugged it off and just said “no they don’t”. I suggested we go to a bar some night and have her do her hair makeup and wear a really cute outfit and then I sit across the bar and watch guys hit on her. She said “if they do” and I said “trust me I guarantee you will get hit on if we do this and I think it would be a nice confidence boost for you realize how desired you are” she actually agreed to do it at some point soonish which previously would have never ever happened.

Should I be excited? How should I proceed? I want to encourage her without overwhelming her with my excitement about all of this. She agreed to buy a new dress, shoes and panties for the night and I told her I would send her to get her hair and makeup done if she would like as well. The plan would be to have an overnight sitter and just stay at a hotel downtown so we can play the night be ear as far as how long she wants to stay at the bar.

I’m under no illusion that she is suddenly going to jump into bed with one of the guys on the first night we ever go do this and realize fully that she may not ever do that but I’m feeling extremely excited by this development and her willingness to have a night like this of getting hit on and flirting etc. I never in a million years thought she would have agreed to even do this. The fact that she has agreed to it makes me think there is some glimmer of hope in all of this. Would love any feedback and or advice on how to proceed carefully. Thanks and excited to finally be on this page posting not just fantasizing!
Thanks! I’m going to very carefully and very slowly keep working at it. I know pics are going to be out of the question for awhile here at least but will update if anything changes.
This will definitely boost her confidence and may ignite her passion and self awareness if you go ahead with. Make sure she does this on her own term, give her space and let her slowly venture out. The pub idea is great idea, it almost always works from experience. Even better if there are nice clubs with good music and dance floors.

Take it easy and enjoy it!
This will definitely boost her confidence and may ignite her passion and self awareness if you go ahead with. Make sure she does this on her own term, give her space and let her slowly venture out. The pub idea is great idea, it almost always works from experience. Even better if there are nice clubs with good music and dance floors.

Take it easy and enjoy
This will definitely boost her confidence and may ignite her passion and self awareness if you go ahead with. Make sure she does this on her own term, give her space and let her slowly venture out. The pub idea is great idea, it almost always works from experience. Even better if there are nice clubs with good music and dance floors.

Take it easy and enjoy it!
Thank you this is almost exactly what I was looking for. May start with bar then try to find dance place. But thank you for reiterating that it’s slow and let her feel like she is the one leading I’m trying really hard to not get ahead of myself and just let it unfold naturally.
For context she is absolutely gorgeous, objectively. I’m only about 4.5 inches and have ED so I never get fully hard so even though she doesn’t admit it I know she has been frustrated by our sex life a bit. I’m the only guy she has been with for the past 12 years. So hoping that frustration maybe helps unlock this door for us as well.
In addition to the above development she has also agreed to and started ordering some more sexy workout clothes for the gym and some dresses for when we go out. This is “unrelated” in her mind but I have to think her starting to take more of an interest in dressing up more outside the house again is maybe subconsciously linked to this whole discussion.
This is very exciting and I am in a similar boat. One thing you may want to consider is that what is your ultimate goal? I assume you want someone to have sex with your wife but you want this to be a one off thing (fuck and forget type) or you want a more steady relationship? One thing I would be worried about is that she may meet jerks in the bar who may spoil the evening. Have you ever considered working out with someone you already know like your friend, ex colleague, her ex colleague, etc., someone you can trust?
Yeah I’m basically going to pre vet a guy or two to be there and know that the evening very likely will only include talking/flirting with her and that we should consider it a win if they are able to get her number. Build slowly so we can all ease into it but especially her.
Yeah that is what I am aiming for. Was hoping to meet a bbc on here that could become my friend and hang around us in a non sexual way for awhile knowing that he can eventually start hitting on her etc as time goes on and she would just think he was a friend of mine. But haven’t had any luck with that.
Another update. I saw on her phone history she had searched for and explored a site this morning about selling used panties/pictures and stuff. We had been talking about her potentially getting a job and bringing in some money. I have to think if she is thinking about doing that to make a little extra money it is also maybe a good sign about her opening up a little more? Any thoughts?
We are a white couple from Minneapolis, together for 12 years married for 10 and have 3 children at home. I have talked to her about this fantasy for a few years now and have not had much success in engaging her in a conversation about it or getting any sense of whether she would be open to the idea or not.

This morning she was feeling sad about getting older and I told her you are still absolutely stunning and other guys think so too. She shrugged it off and just said “no they don’t”. I suggested we go to a bar some night and have her do her hair makeup and wear a really cute outfit and then I sit across the bar and watch guys hit on her. She said “if they do” and I said “trust me I guarantee you will get hit on if we do this and I think it would be a nice confidence boost for you realize how desired you are” she actually agreed to do it at some point soonish which previously would have never ever happened.

Should I be excited? How should I proceed? I want to encourage her without overwhelming her with my excitement about all of this. She agreed to buy a new dress, shoes and panties for the night and I told her I would send her to get her hair and makeup done if she would like as well. The plan would be to have an overnight sitter and just stay at a hotel downtown so we can play the night be ear as far as how long she wants to stay at the bar.

I’m under no illusion that she is suddenly going to jump into bed with one of the guys on the first night we ever go do this and realize fully that she may not ever do that but I’m feeling extremely excited by this development and her willingness to have a night like this of getting hit on and flirting etc. I never in a million years thought she would have agreed to even do this. The fact that she has agreed to it makes me think there is some glimmer of hope in all of this. Would love any feedback and or advice on how to proceed carefully. Thanks and excited to finally be on this page posting not just fantasizing!
OMG FINALLY - PPL that lives in MN like me :) I am so glad im not the only one here in MN... me near STP area though