15th ave adult book store Chicago.


Real Person
Gold Member
Went there for the 1st time. And told my sub to meet me there since we were about about 45 away. 1st impressions were, lots of strange men walking around. We rented one of the rooms and during sex some weirdo tried to open the door good thing I locked it. I would def go back and check out again. But I would def go on a night there’s a party.
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Went there for the 1st time. And told my sun to meet me there since we were about about 45 away. 1st impressions were, lots of strange men walking around. We rented one of the rooms and during sex some weirdo tried to open the door good thing I locked it. I would def go back and check out again. But I would def go on a night there’s a party.
Thanks for intel
On this been wanting to go