Your favourite interracial photos

Totally agree. When we first got married, Mrs J used a IUD (coil) for contraception. My cock is 7" long and every time I started to deep thrust, I would get a stabbing pain in the end of my cock. She then went on the pill, and after our k1ds were born, I had the snip.
I had C cups when I was 15 (probably why I wound up losing my virginity at that age), after I had my ******* and left the maternity ward, I felt like I was forgetting something, several month later at home when I looked in the mirror and saw what had to be a pair of floppy B cups, I realized I was one of the unlucky ones whose chlLd decided to take my tits. When I was ready to go back to doing what I do I went on the pill,,,boy was my hub happy, suddenly my boobs were back and I couldn’t go anywhere with men twisting their necks. Alas the pills didn’t agree with me and I had to get off them, two months later and my tits were flapping again. I wasn’t about to stop fuck’n so I tried Semi-CID, a suppository that apparently tasted bad and nobody wanted to eat me, then I tried foam, and that worked pretty much like you’d expect, like fuck’n a bowl of soggy mashed potatoes,,,since I’d rather not fuck at all if a condom was in the same room, it became evident I’d just have to roll the dice,,, for 23 years!!! Never got pregnant, never got an STD,,,managed to keep my marriage together for going on 39 years,,,I’m beginning to think I got high one night and signed away my soul or something,,,I keep waiting for the other shoe to drop, nobody’s this lucky without having to pay the price somewhere, right? LOL
I had C cups when I was 15 (probably why I wound up losing my virginity at that age), after I had my ******* and left the maternity ward, I felt like I was forgetting something, several month later at home when I looked in the mirror and saw what had to be a pair of floppy B cups, I realized I was one of the unlucky ones whose chlLd decided to take my tits. When I was ready to go back to doing what I do I went on the pill,,,boy was my hub happy, suddenly my boobs were back and I couldn’t go anywhere with men twisting their necks. Alas the pills didn’t agree with me and I had to get off them, two months later and my tits were flapping again. I wasn’t about to stop fuck’n so I tried Semi-CID, a suppository that apparently tasted bad and nobody wanted to eat me, then I tried foam, and that worked pretty much like you’d expect, like fuck’n a bowl of soggy mashed potatoes,,,since I’d rather not fuck at all if a condom was in the same room, it became evident I’d just have to roll the dice,,, for 23 years!!! Never got pregnant, never got an STD,,,managed to keep my marriage together for going on 39 years,,,I’m beginning to think I got high one night and signed away my soul or something,,,I keep waiting for the other shoe to drop, nobody’s this lucky without having to pay the price somewhere, right? LOL
If anyone deserves to be lucky it’s you!